Sunday, October 20, 2013

We Are At War

I must  let the American people know that we are involved in an ugly cyber was vs China. This threat is as serious as it gets and I don't use the word war lightly. In fact this threat is so serious the former director of the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) created a major battle plan that is hopefully going to make it all the way through the red tape that will undoubtedly get in the way. Dennis C Blair was a Navy Admiral, he was Obama's first DNI director. As noted in my bio the DNI was created as a result of what led up to the Iraq war, its (faulty unvetted intel.) It is the biggest spy agency on the planet with 16 federal agencies working underneath it so I believe it is safe to say that Mr Blair is highly qualified. His proposal can be viewed at The problem with China is that they are attacking us every day in every way they can with their cyber-war tactics. As it stands now harmonization and international laws are making it difficult to respond to such aggressive and ruthless infiltration of our or major networks. The Peoples Liberation Army of China have refused to sign any international peace and working agreements such as the Budapest Convention under the guise of violating national sovereignty rights. However the real reason is because they are state sponsored hackers that have special operations teams such  as Team Naid of Hidden Lynx .Although this adversary keeps a low profile they directly infiltrate our Military Industrial Complex. Not only is China stealing our highly classified military secrets they are costing American businesses over 300 billion a year with Industrial Espionage. Digital forensic evidence proves China has engaged in a multiyear full scale sabotage effort coming directly outside of the military units gates.They are trying to sabotage our power grid and air traffic control systems and create havoc on our financial institutions while they steal proprietary information.Over 300 billion is the amount of money we are losing because the enemy hacks its way directly into the biggest names we have such as google and Microsoft.etc. This is just from the theft of intellectual property alone, not counting the other ways they are stealing and hurting us. We all must note that we are already  trillions of dollars in debt and our government almost defaulted recently.Our enemy is taking notice and is waiting for us to become even more weak at the knees. It is extremely difficult to get a patent in this great country, it is an abomination for our creative innovators to have their trade secrets stolen on a daily basis.We must fight back and I am not talking about toast and tea meetings. Counter strikes must start immediately because if we wait too long pretty soon we will be a third world country and that is exactly what are enemies want. Companies must hire their own Cyber Pinkertons  and retrieve any stolen information by directly attacking their networks. How can it be illegal to counter strike against a ruthless enemy in a battlefield where there are limited international law enforcement agencies working together in unison to begin with? We are dealing with state sponsored mercenary hackers, playing nice isn't going to work. Our private spy firms will  hit back and raise the cost of  intellectual property thieves and cause severe damage to their capabilities. Soon they will realize that it will be cost prohibitive to engage in this kind of warfare after all.                  .

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