Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Dont NY Our Fla

America is not the dominant arbiter in world affairs that is once saw itself to be New York Times-p302- Top boxers and UFC champs get knocked off thier number one ranking if they lose one fight- Same as football tennis etc- The Times has a point because how could we be a number one superpower after losing so many wars- Korea? Vietnam- Afghanastan- Iraq- We may not have completely lost but we definitely didnt win- That is why we are headed for 3 and fourth world status at this rate- Bananna Republics dont care about high death counts, infact many leaders are power crazed misanthropes- I remember my friend telling me how many dead bodies in the street thier were in Columbia while he was growing up- Look how many people we have lost in our wars and epidemic etc- Globalists like Slick Willy- Mena Ark- Clinton Ak total wasteland of drugs- meth- The people would rather be working for a living not dealing drugs they make that abundantly clear- No jobs and hyperinflation due to globalist parasites who have destroyed America into bannana republic status- Dementia potus who stands down at the border while many states already have a major homeless problem- California cesspool of cartel violence litter punks and a homeless as depicted on Megyn Kelly- If there were good jobs then that would decrease the demand for drugs- Grateful to live in the great freedom state of fla that doesnt tolerate lawlessness- Great governor and leadership all the way around- Annoying rude ny ers please stay there- Went to the big apple recently for the rigurous 4 part fraud exam conducted by the fine folks at ACFE- Unfortunately right on Times Square there are aggressive homeless w/ a sense of entitilement harrasing- NYPD good people but stuck behind politicians that arent pro freedom nor stand your ground- As I was eating a 7 dollar slice next to the overpriced hotel I was residing the homeless guy agressively demands money from the patrons- No private security that would never fly in fla- Wanna be who knows what beyond rude idiots blaring on their horns that would never work here either- NYPD should enforce litter fines as well as noise nuisance laws for excessive horn morons- Do these people think that the person in front of them is intentionally blocking their way or slowing things down on purpose? I saw an amazing play Almost Famous that I figured was guaranteed to win multiple Tonys- Unfortunately for whatever reason probably due to the covid cons they shut down and are no longer performing

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