Thursday, June 27, 2024

Crimes Galore

 It takes 5 years for clinical trials- Operation Warp Speed where they couldn't wait to roll out this jab-  No matter how many times I try to give these fraudsters the benefit of the doubt they always find a way to deceive lie and connive-

 We have been hit w/ a massive Mk Ultra bomb- That is major trauma- It started out years ago but recently it's been a huge pysop of epic proportions- That would be psychotropic warfare and medical chemo poison / pet mafia Lies- That our dogs need to get jabbed for rabies and others- These jabs cause side effects giving the dogs the very symptoms they are supposed to be protecting them from- Rabies- something that is non existent- Just more fear mongering in an attempt to gouge the owners make more money thus to  gain more control-

Did your dog get his shots brain wash- No and I didn't get the jab either- I am an anti masker and an anti vaxxer- I cant stand weasels in the media like jJim Cramer w/ his talk about various vaccines like these things are a gold mine-

Jason Hanson talks about his cia background and what it is supposed to represent-Protection defense and all of that good stuff- Honestly I cant listen to him anymore- Lets take a look at our cia- They assassinated JFK and lied about it w/ a bogus white wash that has lasted to this day- They gave us Operation Mockingbird in the media and Mk Ultra lying and weaseling every step of the way-

FBI and CIA were both involved in the false flag on 9-11 as well as the cover up and investigation- They are scum traitors of the highest order and corrupt to their very core- Now we have millions dead from wars they started as well as the drugs they not only brought in but also  have prescribed w/ impunity- Oxy Contion the list goes on- They couldn't fight 2 wars the right way totally inept- Incompetence- While our American soldiers and others continually got killed or gravely injured- We have child trafficking and pedophilia and many missing children-

Our judiciary is corrupt Manhattan DA was trying to make believe they were separate from the doj/ feds and strictly a state issue promising that  their would be no deep state shenanigans- Lies betrayal weasels- Let  the hood looms and migrants into our country and out onto the street and then  initiate bail reform at the same time as when  the scamdemic was deployed- Thus  causing major chaos and destabilization -And then try to gas light  everybody that everything is ok and that we are the ones w/ the problem-

If our judiciary is corrupt then its obvious that wall street and our financial sector is too- Mk Ultra esoteric garbage- Nobody can understand and relate to CNBC- And that was the number one thing I learned at fraud school- When things seem too complicated that is usually a red flag and in many cases is an indicator of fraud-  So my question to Jason Hanson is What does the CIA really do?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


We dont want safe cocktails we want no cocktails- we dont need international crime syndicates trying to push us around- RFK is the only candidate saying anything while the other one was bragging about operation warp speed- it takes at least 5 years for clinical trials-

Judge Acting Like A Thug

Christina Peterson’s charges include simple battery against a police officer and felony willful obstruction of law enforcement by use of threats of violence. This is pretty bad- This is supposed to be a judge- I saw how she was acting like a straight out thug

This brings me to where it transpired- A place where Trump is facing Rico charges etc- I still cant believe Jenna Ellis and others had to go to Fulton county jail and plead guilty- That is what happens when they only allow their own evidence-

This judge was really bad news in Fulton county GA- Not a place I want to visit any time soon- Infact many parts in America are dilapidated wastelands- Thanks to all of these corrupt politicians

I saw this snippet in Portland Oregon where these individual who more then likely- wasn't a naturalized American citizen was video taping their police cruisers and trying to boss them around- This is a place that is already a wasteland due to drugs homelessness and stand downs on crime- Now they send out a hole reporters to try to humiliate cops who already cant do their job due to corrupt globalist policies-

We have a horrible drug crisis w natural born Americans living on the street but this imposer in chief has been letting in migrants in droves in an attempt to hurt our country even worse- Cant speak English living in the most expensive cities with crime that has already put countless big chain stones out of business-

The people who made certain laws like bail reform should be prosecuted because this has put many people directly in harm sway

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Shes Crowd

The Shes crowd only brought attention to themselves by suing Alex Jones for such an egregious sum- That was red flag 101- Why would the amount be so outlandish if he didn't do anything except exhibit his free speech-Whats even worse is a judge would go along w/ it- If that doesn't prove our kangaroo court judiciary nothing will- I am not a fan of the Guardian- I do however like some of their articles and have wrote based off of a few of them- They have put themselves in the Wikipedia and Legacy media category- They are always asking for donations too- Alex Jones is a good investigative reporter/ intel analyst and he tries to empower other alternative media outlets by having them on his show-

Its pretty obvious the real investigative reporters are not very solvent and struggle against hyperinflation while these legacy outlets are propped up by dirty big pharma money- These people are so dirty they scoff at a multi million dollar lawsuit that gets paid out when innocent people lost their life- Its just another day of doing business- Its a pittance for them- When this thing turns around and it will soon these sold out legacy media outlets w/ corrupted souls are infamously going to go down in the dustbins of history

