Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Everything Is Believable And Nothing Is Knowable


Monday, September 29, 2014

Sandy Hook Power Hour Joyce Riley

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/26/sandy-hook-no-murders-in-newtown-in-2012-the-power-hour-and-alex-jones-interviews/- Joyce Riley went into the Sandy Hook analysis with Wolfgang and Dr Fetzer with an open mind. She is fair balanced and objective. Red flags started going up all over the place when one of the alleged victims classmates grandmother was asked some real questions. This woman was a horrible actress. She was adamant that her daughter would not want to speak to Joyce to answer some real questions or to provide any real evidence. Very interesting, it didn't take very long for Joyce to come to the conclusion that everything is not what it seems and her skepticism was clearly evident. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Enemies Of The State

http://www.infowars.com/fbi-says-no-one-killed-at-sandy-hook/-The Darpa cia and DHS shills bots and trolls are as weak as ever. The problem that the establishment has is that they are a victim of their own creation. Al Gore didn't invent the web it was more like a Darpa operation. I don't believe they took into consideration the "Power of the People". You can  lie cheat and steal for only so long before people will get sick of the con game and decide to take action. Its an infowar now, the establishment is losing steam and credibility. Big Government will never get the benefit of the doubt ever again for any "Official Story"- Up until this point in time they have only proven themselves to be "Enemies of the State" 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

FCC Regulations And Agenda 21

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/19/sandy-hook-knowingly-broadcasting-hoax-as-real-violates-fcc-regulations/- I believe that there were some individuals in the media that knew Sandy Hook was going to be portrayed as a live event. There were tweets and many indicators on line with time and date stamps, that is evidence of foreknowledge. Sofia Smallstorm does a great Job in Unraveling Sandy Hook. She breaks down the entire drill- ICE-Integrated Capstone Event. CAP- Common Alert Protocol. It is fascinating how she really delves into the Science Fiction based Fema Social Engineering experiment. She is brilliant, her movie shows us the Pyramid where the Capstone Eye At the top knows and sees all. Its technocracy and social engineering at its finest and we are the guinea pigs.She may have been a Greenwich girl for a while, in her video she mentioned running as a younger girl in a town directly on the border of Westchester. Maybe they were so obvious for a reason? Maybe they figured that they really needed a false flag but as long as real people didn't die during the drill  it would be acceptable. Maybe they were so obvious because they really wanted to upset people and spook them out just to get us ready for a real false flag where many real people will die during the next one? Maybe they weren't thinking anything at all but they are on a schedule and this as well as the Boston Massacre and Aurora appear that they were planned for years in advance based on evidence uncovered by Tim Hunter. Having the fbi send out NSL(national security letters) within a 25 mile radius to ensure zip lock mouths is about as draconian and Totalitarian as you can get. How can that be even legal?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Dr Thompson Coerced To Lie


