Monday, September 15, 2014

Deep Cover Op Gone Bad am going to write about a solid oath keeper called Shooter that was in the Army and rolled his ankle during his second attempt at Ranger school.  Instead of going back to his unit which already included multiple deployments overseas he was offered a higher paid position and was recruited out by one of the Beltway Bandits. Even though his wife left him years ago and took the kid he felt that it would be better at least to be stateside even though she would never know anyway until she sees his real name on the news 16 months later (Deep Cover) His assignment was to infiltrate a radical militia group that allegedly was planning an ugly operation along with ISIS. Since there was and is a stand down at the border this wouldn't be too difficult. There are already radical Islamic cells inside our borders that good old Uncle Sam fund and control either directly or indirectly depending on the circumstance. For Shooter this is the job of a lifetime, he was born for love of god and country and cant wait to provide intel on any radical American Patriot group planning bad things on his home turf. Once on the inside he became disgruntled after many months of living with these people. He came back with wtf am I doing here these guys are solid Americans who love their country but hate their government? However they aren't planning to hurt anybody or to blow anything up by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing they are guilty of is free speech and love for their county and family. They train with weapons and are planning to act in self defense only and they are quite convinced the real bad guys are the ones planning a false flag in a direct attempt to snatch their weapons and property with an Eminent Domain - COG type operation. Shooter develops great bonds with these Patriots, even better then his brother Army warriors however he unequivocally knows that he is wasting his time. All intel comes back the same- consistent- (guilty of love for country and family and free speech only but no violence or any bad things planned what so ever.) Unfortunately there was an enemy spy already on the inside of his new circle. Shooter doesn't remember much of what happens next because he seems to have been dosed out with some form of amnesiac or GHB type drug. The next few days he is in and out of consciousness and finds himself in an emergency room with multiple bullet wounds to add to the ones he already received overseas. He didn't know who he was or how he got there and had absolutely no memory of his past. There were however a lot of reporters around outside the hospital because it was all over the news. This is when a Federal Agent tells him that he was responsible for shooting up a mall that killed many women and children along with his new Patriot associates. CNN is telling the entire world what horrible things these men are guilty of so it must be legitimate. If anybody dares to question the official  narrative of the soon to be classified FBI report they will be threatened, harassed, arrested, incarcerated and brought to the local FEMA camp and treated as a radical political dissident and is dealt with accordingly. (Obey- Never trust your own eyes just believe in what you are told.) Shooters life is over he soon will be executed for crimes of high treason. The mainstream masses figure that he must have had one too many deployments and decided to take it out on innocent civilians. They cant wait to see him go to the chair or better yet a firing squad- with a name like Shooter this is what he deserves. I urge all deep cover operatives to get out while you can before you become the next Shooter or Timothy Mcveigh 

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