Saturday, October 12, 2013

Aurora Col- Lessons Learned

This story is very sad however the Aurora Police Dept must be highly praised, they were on the scene within 90 seconds, that is truly a miraculous response time. The only answer to prevent this from ever happening again is to create a much tighter security operation within all of our soft targets. For example this diabolical individual should have never been able to enter the movie theater from an outside exit. Security personal on the ground need to prepare and do advance work on all of our public destinations. Unfortunately law enforcement can not be every where at all times, this means we all need to start working together. What makes this story so disturbing is that this guy was dressed in full tactical gear, ie- urban assault vest, leggings, throat protector and even a ballistic helmet that is worn by our real world guardian angels. This story is eerily reminiscent of the North Hollywood Shoot Out that occurred in Feb 1997. This shook the LAPD to the very foundations of its core. We all know changes need to be made when the enemy comes at us loaded with weapons and gear even more powerful then local Law Enforcement, since then changes were made. The Greenwich Police Dept has the best SWAT team in the state, this means they are one of the most elite in the entire country so residents can rest easy because it is a blessing that they don't get the call very often but when they do they will unequivocally be there to get the job done. When the enemy is dressed in a way that would make it difficult for us to take him out even with an active shooter detail on the ground this means that prevention and continuous training by higher paid security agents needs to take place. 90 seconds, that is amazing, this is what prevented even more deaths and bodily injury without question. As time moves on I hope to create an interstate interoperability system which means that every state will have much better communication. It all starts with the security personal on the ground,. more money, better training and a much closer relationship with local law enforcement and our federal agencies. Marshal Law was declared during Katrina however it still took much too long to do this so many lives were lost as a result. I attended Dr Kobetz Execurtive Protection Institute in Berrysville Va. The state of Va is a fine example of one of the few states that already has a decent interopeability program in place. Unfortunately a few miles down the road in Washington Dc they had the exact opposite, this is what led to many more lives being lost inside building 197 during the Naval Military shooting massacre last month    

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