Monday, January 2, 2023

King David

Ask Quora- How many lives has the pentagon brass ruined for life? Too many to list- Joachim Hagopian explains in Dont Let The Bastards Get You Down how the west pointians are a waste of time- King David ass kisser extrodinaire- Getting ahead by making others look bad- I had an eye opening moment about King David Petraeus when he asked somebody how well they did in school- There answer was something like 3.8 his response why not 4.0- After that moment I began to have a different view on this man who received credit for great leadership during 2 wars- According to Joachim he engaged in the exact opposite of his doctrine- How do you write a manuel about counter insurgence just to get bogged down in 2 unwinnable boondoggles- Supposedly he was also engaged in some dirty tactics death squads the whole 9 in Iraq-perfect fit for the cia- The book explains how everything is backwards at west point and others- Training cadets to be sycophants and robots all the way up the chain of command- Following ridiculous rules and getting ahead by making others look bad has nothing to do with real leadership. Two high ranking generals graduated w/ Joachim and took alot of heat during the GWOT- Hagopian saw the writing on the wall early on and was able to avoid life as an Army Officer post Vietnam- Many of his former classmates werent so lucky and became kia during that shitstorm of a war- Many of the best young men were Joachims friends and they either quit or got weeded out- What was left was the narcissist robots like KIng David w/ no social skills. In America if you screw up and make horrible descisions over and over again you eventually get a presidential medal of freedom- I am sure that duesh Fauci has one coming to him real soon- My question about King David is how do you write a manuel of what not to do but then get caught up in doing the exact same thing as what you warned about- Joachim is related to general Warren the hero of Gettysburg who eventually became a casualty of Little Phil Sheridan- Between King David and Little Phil the cream definitely doesnt aleays rise to the top- Little Phil was a weasal and a liar and ruined the career of general warren the hero of Gettysburg

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