Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Hunter Seven

I always wanted to be a warrior- I washed out of ocs pretty quick but when 9-11 rolled around I was in my early 30s- I may have had what it tooK to enlist and make it through Paris Island at that age- I was cranking out sub sevens for the mile- The closest I came to real war was outside the simulated wire- It was simulated war in the desert but I wasnt really doing anything- I was still exposed to sand particulates and they made me feel very sick- I have a very sensisitive constitution- Rolling around outside the simulated wire in humvess and cars I was exposed to windy sand that went deep down into my respitory system- I felt like garbage to say the least-Imagine depoloying to the real war zone for months at a time for many years and multiple rotations- Burn pits- noxious fumes- sand etc. The list of unhealthy toxins in the air from Americas war zones is long and quite extensive- Soldiers are dying of cancer at record numbers even young ones- Our warriors sacrificed a tremendous amount and now many are suffering- www.hunterseven.org Going into 2020 I asked one of my friends who he liked in the democratic side of the house- I was thinking Maryanne Williamson spiritual course of miracles etc He said I like Tulsi- I had no idea who he was even talking about- Now I do- she appears to be an amazing woman with alot of great attributes- Its difficult to feign character and integrity- She appears to have it all-authentic and genuine- I am very impressed- She is an army officer and feels deeply for her fellow warriors-

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Dont NY Our Fla

America is not the dominant arbiter in world affairs that is once saw itself to be New York Times-p302- Top boxers and UFC champs get knocked off thier number one ranking if they lose one fight- Same as football tennis etc- The Times has a point because how could we be a number one superpower after losing so many wars- Korea? Vietnam- Afghanastan- Iraq- We may not have completely lost but we definitely didnt win- That is why we are headed for 3 and fourth world status at this rate- Bananna Republics dont care about high death counts, infact many leaders are power crazed misanthropes- I remember my friend telling me how many dead bodies in the street thier were in Columbia while he was growing up- Look how many people we have lost in our wars and epidemic etc- Globalists like Slick Willy- Mena Ark- Clinton Ak total wasteland of drugs- meth- The people would rather be working for a living not dealing drugs they make that abundantly clear- No jobs and hyperinflation due to globalist parasites who have destroyed America into bannana republic status- Dementia potus who stands down at the border while many states already have a major homeless problem- California cesspool of cartel violence litter punks and a homeless as depicted on Megyn Kelly- If there were good jobs then that would decrease the demand for drugs- Grateful to live in the great freedom state of fla that doesnt tolerate lawlessness- Great governor and leadership all the way around- Annoying rude ny ers please stay there- Went to the big apple recently for the rigurous 4 part fraud exam conducted by the fine folks at ACFE- Unfortunately right on Times Square there are aggressive homeless w/ a sense of entitilement harrasing- NYPD good people but stuck behind politicians that arent pro freedom nor stand your ground- As I was eating a 7 dollar slice next to the overpriced hotel I was residing the homeless guy agressively demands money from the patrons- No private security that would never fly in fla- Wanna be who knows what beyond rude idiots blaring on their horns that would never work here either- NYPD should enforce litter fines as well as noise nuisance laws for excessive horn morons- Do these people think that the person in front of them is intentionally blocking their way or slowing things down on purpose? I saw an amazing play Almost Famous that I figured was guaranteed to win multiple Tonys- Unfortunately for whatever reason probably due to the covid cons they shut down and are no longer performing

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Prozac Nation

Prozac clinical trials were fabricated applied science-p273- patients were dropping like flies from horrific side effects- prozac causes suicide and violence- Eli Lily ordered the staff to doctor the reports- The placebo controlled clinical trials were corrupt from top to bottom-p275 As soon as I took Zoloft I could feel my brains synapses being altered- I could tell that it was severely interfering w/ my brains natural homeostasis- Prozac changed the world of pychiatry and medicine,promoting a false theory of biochemical imbalances causing mental disorders and paving the way for multiple new pychiatric drugs w/revunues in the multiple billions of dollars-p273

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Cover Up

My focus in the scientific publication is on the systemic cover up of vaccine harms by medical/scientific establishment and the drug companies-Peter Breggin MD- Duesh Fauci predicted w/certainty a few days before the inauguration of a plandemic during Trumps term- Faucis braggadocio reflects the same grandiosity we have found in most global predators indifference to the fate of humanity- a self centered passion for superiority over other individuals and humanity itself-p250 This weasal is so annoying especially when he told Rand Paul that he didnt know what he was talking about as he lied to congress- His voice I cant listen thats why I havent watched the movie-

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Cassandras Memo

Covid And The Global Psychopaths- Robert Yaho-MD- great book well researched easy to read w/ many credible sources- The author has a sense of humor although writing about morbid scenarios- And a unique ability to put it all in proper perspective w/cause for optimism- Once my Amazon account reaches the required limit I will be able to write a great 5 star review

Monday, January 16, 2023

One Nation Under Blackmail

We just dont want our inteligence agencies controlled by organized crime- Whitny Webb

Friday, January 13, 2023

Greed Gone Wild

https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/delray-beach/delray-beach-doctor-sentenced-to-20-years-in-sober-home-fraud- take away a mans wealth snd discover their character- Watch as a mans aquires wealth and do the same- So this dirty doc was over prescribing to people in recovery as well as prescribing xanax- 12 people od and died- prescribing xanax to people in recovery does that make sense- also lab test insurance fraud charging way over the limit-thosands for 1 pee how long did he think that would last- The days of lack of culpability are coming to an end- The sober house in loxahatchee that kept people in the insurance game and they continually got high and eventually died- The fla shuffle racket has its drawbacks but now people are going to be held accountable for negligence- Boy meets girl on rehab campus and well you know the rest- I see some folks w/ the girl and the white van- For some reason I think some people think its somewhat cool to be in the fla shuffle-

