Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fema DHS Capstone Scam Your tax dollars are hard at work- The big question is did Obsidian Analysis know that they were going to go live on that drill or not? Unfortunately I don't think we are going to get any answers. I believe that Dr Fetzer would have reported it if they called him back since he called their headquarters directly and asked for one of the head sheds to call him back. How do these criminals sleep at night? There is only one way to deal with the criminal element and Wolfgang Halbig knows this very well as a former Fla State Trooper. One needs to up their game to their level of attack and expose exactly who they are and what they are. One day  judgement day will arrive and it will come down in full force with stars and stripes and thunderous roars of shock and awe. However it wont be the fraudulent shock and awe that W used for his propaganda piece that sent good men and women to die or get ruined for life in a war with a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. It will be the shock and awe with the full weight of the United States criminal justice system. It will be conducted by independent investigative teams with real state and federal prosecutors that haven't already been bought and sold by these criminal syndicates. All intel agencies must be excluded from this process. Although many good people work in each agency the SSG (secret shadow govt) that Dr Preston explains in great detail  have corrupted our entire system and every alphabet agency in such a nefarious way that having an impartial judiciary process in nearly impossible. How can you have criminals investigate criminals? Stew Webb is still waiting for a grand jury investigation for the Oklahoma City bombing in 95. He somehow survived the Anthrax attack when these criminals tried to take him out. There will be many more investigations to follow. Congress needs to be completely excluded from this process as well. The special investigation for the Extortion 17 mission that Seal Team six's family members were waiting so patiently for was an insult to all of the family members. These criminals are like cock roaches if you take some down many more will scurry away to create more damage.This means that they all need to be taken down and kept in the ground where they belong. These sociopaths will never go down quietly, they will kill, arrest, set up, blackmail, bribe, harass and intimidate as many people as they can before it ever gets to the level of any type of adjudication. That is what their NSA minions are for, these criminals will know long  before anybody else what is about to go down, in fact they will be reading all of the correspondence. The problem with sociopaths is that they are so completely dangerous and are incapable of any empathy whatsoever. They are guaranteed to do one thing however and that is to distract from one crime by creating another one. Torture, Drug running, poison vaccines, financing ISIS, chem trails, False Flags, child sex rings, money laundering billions of dollars with legit banks doing business w/Mexican drug cartels, murder, phony Bin Laden raids, rape,racketeering operations, illegal spying,  major extortion of tax payers money etc.. there are definitely a few crimes to choose from.

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