Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Game Over Evil Doers

The CDC whistle blower is huge news. This is one of the biggest stories of all time because this may end up bringing down the house of cards and all of the satanist eugenic freaks who publicly admit that they want to wipe out 90% of the population. What better way then to make believe you are trying to help people with shots pushed by the ignorant masses where even on the inserts it clearly states that they are poison. William Thompson is a top notch scientist, he is as high  level a whistle blower as it gets so this is great news. Watson wrote an article recently about all of the govt conspiracy theories that came true except big tobacco which wasn't actually a govt entity. They ultimately had to admit that they put chemicals in the cigarettes to make them more addicting. All of these huge Fortune 50 companies and  Wall Street especially Goldman Sachs are in bed with big brother. They are all part of the same cabal and they use the same kind of intimidation tactics, goon squads and hit teams to do their dirty work. Big brother and big tobacco were in bed together and this was demonstrated by the movie The Insider nominated for 7 Academy awards. Al Pacino played Lowell Bergman and Russel Crowe as the tobacco scientist Dr Wigand. This doctors life was essentially ruined when he came out as a whistle blower and was promised a spot on 60 minutes only to get thrown to the wolves as they talked about Tortious Interference and media black outs. His wife left him and of course he had crazy threats coming at him from all different directions. Establishment media is going to be forced to pick up this CDC story eventually, media black outs cant go on forever. Think about what this can do as far as putting a death blow in the end game plan of the sociopathic eugenicists at the top who are killing people and giving babies brain damage on purpose. Hiding the connection between the MMR vaccine and Autism is only one example of many so now more whistle blowers are going to start to come out. If all goes well there will be many multi million maybe even billion dollar lawsuits and who knows maybe even criminal indictments down the road. One thing is certain- These vaccines are diabolical democide operations and it all has been premeditated, well planned out and there is plenty of motive. I urge all power house lawyers to step forward and get into the fight to help take these scumbags down.

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