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Risk Mitigation

Sucsess is as dangerous as failure hope is as hollow as fear- Tao Te Ching- The emperor has no cloths infact he is naked and afraid- Any high mach low vibe misanthrope is going to find out they arent going to be around much longer- Drug houses are ok for addicts that either arent ready for sober living or who dont have one available - Addiction isnt black white good bad and incarceration hasnt worked that well- People that have acess to clean needles wont get nasty infections and lose limbs- Its not enabling its risk mitigation- Chances are they wont live much longer anyway unless they get clean but in the interim if they are on the street its better to have acess to a clean needle exchange. If a place can be managed properly it can save lives- Eventually one must come to the realization that one more strike and we will be out of the game forever.

Monday, January 9, 2023


LAWS CONCERNING GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH The U. S. law that will put bioweapon makers and funders into jail is: United States Federal Code 12 U.S.C. Chapter 10–175 – which expressly prohibits such biological weapons and makes it a criminal offence. “175. Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons (a) In General. – Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both.” Aim4truth

Investigative Journalists

Great investigative journalists Lara Lpgan and Liz Wheeler- Lara cant be bought- Liz very smart says that Trumpian is a political consultant now part of the swamp not an outsider anymore- Yes my problem w/ former potus is that he is no different then big pharma litigious wealth gaming the system for riches- Not stand up- Besides Trump organisation being a convicted tax cheat and Trumpian University convicted for fraud lets take a look at his former business model- (Retainage) he always found a way not to pay the contractors even if they did an explorary job? Inquiring people want to know- OK so if he didnt pay then he said I dont have to sue me- Bully- taking advantage of the working class folks that supposedly voted for him- He knew people didnt have the finances to get strung along in court so guess who always won? Lets take a look at the nefarious scum of the earth big pharma crimes- Is there much of a difference? Trump is the swamp and didnt say jack you know what about the vaccine even know we know he knew better- As a matter of fact what did he say I would be the first person to tell you if I didnt stand behind operation warp speed- The big pharma criminals dont mind if they get sued because whatever they have paid out has been a pittance in agregate to thier profits over the years- Essentially former Potus and big pharma are one in the same- He is a swamp creature whos riches must be questioned- Also instead of setting up a non profit for people that got hurt irrevocably or killed Trumpian decides to sell his super hero dolls for all of his q tards- Why would he have to embelish his net worth- Why because his entire identity/marketing enterprise is tied into it- insecure fragile ego- Why would he have to embelish or lie about anything- My friend told me that he was warned 50 years ago not to business w/ Trumpian for obvious reasons- Take away a mans wealth and then you find out his true character

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Divine Drama

According to JUng we must become actors in the divine drama of life- I believe we need a third party independent to swoop in to save the day- The Trumpian effect got to be a little too much now its time for a change- Desantis is great but Lincoln wasnt- Quoting Lincoln not so good the civil war could have been avoided- I see divine things in the progressive movement and I dont believe they are all pushing for communism nor socialism. A real grassroots revolutionary like Abby Martin can and will turn this entire world around- Putting a stranglehold on countries hurting the people under the phony guise of promoting democracy and getting rid of dictators is not and hasnt been the noble thing to do-

Drank A Few

Inquiring people want to know why a pbso was terminated for having below a .08- on the job- From my understanding if you get pulled over w/ below the legal limit you are free to go- Why would he be terminated anyway are cops supposed to be robots- Maybe he witnessed traumatic events while working and now he is self medicating- Maybe he just drank a few- he was still below the legal limit- Isnt IA supposed to help people get back on track and not just terminate-

Monday, January 2, 2023

King David

Ask Quora- How many lives has the pentagon brass ruined for life? Too many to list- Joachim Hagopian explains in Dont Let The Bastards Get You Down how the west pointians are a waste of time- King David ass kisser extrodinaire- Getting ahead by making others look bad- I had an eye opening moment about King David Petraeus when he asked somebody how well they did in school- There answer was something like 3.8 his response why not 4.0- After that moment I began to have a different view on this man who received credit for great leadership during 2 wars- According to Joachim he engaged in the exact opposite of his doctrine- How do you write a manuel about counter insurgence just to get bogged down in 2 unwinnable boondoggles- Supposedly he was also engaged in some dirty tactics death squads the whole 9 in Iraq-perfect fit for the cia- The book explains how everything is backwards at west point and others- Training cadets to be sycophants and robots all the way up the chain of command- Following ridiculous rules and getting ahead by making others look bad has nothing to do with real leadership. Two high ranking generals graduated w/ Joachim and took alot of heat during the GWOT- Hagopian saw the writing on the wall early on and was able to avoid life as an Army Officer post Vietnam- Many of his former classmates werent so lucky and became kia during that shitstorm of a war- Many of the best young men were Joachims friends and they either quit or got weeded out- What was left was the narcissist robots like KIng David w/ no social skills. In America if you screw up and make horrible descisions over and over again you eventually get a presidential medal of freedom- I am sure that duesh Fauci has one coming to him real soon- My question about King David is how do you write a manuel of what not to do but then get caught up in doing the exact same thing as what you warned about- Joachim is related to general Warren the hero of Gettysburg who eventually became a casualty of Little Phil Sheridan- Between King David and Little Phil the cream definitely doesnt aleays rise to the top- Little Phil was a weasal and a liar and ruined the career of general warren the hero of Gettysburg