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Pecker Gate Fraud

 We have a kangaroo court sham legal system that is unjust and corrupt- I wanted to give the lawfare individuals the benefit of the doubt because they came across as credible and legitimate-

They have proven themselves to be everything but that and represent everything that is wrong about the system itself- Trump not only brought up on charges that couldn't even be explained properly- Pecker Gate book keeping- Manhattan DA is corrupt there is a chance that that the jury may have even been rigged-

Pecker Gate bookkeeping- 34 felony counts and convicted on them all- Our kangaroo court is an embarrassment to America and needs to disappear back into the banana republic that it originated from- Liars Karen Friedman had me convinced this case was based on merit and was not politically motivated-or directed due to Animus toward the defendant-

I don't care if you hate Trump you still have to go by the book and don't do anything outlandish- That would be right before election season amp up the bogus charges and convictions- political theater- Biden is one of if not the worst presidents  that we have ever had

These corrupt individuals are brazen and callous- How can they say this isn't politically motivated- If the other side makes clear how they are Dems and love that clown who is posing as our commander in chief- Trump and many others are going to take the entire house of cards down 

Trailer Park

She has issues but the man should have backed off on saying hello to her anymore based on her reaction and he should also get a hearing aid so he stops yelling at people when he thinks he isnt because he is partially deaf- That is rude and can be considered obtrusive to the woman who made clear a long time ago she just wants to be left alone

This woman was arrested for felony battery of a person over 65 years old due to smearing dog poo on his face

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fraud Pfizer

Kansas AG sues Pfizer for misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine

Release Date: Jun 17, 2024
TOPEKA – (June 17, 2024) – Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for misleading claims it made related to the COVID vaccine. Kobach and Deputy Attorney General Fran Oleen, Assistant Attorney General Kaley Schrader, and Assistant Attorney General Melanie Jack today announced the lawsuit at a press conference in Topeka.

“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kobach said.

According to the complaint, filed today in Thomas County District Court, Pfizer misled Kansans about the vaccines’ risks, including to pregnant women and for myocarditis.  Additionally, Pfizer claimed its vaccine protected against COVID variants, despite data showing otherwise. The pharmaceutical giant also suggested its vaccine prevented COVID transmission, but later admitted it had never studied whether its vaccine stopped transmission.

The complaint also alleges that Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recovering America

 Well done documentary RFK Jr going to San Fran and other places and finding out what America is suffering in our addiction plague- He is down to earth and humble doing his best to come up with real solutions for what seems to be insurmountable problems-

He personalizes it in an authentic manner- I knew that pet therapy was important after my 6 month stint at Boca house I had two beautiful pups- As I was walking by the IOPs  on the train tracks the clients were enamored after being institutionalized- They all gravitated to them because their soul was needing it

Being institutionalized is not  healthy and this is why RFK and others are bringing out the country farm rehabs- Horses working on the farm equine therapy so helpful- It will do amazing wonders for the recovery process-   

Trump personalizes it as well w/ his brother Fred but just say no went out of the window during the Ronny Reagan days- It was a failed slogan then and not realistic today- Well maybe for the next generation that may work  complete abstinence but for now America is still suffering and in the death spirals of active addiction

Tim Spooners Warriors Heart another amazing concept to heal veterans law enforcement as well as first res-ponders- Recovery is possible and not too far off the horizon

Army Guy Suicide By Cop

This vet had some obvious screws loose and an ego to boot- The reason I respect American law enforcement over many military guys is because they rarely talk like that- I did this and that 2 deployments overseas hit a paper target w iron sites from 300 yards- Cops are mostly cool and calm while this vet had a suicide mission- You rarely hear a cop talk about the shit hes done and seen and what a bad ass shooter he is bragging about how he could easily take them all out- Definitely not a prized package that was lost that day-

No courage either puts his hands on his girl admitted it they have a job to do which means your going downtown- If he complied and followed-through and maybe get some PTSD therapy charges would have been dropped more then likely- Trae Spurlack decided to take it to an entirely new level by talking tough and mentally unstable in front of three cops who were calm and doing their best to get this unstable vet away from his rifle-

I am not trying to dis honor this troubled young man who is now deceased but he knew rank as a former Army sergeant- Cops showed up and they have to do their job because their jobs are on the line- One would think somebody that went through Uncle Sam's process that they would show more deference and respect toward law enforcement- It seemed quite apparent to met that is why he had a motive of suicide by cop all along

Monday, June 17, 2024

Vaccine Hoars

Another sad case of a horrible ignorant and uneducated owner- The dog never got properly trained w exercise or the bare minimum for that matter she wanted cops to shoot her own dog how was she able to get it in the first place she should have been prevented- That same dog w a different owner would have been a completely different k-9

Rabies pet maphia con job in cahoots w the medical Rockefeller foundation - We have been brainwashed for years to give our dogs jabs that do more harm then good- A phantom bogey man that is extremely rare and has been for well over 100 years- Peggy Hall explains how similar this all is to the vaccine hoars who don't give a dam about us orr our pets

