Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Hunter Seven

I always wanted to be a warrior- I washed out of ocs pretty quick but when 9-11 rolled around I was in my early 30s- I may have had what it tooK to enlist and make it through Paris Island at that age- I was cranking out sub sevens for the mile- The closest I came to real war was outside the simulated wire- It was simulated war in the desert but I wasnt really doing anything- I was still exposed to sand particulates and they made me feel very sick- I have a very sensisitive constitution- Rolling around outside the simulated wire in humvess and cars I was exposed to windy sand that went deep down into my respitory system- I felt like garbage to say the least-Imagine depoloying to the real war zone for months at a time for many years and multiple rotations- Burn pits- noxious fumes- sand etc. The list of unhealthy toxins in the air from Americas war zones is long and quite extensive- Soldiers are dying of cancer at record numbers even young ones- Our warriors sacrificed a tremendous amount and now many are suffering- www.hunterseven.org Going into 2020 I asked one of my friends who he liked in the democratic side of the house- I was thinking Maryanne Williamson spiritual course of miracles etc He said I like Tulsi- I had no idea who he was even talking about- Now I do- she appears to be an amazing woman with alot of great attributes- Its difficult to feign character and integrity- She appears to have it all-authentic and genuine- I am very impressed- She is an army officer and feels deeply for her fellow warriors-

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