Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Moving Targets and Executive Protection Dogs

I find it interesting when I see people who have dogs and they are so pleased because Fido can do all kinds of tricks for treats. That is not what its all about. A well trained dog is not one that is manipulated to do a back flip knowing it will get a biscuit. A well trained k-9 is one that is well balanced and is calm due to plenty of exercise and socialization with other dogs and people and clearly they have to know that he/she is not the Alpha wolf. Our European German Shepard's are experts in the world of Schutzhund (protection dog) The worst dogs are the ones who are cooped up all day w/ no pack leader behind a fence w/ no exercise or social integration.These dogs should be everybody worst fear because when they do escape they are dangerous. Our Executive Protection dogs are used for personal protection, search and rescue, tracking, bomb sniffing, illegal drugs and for many other important tasks. They are perfect k-9s that are family oriented and fun and only act upon command or when they sense a real threat. I am using the same analogy at the firing range where most people are taught to hit center mass only at a paper target where they have plenty of time to relax, concentrate and aim. This is what is known as trophy shooting and most instructors swear by it because unfortunately most instructors were never trained properly either. This is not going to prepare anybody ie- specifically the civilian who has a carry permit and they need to understand the tremendous amount of responsibility and liability that comes with the decision to carry a weapon concealed in their day to day life. The most important aspect of all is to develop a tactical mindset. One must train and retrain for various situations, ie- that one in a million shot they must execute when the next maniac decides to go postal on innocent people in a public setting. It also means that escalation of force classes must be taken on an ongoing basis where they will learn that for personal protection the weapon is the last thing to reach for and this is only if their life is truly in imminent danger. This is why with all of our training courses we include effective hand to hand combat techniques. This is used to eliminate the need to ever have to resort to using their weapon in the first place. Krav Maga is the most effective self defense form and it is not even considered a martial art. This is what is used by our Law Enforcement, Private security and Private military teams as well as most of our Federal Agents. Intense cardio is needed for this so that means alot of running, biking and swimming to go along with ongoing strength training is mandatory. Training simulation and simunition evolution's must include incredible amounts of chaos and stress and it must appear as realistic as possible. Moving targets need to be included because it doesn't really matter if you take out the enemy at center mass with a double tap as long as you get the job done and you don't miss and inadvertently hit innocent people or even worse if you don't have the confidence to pull the trigger at all.  I urge all Americans to not even consider taking on the tremendous responsibility of carrying a weapon as a civilian unless you are trained at the highest level and if you feel there truly is a real need for this. If you do decide to take on this risk this means you are going to have to spend money out of your own pocket to train properly but when it comes to something as serious as this it will be well worth it. If you are going to do something that protects and saves lives including your own make sure you do it right or please don't do it at all. .

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