Sunday, September 7, 2014

9-11 Anniversary

On the upcoming anniversary of 9-11 I need to revise my theory to thermobaric mini nukes instead of sulfur and thermite incendiary devises. I am going with Veterans Today all the way because they have the best intel I have ever seen. Dr Fetzer exposed JFK and he did a great job outing the Sandy Hook Vampires so why wouldn't he be spot on about 9-11? The Samson option seems to be backed up by Seymor Hersh as well. One thing is certain and that is false flags are cowardly and diabolical whether or not people die or not is completely irrelevant. The entire DHS Markus Wolf Stassi operation is definitely not a good situation for anybody. Another thing that I feel completely betrayed about is this failure of intel communication pre 9-11 and this being used as the reason to need  all of these spook houses in order to prevent a terrorist event of that magnitude from ever happening again. I was all for it and even read Kesslers book that went into great detail about this as well as the book Top Secret America, I also watched the Frontline version. Both of these exposed the trillions of dollars spent post 9-11 for all of these classified spook houses, many seem to be private operations. My next question is since the phony hoax war on terror has been proven to be an egregious fraud of epic proportions what do these spook houses really do? The FBI JTTF was and is a con game that set up pathetic patsies and stings made to look like  huge terrorist events were prevented and lets not forget the underwear clown that was whisked through the gates to set up his phony underwear bombs and multi million dollar TSA DHS equipment that was put in place shortly thereafter. Unfortunately the end game is to store and steal our meta data illegally in Parallel Construction type operations like William Binny filled us in on. Basically the spying on all of us  is used to completely game the system and build case files for all Americans and these case files can and will be used against you in the future. In other words if the DHS Stassi operatives and Vipr Mossad squads start trying to round people up they can try to blackmail just about anybody that they want so now we know why these spook houses were built. I also feel very betrayed with the entire UBL scam because I know many great guys died looking for that bogeyman myth specifically on the mountains of the Hindu Kush. Dont lie to a warrior that is a cardinal sin this is the worst thing to possibly do because warriors are pure noble and very real. They have the warrior code which means plenty of empathy. Perfect example the Devil Dogs- There is no better friend and no worse enemy then a United States Marine so nobody should piss those guys off. There are also about 170 million pissed off gun owners as well so it would be best to try to work out all of our future issues in a quiet and peaceful manner. Please no more abuse from big brother goons tyrants and Totalitarian thugs. 

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