28 Pages 9-11 Truth


Greenwich Warrior

http://www.infowars.com/former-navy-seal-over-90-percent-of-troops-do-not-support-obama/- This is the Greenwich warrior I wrote about in my love for god and country blog. He came out of the Teams with a General Discharge instead of an Honorable one initially just because he is a real leader that spoke the truth. He tracked down the terrorists that were responsible for the bw ambush that General Mattis wanted executed long before and maybe they threw a few punches on these real bad guys and he almost got court martial ed and thrown in the brig for this? What makes this even worse is that this is what some of the head sheds were pushing for as well. Bad things are definitely happening inside the Teams. They have been infiltrated from way up above. When Navy Seals have to act politically correct and they are told to take off the Gadsden Flag this is definitely not a good situation. He is being conservative with the 90% figure, it is much higher then that. Spec Ops are fighting an impossible war with ISIS. The US military could wipe out most of ISIS in less then a month but the head sheds would never sign off of that because that would end their Frankenstein monster they created that is used to scare us all to hell and to rob us all blind. ISIS are the official destabilize-rs that were set up pre 9-11 to attempt the NWO Globalist war plan of a new 100 plus year "Roman Empire" and world wide NATO hegemony operation. Our military has been hijacked by off shore criminal banking cartels. The plan is and was to destabilize Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria and last but not least Iran. They took out Qaddafi and turned that country into a living hell. This man was never a saint however he was absolutely no threat to the United States. In fact he was making improvements to his country and was blindsided and betrayed by our leaders. This is when Hillary came in and stated-we came we saw and we killed or something to that effect. Now Syria where ISIS is being funded by our SSG (secret shadow government) is next on the list.The Globalist plan makes zero sense except guaranteed conflict and chaos. They want to take out Assad with NATOs  ISIS rebels as well as take out the so called bad guy ISIS faction however they are one in the same (95 percent)- this was already confirmed by many high level sources. They will  completely turn that country upside down as well. Hegelian Dialectic-Problem Reaction Solution-Our troops were forced to stand down in Beghazi where MANPADs and much more could be funneled through, there is also a stand down at our border. Today I saw a terror warning on establishment tv that stated (we should watch out for jets being shot down in the sky.) It doesn't take rocket science to figure out the rest. James Woosley the former cia director who is in bed w/Booze Allen stated that our Commander in Chief is a constitutional scholar fighting thugs from ISIS, need I say more? Woosley is the same guy that called for Snowdens execution just because he was a hero and told the world that NSA is illegally spying on everybody. Greenwald will soon come out with alot more solid intel as well.William Binny already stated that NSA is 1984 on steroids does anybody really want a future like this? Woosley and all of his establishment based mouthpiece presstitutes are accomplices and they are the last people on earth I would trust my life with. A government and media who do not have "We The people" best interest at heart and who may be agents of a foreign based entity ie- (NATO) These individuals will be highly suspect of subversive and treasonous acts that also fall under the sedition category. A government that finances ISIS and signs off on DHS Fema Capstone drills that go live making it appear that real children were slaughtered and that real bodies were buried is what is known as a "Trojan Horse"- Perimeter defense does not matter when the enemy lies within the gate. I am not stating incontrovertibly that real children weren't killed at Sandy Hook however the one thing I can say with certainty is that the official story is a fairy tail with a plethora of cover ups and what is known as "consciousness of guilt" type behavior across the board. Until Wolfgang gets answers for 16 simple questions I am left with no other conclusion and I will take my chances. Officials from within the Obama administration told Paul Preston that Sandy Hook was a drill and that no children died as well.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Brilliant Article Dr. Preston- Veterans Today


Threats And Bribes- Sandy Hook Scam


Fema DHS Capstone Scam

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/13/a-fema-capstone-event-unraveling-more-proof-sandy-hook-was-staged/- Your tax dollars are hard at work- The big question is did Obsidian Analysis know that they were going to go live on that drill or not? Unfortunately I don't think we are going to get any answers. I believe that Dr Fetzer would have reported it if they called him back since he called their headquarters directly and asked for one of the head sheds to call him back. How do these criminals sleep at night? There is only one way to deal with the criminal element and Wolfgang Halbig knows this very well as a former Fla State Trooper. One needs to up their game to their level of attack and expose exactly who they are and what they are. One day  judgement day will arrive and it will come down in full force with stars and stripes and thunderous roars of shock and awe. However it wont be the fraudulent shock and awe that W used for his propaganda piece that sent good men and women to die or get ruined for life in a war with a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. It will be the shock and awe with the full weight of the United States criminal justice system. It will be conducted by independent investigative teams with real state and federal prosecutors that haven't already been bought and sold by these criminal syndicates. All intel agencies must be excluded from this process. Although many good people work in each agency the SSG (secret shadow govt) that Dr Preston explains in great detail  have corrupted our entire system and every alphabet agency in such a nefarious way that having an impartial judiciary process in nearly impossible. How can you have criminals investigate criminals? Stew Webb is still waiting for a grand jury investigation for the Oklahoma City bombing in 95. He somehow survived the Anthrax attack when these criminals tried to take him out. There will be many more investigations to follow. Congress needs to be completely excluded from this process as well. The special investigation for the Extortion 17 mission that Seal Team six's family members were waiting so patiently for was an insult to all of the family members. These criminals are like cock roaches if you take some down many more will scurry away to create more damage.This means that they all need to be taken down and kept in the ground where they belong. These sociopaths will never go down quietly, they will kill, arrest, set up, blackmail, bribe, harass and intimidate as many people as they can before it ever gets to the level of any type of adjudication. That is what their NSA minions are for, these criminals will know long  before anybody else what is about to go down, in fact they will be reading all of the correspondence. The problem with sociopaths is that they are so completely dangerous and are incapable of any empathy whatsoever. They are guaranteed to do one thing however and that is to distract from one crime by creating another one. Torture, Drug running, poison vaccines, financing ISIS, chem trails, False Flags, child sex rings, money laundering billions of dollars with legit banks doing business w/Mexican drug cartels, murder, phony Bin Laden raids, rape,racketeering operations, illegal spying,  major extortion of tax payers money etc.. there are definitely a few crimes to choose from.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Deep Cover Op Gone Bad

