Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Risk Mitigation

Sucsess is as dangerous as failure hope is as hollow as fear- Tao Te Ching- The emperor has no cloths infact he is naked and afraid- Any high mach low vibe misanthrope is going to find out they arent going to be around much longer- Drug houses are ok for addicts that either arent ready for sober living or who dont have one available - Addiction isnt black white good bad and incarceration hasnt worked that well- People that have acess to clean needles wont get nasty infections and lose limbs- Its not enabling its risk mitigation- Chances are they wont live much longer anyway unless they get clean but in the interim if they are on the street its better to have acess to a clean needle exchange. If a place can be managed properly it can save lives- Eventually one must come to the realization that one more strike and we will be out of the game forever.

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