Tuesday, April 30, 2024

De-criminalizing Real Crime

 The fringe Maga low life threatening to kill and rape the pod casters wife- Perfect example of how Trump brings out the worst in people- He wasn't that good of an executive either because he had huge turnover w/ in the administration- Stability was not his forte therefore why should he be considered some kind of save America for 24- Governmental positions known for stability somehow someway Trump found a way to turn these positions into into the bastion of instability- Its more like you have to agree w/ the dictator or else curtains- 

 In executive protection as well as any decent business plan you need advance work and this is where you seek advice from the experts- Its kind of like we don't go into Iraq conventionally and undermanned because of the guaranteed quagmire that it would create- Who listened not the higher ups that is why there were massive resignations from the people that knew better, many were Vietnam vets.

Massive resignations sounds like the Trump regime- Anyway did anybody ask somebody what would happen if you de criminalized petty theft under 1000 w/ in the major sanctuary cities. This has created so many problems that are too numerous to list right now-  

Putting mom and pops under so much pressure and guaranteeing their demise- Was this the globalist intent to begin with? Thefts- violent crime the list goes on- Apparently the left is unwilling to admit these problems which is a guaranteed sure sign of a sick society-

Living in denial- I  am a real progressive which means positive change for everybody involved. The big issue is that we shouldn't have to rely on some superficial savior to take America back because our laws were already on the books. It never should have been allowed to get this bad to begin with. This is another sign that doesn't quite pass the smell test. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Magas Are Bad News

 I finally have my reason to get off the Trump train-  It didn't take much but last week when I had to endure Trumps annoying voice (To all of you Maga republicans we love you) I knew then that the end was getting near- Not genuine- Trump doesn't bond w/ dogs or apparently other animals (never owned pets) as well. And now he has a potential vp who shot one her own-

There is something cruel about some of the Magas bordering on the sociopath spectrum- Noem just placed herself in this category and pretty much just committed political suicide- I don't like many of the Magas they are misanthropes and wouldn't have a problem pulling the trigger on innocents-

What is Trump going to say about this brazen act of callousness- Making tough decisions there are no kill shelters and plenty of them. Maybe not back in the day on the farm but there were still other options. Like taking the responsibility and the time to train what she claimed to be an untrainable dog- What a cop out- No its more like the ignorant owner- There are countless so called untrainable dogs that are brought back from death row. The dogs behavior is a direct reflection of the owner-Then she killed a goat for reasons that don't pass the smell test. But then to write about it as if this is something to be proud of that is what I find to be quite disturbing.

The Magas have outed themselves in spades w/ this Noem spectacle- Dogs have deep and beautiful souls and don't wish to be shot for doing nothing wrong except what excitable puppies do/. This  is where real training needs to comes into play- My grandparents and ancestors all had a tough up bringing growing up and living on the farm and they would never do something like that- 

DAs Are Ruining America

 The DA from upstate NY thought she was all that and then some by trying to pull rank on the cop who stopped her for speeding- 20 mph over the speed limit is dangerous because others have to change lanes to eventually get to the other side.

I saw a woman doing just that the other day and I called her selfish to myself- The DA  had a bad day this happens she had to deal w/ murder cases etc- Lets be clear about who is destroying America at the current moment- Entitled DAs  and prosecutors standing down on crime turning our once beautiful country into  dilapidated wastelands-

Upstate NY probably not a sanctuary city but the sentiment is still the same- Who really has the bad days not the paper pushing political DAs better known as the folks in the rear w/ the gear- Its the cops who show up to the gruesome accident scenes as well as the murders on a regular basis- What do the DAs  get pictures well after the fact- She said she didn't intend to pull rank but that is exactly what she did-

Things better turn around because our cities are disgusting hell holes- Who's bright idea was it to have bail reform and let not only migrants but also the get out of jail free career criminals and allow them to commit crime after crime w/ out being deported or having any meaningful consequences. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Globalist Country

Seattle stand down on crime the das and prosecutors dont do a dam thing but sit behind their desks while the cops risk their lives and get injured while this punk gets released over and over again after nearly running over and killing a family- Welcome to globalist country where they charge you 4g for a 1 bedroom and what do they offer you for that kind of money-

Lets see a higher crime rate as well as taxes a police force that is demoralized because they cant to THIER job therefore they are quitting in droves- Illegal aliens run amok who cant speak English so how are they supposed to get a job even if they could because all of the stores are shut down and out of business.