http://www.infowars.com/holder-launches-media-campaign-against-homegrown-terrorists-2/-I am going to write about a solid oath keeper called Shooter that was in the Army and rolled his ankle during his second attempt at Ranger school.  Instead of going back to his unit which already included multiple deployments overseas he was offered a higher paid position and was recruited out by one of the Beltway Bandits. Even though his wife left him years ago and took the kid he felt that it would be better at least to be stateside even though she would never know anyway until she sees his real name on the news 16 months later (Deep Cover) His assignment was to infiltrate a radical militia group that allegedly was planning an ugly operation along with ISIS. Since there was and is a stand down at the border this wouldn't be too difficult. There are already radical Islamic cells inside our borders that good old Uncle Sam fund and control either directly or indirectly depending on the circumstance. For Shooter this is the job of a lifetime, he was born for love of god and country and cant wait to provide intel on any radical American Patriot group planning bad things on his home turf. Once on the inside he became disgruntled after many months of living with these people. He came back with wtf am I doing here these guys are solid Americans who love their country but hate their government? However they aren't planning to hurt anybody or to blow anything up by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing they are guilty of is free speech and love for their county and family. They train with weapons and are planning to act in self defense only and they are quite convinced the real bad guys are the ones planning a false flag in a direct attempt to snatch their weapons and property with an Eminent Domain - COG type operation. Shooter develops great bonds with these Patriots, even better then his brother Army warriors however he unequivocally knows that he is wasting his time. All intel comes back the same- consistent- (guilty of love for country and family and free speech only but no violence or any bad things planned what so ever.) Unfortunately there was an enemy spy already on the inside of his new circle. Shooter doesn't remember much of what happens next because he seems to have been dosed out with some form of amnesiac or GHB type drug. The next few days he is in and out of consciousness and finds himself in an emergency room with multiple bullet wounds to add to the ones he already received overseas. He didn't know who he was or how he got there and had absolutely no memory of his past. There were however a lot of reporters around outside the hospital because it was all over the news. This is when a Federal Agent tells him that he was responsible for shooting up a mall that killed many women and children along with his new Patriot associates. CNN is telling the entire world what horrible things these men are guilty of so it must be legitimate. If anybody dares to question the official  narrative of the soon to be classified FBI report they will be threatened, harassed, arrested, incarcerated and brought to the local FEMA camp and treated as a radical political dissident and is dealt with accordingly. (Obey- Never trust your own eyes just believe in what you are told.) Shooters life is over he soon will be executed for crimes of high treason. The mainstream masses figure that he must have had one too many deployments and decided to take it out on innocent civilians. They cant wait to see him go to the chair or better yet a firing squad- with a name like Shooter this is what he deserves. I urge all deep cover operatives to get out while you can before you become the next Shooter or Timothy Mcveigh 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

