Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sandy Hook Newtown

This is a tragic story, every day I pray for the victims and their families. This story is so disturbing that I believe it hits all of us to the very fabric of our core. I almost bought a house in Newtown with my wife, it is a quaint environment known as one of the safest and nicest in our entire country. The only answer that I have that makes sense to prevent this from ever happening again is to create a threat assessment analysis for all of our public schools and place one individual on the ground dressed exactly like our Executive Protection Agents. This means he/she wouldn't stand out and cause attention by wearing a uniform w/ a weapon that is clearly visible. This would only ad fuel to the fire in a world where everybody is already shaken and horrified beyond belief. This agent will already be highly trained to take out the enemy. This is not an easy process, in fact contrary to how some people may feel this goes against our nature. Lt Col Dave Grossman explains this is his book On Killing. In the first few days of training students at the FBI Academy are asked if they feel that they would be capable of taking out the enemy if need be. The train up process for this is quite intensive, and once you go through it, you must retrain and go through it again and again until it becomes muscle memory and this means ongoing training w/ as close to real world simunition scenarios as possible. This is as serious as it gets because that is why we need a higher budget for our security agents. The last thing you want is people that really want to get the job done and even resort to paying for their ongoing training out of their own pocket because I have seen this and have trained w/ these fine men and women.. Is that really fair for them? A few years back a ninja dressed maniac in Colorado shot up a church. He then drove miles away and starting shooting up another church. There were two under trained security guards already there however although they had their weapons drawn they couldn't get the job done even though innocent people were getting hit and a Vietnam Vet who was there was screaming at these guards to give him their weapon so he could take this guy out. There was a hero off duty female police officer who came to the rescue, she came through and finally got the job done. The agent at our schools would dress exactly like my men, non threatening, with a sports coat and khaki pants and loafers and his/her personality would be very affable.. However he/she will have a 9 mill Glock concealed with many magazines tucked and hidden away that nobody would ever even know about. The job title for this guardian angel will be something along the lines of director of student affairs or assistant to the Headmaster.In-fact this guardian angel will look so non threatening he/she would fit right in at the local golf country club or black tie gala and speak the exact same language as the members. Their cover would never get blown because the only people that would ever know about this are the ones that needed to know and this would be a select few. This is the only thing that makes sense to prevent another horrific tragedy of epic proportions.        

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