That makes Alot of sense create a plethora of more problems even before the first ones haven't been addressed. A homeless populace who can speak English but how are they supposed to get a job if all the stores are shut down-

So for 4k a month just for housing you still have to worry about getting stabbed or shot on the subway- If you are putting down that kind of money just to put a roof over your head most people wouldn't be able to spare an an Uber or a lyft- Welcome to globalist country where minimum wage still means maximum effort because you will be replaced not only are you expendable now there's a long line waiting behind you.

Even in fla people thought they had a viable business until the landlord jacked THIER rent essentially putting them out of business- Greedy vcs that charge you 560 bux just to prescribe pain meds for your dog and that still didn't include x rays-The shills are a joke you know the ones who talk up all of these great borrowing plans offered by these vc corporations

You should take advantage of the no interest borrowing plan offered once in a blue moon- That makes Alot of sense if my dog gets hit by a truck what are the chances they will have that plan at that exact time- These greed mongers need to cover THEIR tracks so they have THEIR paid off little shills on social media talking them up

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

America First-

 For the life of me I am still trying to figure out how standing down on crime and bail reduction is supposed to help to result in restorative justice- As an advocate for prison and criminal justice reform I have to ask who thought of this migrant and bail reduction scheme- Bail reduction where you receive a get out of jail free card and allowed to commit more crimes- We now have a third and fourth world country in many of our cities- Imagine calling 911 and having to wait for a considerable amount of time that's if  the cops even show up at all because many crimes are no longer considered as such. 

We have homeless people MANY are  drug addicted and a /mental health crisis  many folks are on the street because they can't afford the globalist rents and they are naturalized American citizens-  Not to mention many vets wouldn't it make sense to try and help our people first- Acts of blatant negligence initiated by these globalist puppets need to be considered as crimes in themselves-

Thousands of illegal alien migrants who cant speak a lick of English thrown into the worst conditions imaginable set up for failure many times over- How do I know this because these grants dont do a dam thing except enrich the already rich while creating hell on earth for not only the migrants but also for the people who live in our once beautiful cities-

This blatant chaos and destabilization plan created by the higher ups that I am sure nobody can name because its all plausible denial- I would hate to live in NYC I never even liked it even during the best of times which was still few and far between- I don't like hustle and bustle- I am a country boy and didn't even like the city to go in for Broadway plays-

A total shitshow that was initiated and created by globalist criminals- Cities that were already going down the tubes have now been pretty much just guaranteed a death sentence. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Migrant Scam

 How can this migrant scam not be set up by design by organized criminals at the top of the food chain in a direct attempt to guarantee more crimes after these migrants get kicked out of shelters w/ Np money and a language barrier and no legal documents to even be allowed to work here.

They get recruited by smaller level organized crime networks out of sheer survival- So let me get this straight these people were allowed to come to the most expensive cities in the world w/ out a real chance to succeed and some people really thought that it was the right thing to do- Many of these people were not career criminals in their home country but actually groomed to become exactly that in the city that never sleeps-

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Globalist Crimes

 Who's bright idea was it to open up our borders and now we have have huge migrant camps that don't seem to be accomplishing a dam thing- We have enough problems w/ our indigenous populace that haven't been addressed yet so the answer to that is to create more problems on top of those.