False Flag Stand Down

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/08/14/peeling-the-911-onion-layers-of-plots-within-plots/ Dr James Preston and Dr Fetzer are expert researchers. This is a great article because it explains phy ops 101 and Abraham Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs. There is a primal need inside all of us to possibly exchange our liberty for security. What better way to do this then to raise our hands in defeat to the very same demons that planned the entire operation? (One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder- Albert Speer) These are known as US False Flag Stand Down Inside Job Deep Black Covert Operations. They cant be that deep dark and covert because even the most dumbed down individuals know that something wasn't right about Sandy Hook. If they were that good they wouldn't have been so blatantly obvious or left so many clues, they were completely unprofessional. It is definitely not a good situation when the entire Ct State Police dept was given a direct order by the higher ups to stand down. They watched in horror as they were dishonored, used and abused. They swore an oath to protect and to serve and the training for Ct state police is as tough and hard nosed as the USMC. All the good guys know that the Newtown fiasco had nothing to do with them. Norad was ordered to Stand down on 9-11, Extortion 17, Benghazi the list goes on. Blowback will be a bitch because judgement day is coming for all of the diabolical freaks from way up above that continue to dishonor, use and abuse the trusted oath keepers in the system. They made the Ct state police look like fools but we all know that this is not who the ct state police are and what they are all about as they continue to put their life on the line each and every day.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sandy Hook Fraud- Great Videos Veterans Today


Sandy Hook The 100 Plus Million Dollar Scam


Thursday, September 11, 2014

More 9-11 Intel


Top Level Insider Exposes 9-11 Con Job


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Game Over Evil Doers

The CDC whistle blower is huge news. This is one of the biggest stories of all time because this may end up bringing down the house of cards and all of the satanist eugenic freaks who publicly admit that they want to wipe out 90% of the population. What better way then to make believe you are trying to help people with shots pushed by the ignorant masses where even on the inserts it clearly states that they are poison. William Thompson is a top notch scientist, he is as high  level a whistle blower as it gets so this is great news. Watson wrote an article recently about all of the govt conspiracy theories that came true except big tobacco which wasn't actually a govt entity. They ultimately had to admit that they put chemicals in the cigarettes to make them more addicting. All of these huge Fortune 50 companies and  Wall Street especially Goldman Sachs are in bed with big brother. They are all part of the same cabal and they use the same kind of intimidation tactics, goon squads and hit teams to do their dirty work. Big brother and big tobacco were in bed together and this was demonstrated by the movie The Insider nominated for 7 Academy awards. Al Pacino played Lowell Bergman and Russel Crowe as the tobacco scientist Dr Wigand. This doctors life was essentially ruined when he came out as a whistle blower and was promised a spot on 60 minutes only to get thrown to the wolves as they talked about Tortious Interference and media black outs. His wife left him and of course he had crazy threats coming at him from all different directions. Establishment media is going to be forced to pick up this CDC story eventually, media black outs cant go on forever. Think about what this can do as far as putting a death blow in the end game plan of the sociopathic eugenicists at the top who are killing people and giving babies brain damage on purpose. Hiding the connection between the MMR vaccine and Autism is only one example of many so now more whistle blowers are going to start to come out. If all goes well there will be many multi million maybe even billion dollar lawsuits and who knows maybe even criminal indictments down the road. One thing is certain- These vaccines are diabolical democide operations and it all has been premeditated, well planned out and there is plenty of motive. I urge all power house lawyers to step forward and get into the fight to help take these scumbags down.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Potential False Flag Blamed On ISIS

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/07/isis-signals-nuclear-terrorism-predicting-911-dirty-bomb-false-flag-attack/- mi6 was behind 7-7 attacks in the UK-

