Monday, January 9, 2023

Investigative Journalists

Great investigative journalists Lara Lpgan and Liz Wheeler- Lara cant be bought- Liz very smart says that Trumpian is a political consultant now part of the swamp not an outsider anymore- Yes my problem w/ former potus is that he is no different then big pharma litigious wealth gaming the system for riches- Not stand up- Besides Trump organisation being a convicted tax cheat and Trumpian University convicted for fraud lets take a look at his former business model- (Retainage) he always found a way not to pay the contractors even if they did an explorary job? Inquiring people want to know- OK so if he didnt pay then he said I dont have to sue me- Bully- taking advantage of the working class folks that supposedly voted for him- He knew people didnt have the finances to get strung along in court so guess who always won? Lets take a look at the nefarious scum of the earth big pharma crimes- Is there much of a difference? Trump is the swamp and didnt say jack you know what about the vaccine even know we know he knew better- As a matter of fact what did he say I would be the first person to tell you if I didnt stand behind operation warp speed- The big pharma criminals dont mind if they get sued because whatever they have paid out has been a pittance in agregate to thier profits over the years- Essentially former Potus and big pharma are one in the same- He is a swamp creature whos riches must be questioned- Also instead of setting up a non profit for people that got hurt irrevocably or killed Trumpian decides to sell his super hero dolls for all of his q tards- Why would he have to embelish his net worth- Why because his entire identity/marketing enterprise is tied into it- insecure fragile ego- Why would he have to embelish or lie about anything- My friend told me that he was warned 50 years ago not to business w/ Trumpian for obvious reasons- Take away a mans wealth and then you find out his true character

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