Friday, September 19, 2014

Greenwich Warrior This is the Greenwich warrior I wrote about in my love for god and country blog. He came out of the Teams with a General Discharge instead of an Honorable one initially just because he is a real leader that spoke the truth. He tracked down the terrorists that were responsible for the bw ambush that General Mattis wanted executed long before and maybe they threw a few punches on these real bad guys and he almost got court martial ed and thrown in the brig for this? What makes this even worse is that this is what some of the head sheds were pushing for as well. Bad things are definitely happening inside the Teams. They have been infiltrated from way up above. When Navy Seals have to act politically correct and they are told to take off the Gadsden Flag this is definitely not a good situation. He is being conservative with the 90% figure, it is much higher then that. Spec Ops are fighting an impossible war with ISIS. The US military could wipe out most of ISIS in less then a month but the head sheds would never sign off of that because that would end their Frankenstein monster they created that is used to scare us all to hell and to rob us all blind. ISIS are the official destabilize-rs that were set up pre 9-11 to attempt the NWO Globalist war plan of a new 100 plus year "Roman Empire" and world wide NATO hegemony operation. Our military has been hijacked by off shore criminal banking cartels. The plan is and was to destabilize Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria and last but not least Iran. They took out Qaddafi and turned that country into a living hell. This man was never a saint however he was absolutely no threat to the United States. In fact he was making improvements to his country and was blindsided and betrayed by our leaders. This is when Hillary came in and stated-we came we saw and we killed or something to that effect. Now Syria where ISIS is being funded by our SSG (secret shadow government) is next on the list.The Globalist plan makes zero sense except guaranteed conflict and chaos. They want to take out Assad with NATOs  ISIS rebels as well as take out the so called bad guy ISIS faction however they are one in the same (95 percent)- this was already confirmed by many high level sources. They will  completely turn that country upside down as well. Hegelian Dialectic-Problem Reaction Solution-Our troops were forced to stand down in Beghazi where MANPADs and much more could be funneled through, there is also a stand down at our border. Today I saw a terror warning on establishment tv that stated (we should watch out for jets being shot down in the sky.) It doesn't take rocket science to figure out the rest. James Woosley the former cia director who is in bed w/Booze Allen stated that our Commander in Chief is a constitutional scholar fighting thugs from ISIS, need I say more? Woosley is the same guy that called for Snowdens execution just because he was a hero and told the world that NSA is illegally spying on everybody. Greenwald will soon come out with alot more solid intel as well.William Binny already stated that NSA is 1984 on steroids does anybody really want a future like this? Woosley and all of his establishment based mouthpiece presstitutes are accomplices and they are the last people on earth I would trust my life with. A government and media who do not have "We The people" best interest at heart and who may be agents of a foreign based entity ie- (NATO) These individuals will be highly suspect of subversive and treasonous acts that also fall under the sedition category. A government that finances ISIS and signs off on DHS Fema Capstone drills that go live making it appear that real children were slaughtered and that real bodies were buried is what is known as a "Trojan Horse"- Perimeter defense does not matter when the enemy lies within the gate. I am not stating incontrovertibly that real children weren't killed at Sandy Hook however the one thing I can say with certainty is that the official story is a fairy tail with a plethora of cover ups and what is known as "consciousness of guilt" type behavior across the board. Until Wolfgang gets answers for 16 simple questions I am left with no other conclusion and I will take my chances. Officials from within the Obama administration told Paul Preston that Sandy Hook was a drill and that no children died as well.  

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