Sunday, September 7, 2014

9-11 Anniversary

On the upcoming anniversary of 9-11 I need to revise my theory to thermobaric mini nukes instead of sulfur and thermite incendiary devises. I am going with Veterans Today all the way because they have the best intel I have ever seen. Dr Fetzer exposed JFK and he did a great job outing the Sandy Hook Vampires so why wouldn't he be spot on about 9-11? The Samson option seems to be backed up by Seymor Hersh as well. One thing is certain and that is false flags are cowardly and diabolical whether or not people die or not is completely irrelevant. The entire DHS Markus Wolf Stassi operation is definitely not a good situation for anybody. Another thing that I feel completely betrayed about is this failure of intel communication pre 9-11 and this being used as the reason to need  all of these spook houses in order to prevent a terrorist event of that magnitude from ever happening again. I was all for it and even read Kesslers book that went into great detail about this as well as the book Top Secret America, I also watched the Frontline version. Both of these exposed the trillions of dollars spent post 9-11 for all of these classified spook houses, many seem to be private operations. My next question is since the phony hoax war on terror has been proven to be an egregious fraud of epic proportions what do these spook houses really do? The FBI JTTF was and is a con game that set up pathetic patsies and stings made to look like  huge terrorist events were prevented and lets not forget the underwear clown that was whisked through the gates to set up his phony underwear bombs and multi million dollar TSA DHS equipment that was put in place shortly thereafter. Unfortunately the end game is to store and steal our meta data illegally in Parallel Construction type operations like William Binny filled us in on. Basically the spying on all of us  is used to completely game the system and build case files for all Americans and these case files can and will be used against you in the future. In other words if the DHS Stassi operatives and Vipr Mossad squads start trying to round people up they can try to blackmail just about anybody that they want so now we know why these spook houses were built. I also feel very betrayed with the entire UBL scam because I know many great guys died looking for that bogeyman myth specifically on the mountains of the Hindu Kush. Dont lie to a warrior that is a cardinal sin this is the worst thing to possibly do because warriors are pure noble and very real. They have the warrior code which means plenty of empathy. Perfect example the Devil Dogs- There is no better friend and no worse enemy then a United States Marine so nobody should piss those guys off. There are also about 170 million pissed off gun owners as well so it would be best to try to work out all of our future issues in a quiet and peaceful manner. Please no more abuse from big brother goons tyrants and Totalitarian thugs. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Patriot Act Power Grab


Snowden Files


Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Sandy Hook Vampires Exposed Once Again

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/09/03/sandy-hook-ten-more-proofs-that-vitiate-the-official-account/- Dr Fetzer knows that fraud vitiates everything that it touches

Biological Warfare Whistle Blower- CDC


Another Staged Agitprop Scene

http://www.infowars.com/sotloff-video-found-by-group-responsible-for-releasing-fake-osama-bin-laden-video/- Rumor has it that one of Newtowns finest actors was part of this, could this be true? Alex Jones has some very sharp digital forensic experts that work with him and at the very least he stated that the preponderance of evidence is leaning toward another beheading stage show of epic proportions played out by this countries finest fraud based government sponsored operation. Alex Jones team was able to spot our Commander in Chiefs phony birth certificate almost right away. Other experts are looking into the authenticity of the official death certificate of Lenny Pozners son as well

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Aaron Vaugns Parents Write Letter

http://www.infowars.com/seal-team-6-parents-to-obama-its-time-for-you-to-step-down/- They wrote a great book called- Betrayed

Get Ready For More Set Ups And Witch Hunts

http://www.infowars.com/whistleblower-claims-he-was-set-up-in-retaliation-for-criticizing-obama/ Stay tuned its about to get ugly- I urge all Patriots to have their lawyer on speed dial and surveillance cameras at their home. If you don't have a lawyer then get one asap. Believe me when I tell you a public defender or a legal aid rep is not what you need in times like these. The Orwellian set ups and witch hunts have only just begun. Nsa is reading every e-mail and listening to all of our private conversations, our deepest darkest secrets which are all supposed to be private, no they know everything. They obviously knew that Dr Jim Garrows first phone call would be to his son in law, an officer of the law.  Its Kafkaesque and draconian. Wolfgang has never seen anything like it, we have never seen anything like this in our life time. The establishment knows they are losing fans so they are pulling out all the stops at the moment so get ready for a false flag before or on 9-11. We have some really nice people in the system tracking Charlie Stranges every move and sending e-mails that he never sent even ones that were supposed to be from his late son Michael, that is disgusting.  Judgement day is coming for all of you diabolical freaks in the system. Do you think Charlie Strange or Wolfgang are doing what they are doing for money, that is absolute insanity. Charlie would love to have his son back and all of his team mates and Wolfgang wants his country back and so do I. They threatened Wolf w/ arrest and incarceration again and threw him out of the court room just because he went to support Jonathan Reich. They dragged that kid through hell on earth as well as his family just because he called Carver. 250 grand bail for making a phone call? I didn't hear any dangerous threats and then they made a secret deal in the back room after jerking him around 10 times w/ court dates etc.. He can now never exercise his constitutional rights on social media. Is this the country my grandfather fought for on the Western Front? We need all Patriots to step forward-  please don't be shy