Saturday, September 13, 2014

False Flag Stand Down Dr James Preston and Dr Fetzer are expert researchers. This is a great article because it explains phy ops 101 and Abraham Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs. There is a primal need inside all of us to possibly exchange our liberty for security. What better way to do this then to raise our hands in defeat to the very same demons that planned the entire operation? (One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder- Albert Speer) These are known as US False Flag Stand Down Inside Job Deep Black Covert Operations. They cant be that deep dark and covert because even the most dumbed down individuals know that something wasn't right about Sandy Hook. If they were that good they wouldn't have been so blatantly obvious or left so many clues, they were completely unprofessional. It is definitely not a good situation when the entire Ct State Police dept was given a direct order by the higher ups to stand down. They watched in horror as they were dishonored, used and abused. They swore an oath to protect and to serve and the training for Ct state police is as tough and hard nosed as the USMC. All the good guys know that the Newtown fiasco had nothing to do with them. Norad was ordered to Stand down on 9-11, Extortion 17, Benghazi the list goes on. Blowback will be a bitch because judgement day is coming for all of the diabolical freaks from way up above that continue to dishonor, use and abuse the trusted oath keepers in the system. They made the Ct state police look like fools but we all know that this is not who the ct state police are and what they are all about as they continue to put their life on the line each and every day.

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