We have some big questions and people need to be held into account- The mayor of NYC Eric Adams a former cop knows that their are big problems that have transpired by bureaucrats either above or below him- I just want an intelligent answer that is all why are there huge migrant camps when it its tough enough for the people that were born here to land a good job-  And homeless vets as well as many other patriots that don't commit crimes like these illegal migrants and Venezuelan gangs-

Welcome to America land of opportunity and leader of the complete shit show created by our globalist criminals-  Enough astute people have already concluded that this is being done on purpose and not for the betterment of society and I am not racist nor xenophobic.

Illegal Patent

 According to Dr David Martin a patent on corona virus is illegal whether manufactured or by nature- So lets look at these fraudsters planning THIER skit rt before the world wide shut down- Then in 2020 not only was it legal to look like a criminal that is when bail reform came into the picture-

Does bail reform make any sense we will let you out after committing a crime free to commit more crimes over and over again- The same small percentage of people have been committing multiple of crimes since the bail reform scam- Why am I calling it a scam- Because they need prison reform and mandatory treatment programs after committing crimes not let loose and allowed to continually endanger the public- 

They had everybody dress up and look like a criminal forced to wear a muzzle- Which has proven to do more harm then good- Mask mouth hypoxia the list goes on- They pulled it off though a full fledge globalist corporate take over and now private equity is running everything-

Sole proprietors have been forced out of business because now private equity along w/ the tech giants are running the show- I used to be number one in Google for private investigation/private security w/ out cpcs now forget it only the companies w/ f u money can get up there-

This doesn't include every other mom and pop that had their own thing- Taken over with  a major heist by a select bunch of globalist criminals- Now everybody is just trying to survive totally stressed out by rent and food prices- Nobody has ever been held accountable for anything I wonder why.

Murder At Oxford House

 The Oxford group set the foundation for AA and pretty much everybody knows that an Oxford sober living residence  is going to be well run- About a year ago I read there was a murder close by but didn't delve into the details except for where it happened and that the victim knew the shooter- I drove by trying to figure things out but then let it slip my memory.

Recently I discovered that was Oxford House the shooter was allegedly upset because he was called out by his roommate for acting erratic- Oxford has a history of having a peer run house as opposed to one manager and gm running the show-

I have some reservations about that system either way this man came back to murder his roommate- That is messed up but how could anybody really prevent something like that- This is a pretty nice neighborhood that was and is quite unexpected-

I don't know what else to say because sober living is not a locked down institution w/ personal and property checks all the time for the most part- Its freedom w/ responsibility and from what I was told that was a surprise to everybody however  I only got the surface details  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Get In The Game

 My hs football coach used to say not everybody can play football but many wish they could - Kind of like at Ithaca College one young man wore the Bombers jacket but never even tried out and if he did wouldn't make the cut

I was talking to a retired  UC  a career Leo who checked out my site- He said fraud examiner huh are you certified or just a wanna be sitting on the sidelines- He was right being an associate member was not playing in the game-

He also told me to watch out because bad guys may be targeting Domino's drivers- Since then one of our drivers was murdered and that was only a few months ago in broad daylight- I knew I had to step up and get in the game by cramming for the exam and that is exactly what I did- Going to NYC to take the class to get you ready for the test had a Donny Brosco feel to it- The woman helping out could have passed for FBI- There were some real smart people in the class many were already working for companies doing real world investigations - bi and tri lingual merging markets etc

I was too tired to really excel but I think I would have done better w/ out the class because by the end of the class we had to take each section of the exam and by then my mind was fried- I was cranking out 85s in the practice tests and maybe would have passed w/ out going through the wringer but I still loved every minute of it- Alot of encouragement combined w/  positive support  as well as top notch instructors

I got an 83 on the law section which had me wanting to go to law school- Lets put it this way lawyers and forensic CPAs make up the ACFE so the test is definitely not a joke. That section of law is prob like the bar- I did ok in investigations and the two sections of fraud for the practice tests  but not so great in the real test- but still passed . The moral of the story is get in the game because sitting on the sidelines  is  a total waste of time