Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bureaucracy Our Downfall-Lessons Learned?

Has anybody ever heard of John Oneill and Ali Souffan? They were two of our nations greatest heroes of the 20th century leading up to 9-11 and beyond.. They worked for the FBI and they were all over Al-Qaeda. In fact John Oneill basically by himself was responsible for apprehending the terrorist who bombed the towers in 93. This is a tragic story because this true legend was stonewalled every step of the way by members that were supposed to be on his own team. He was a brilliant spy, however he had sharp elbows and there is a saying in the Bureau "if you run with the wolves make sure you don't trip" John Oneill couldn't care one bit what the bureaucrats thought about him. He gathered incredible intel on our nations enemies the right way, not by enhanced interrogation techniques that have since been proven to be completely ineffective. The CIA didn't start that program until years later but the CIAs own Inspector General admitted its ineffectiveness however we all must note how 3 trillion was wasted  how many lives were lost and forever ruined as well as the infinite number of enemies we created as a result. These techniques were used as our reason to invade Iraq and Powells infamous speech where he had to sell out to the higher ups with unvetted intel on Iraq w/ WMDs and their ties to 9-11. They went back to the terrorist after it was too late and asked why did you lie? The answer was simple," I was being coerced so I told you what you wanted to hear". Oneills instincts were so good however he would have never tried anything like that anyway.  He followed the true Counter Insurgence Doctrine, (building bridges and making friends) He took his work straight to the 5 star restaurant/bars every night where he continued to work and network  incessantly along with a select few of the highest ranking spies of our OGAs (other govt agencies).this country has ever known. He was so brilliant that this not only ended his career, this is what ended up costing him his life as well. He was a direct threat to a man named Tom Pickard, this man didn't want Oneill to get to the top or ahead of him and Pickard was in tight w/ the FBI director at the time Louis Freeh. The FBI was on a different path back then.. Freeh was a throwback to the Hoover days of stateside criminal investigations and straight laced and crispy clean field agents that went out to chase and lock up bad guys in  ways only true G-men would know how to.The problem was there was  zero budget and complete apathy  for Oneill and his efforts and "our major threat" that leading up to 9-11 the FBIs computer system was so archaic most school systems were more advanced. International enemies like Bin Laden and his network was the CIAs problem. There was one Arabic speaking FBI agent named Ali Soufan, this man sent 3 teletypes directly to the CIA requesting intel (that they had) on a terrorist from Yemen about imminent attacks on the USA,. however he was met by "the wall" as well. Oneill and Souffan and members of their team were responsible for preventing cataclysmic attacks on our country and this includes a major New Years Eve Millennium bombing in Times Square that many of us never even knew about. Remember Yemen, the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000?  This attack was swept under the rug and Oneill was stonewalled once again not only from backstabbers from within but even worse from a female US Ambassador who kept him home because she didn't want us to ruffle any more feathers with her Yemenis friends. It didn't matter that one of our mother ships was attacked and 17 American sailors were killed and 39 of them were injured by a ruthless suicide bomber and that they were headed straight for The Twin Towers, Pentagon and White House and up until that time in history we only read about this kind of  event in Tom Clancy novels. The terrorist Souffan asked about was on one of the hijacked planes. Oneills sources loved him in Yemen, he was given invaluable intel, however it didn't last long because Ambassador Bodine didn't let him back in after he took a quick break back home after working for 3 weeks straight 24/7. Everybody now knows that 9-11 and the Cole attacks were directly linked and Souffan and Oneill were working around the clock to try to prevent this. It only went downhill for Oneill after that. The many wolves made sure he tripped in big ways. They blew up trivial departmental issues way out of proportion, ie- losing a cell phone, taking a company car in an emergency with out signing mountains of paperwork, even losing a briefcase temporarily w/ classified documents.. If you ask people who are in the know they feel he was set up for that briefcase incident. These wolves even conveniently placed an op-ed piece in the NY Times blasting this hero for being untrustworthy and sloppy during the most critical investigation period in our nations history. In fact he was kept so far out of the loop toward the end he missed out on pertinent intel Souffan and his team uncovered.. I wish that I could say this story had a happy ending but after the op-ed piece this was the nail in the coffin for Oneills FBI career. In a tragic twist of irony and some would call fate he took a much higher paying position at the World Trade Center as director of security. He loved the FBI, his new job was triple the pay but it didn't matter to him, his heart was irrevocably broken. One of Johns trusted journalist sources was out with him right before he started his new job. He made a comment that basically said its ok you should be safe here, I don't think this place will get hit again..John looked at him and said- "no I think they really want to finish the job this time" (in 93 the goal was to take both buildings down but didn't have enough funding)  Like all true American Legends he officially started work on Sept 10 2001 and went down with the greatest towers ever known in a sad and devastating pile of ash and rubble..  .        .        

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