The Real Crime

 2005 synthetic corona virus was going to be a biological warfare enabling technology- Ralph Baric- Dr David Martin explains-

Sometimes I get off the earthly plane and delve into the matrix and into my long lost love Law and Order SVU- That means I am checking out in a hotel it doesn't mean movies just long tv commercials- While relishing in one of my favorite creators Dick Wolfs works of art it was hard for me not to really get into FBI and FBI International-

Great programs but I often ponder the in your face criminality of the international crime syndicate during these long commercials- I  rarely watch but when i do its tough to miss the big pharma campaign for every other drug under the sun- By now we are all used to it and plenty of us are completely sick of it- However ruthless criminals are brazen and will even  hijack the airwaves especially during a crime show- This is what I mean by in our face just like what Disney and plenty of ads do to promote pedophilia -

FBI international child trafficking I often question how deep big pharmas hooks go into those heinous crimes as well-

Sorry FBI nor cia doesn't have our trust Christopher Wray no thanks fbi/cia covered up both JFK and 9-11 the list goes on ad infinitum- Now trying to cover up massive vaccine death and injuries what could possibly be worse then that? They should have been preventing the entire charade from transpiring in the first place- The AG of Kansas is suing Pfizer for fraud- Pregnant women miscarriages horrible side effects the usual- Pfizer is way too in our face especially w/ Lady Gaga promoting a migraine drug that  even hijacked my morning meditation-

So i am going to delve into the Pfizer papers investigation team where they wanted us to wait 75 years to find out what was in their jab- Then when they finally released it by court order it was all mumbo jumbo esoteric garbage however real investigators were able to break it down - Not that I trust our governmental  agencies  in regard to oversight however  for Operation Warp speed Pfizer still didn't want any-

That is like saying we dont want the worst of the worst to monitor or check us out because we are doing something far worse then that and even more diabolical then what one could possibly imagine-

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Gun In Bar

If the caller didn't think he was a threat he wouldn't have called twice and what was he doing in a bar w a gun clearly visible and not only consuming alcohol but also acting erratic- Isn't carrying in a bar as a civilian illegal in GA- Especially one that is not concealed-The caller twice called and 26 minutes it took- Not the cops fault its the system - Clearly outstretched over worked and under appreciated- And think about it some people still want to defund the police- 26 min that would never fly in Fla

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Audit The Audit

Great analysis- The first indicator that the off duty officer more then likely pointed his weapon at an innocent bystander for no legitimate reason is due to the fact that he lied about having one- If he didn't commit the aggravated assault why would he lie about that as well as not being straight forward about being a cop - Also why would the victim report the incident but then not show up for court-

Then this off duty cop w/ multiple empty vodka bottles in his truck and smelling of alcohol had a shirt that said deny everything- That is telling Rt there- You cant be a cop but then act like a criminal its pretty simple- They used to say booze hounds drank vodka because it didn't smell apparently not it comes through the pores

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sham Trial

 Lets see  how else is it apparent that Trumps trial was a sham- How could he be guilty on all 34 counts which in essence they were saying it was a slam dunk- There should have only been one count if any at all How much more obvious can they make it- Its like they aren't trying to hide anything.

I used to respect outlets like the Medias Touch network but not so much anymore- There are too many reasons to list but it started for me by how Ben Meisalas and his pal Michael Popak along w/ Michael Cohen etc didn't acknowledge any election irregularities- infact they had me convinced that Trump legitimately lost in 2020

Their entire premise is based on trying to convince us that Trump and his supporters are rogue and are basically not in touch w/ reality by feeling and thinking that Biden is an illegitimate joke- Its all corrupt- GA There were witnesses to voter fraud but some how some way these people never get their say-

That is deep level corruption- Jan 6 riots there was a legitimate reason for it and public officials on the receiving end of it should be just as upset as the so called aggressors- Our entire system is in horrific shape-  I would feel creepy if I was a Medias Touch  because the only thing they do is spy on Trump totally obsessed that's weird and then they just try to dig up dirt- Cohen supposedly didn't do that well under cross examination- Cohen thinks Fauci is a good man and vaccines are good news what more needs to be said-

Sunday, June 2, 2024

License To Lie

 It appears that Trumps convictions may have been non legitimate- Withholding exculpatory evidence and gagging the client doesn't sound like the trial was conducted on the up and up- Withholding exculpatory evidence has been a constant theme for many swamp run cases-

If the jury is only presented  pre selected evidence while being excluded evidence that would exonerate that is highly corrupt- License to lie- It appears that our judiciary system is on a respirator and needs to be extirpated to the bottom of the swamp that it came from.

  Also there is a big difference between tax assessed value and actual market value- That would be like putting a low number on Micky Mantles actual glove-  So Robert Deniro goes on the microphone and says- how awful Trump is and that he is trying to destroy NYC as well as the country- This is the reason why many people don't like or respect actors-

Trump isn't a saint and never claimed to be however  he builds things and in many cases has made them much better-  The city is already destroyed and this has nothing to do w/ Trump- Its a cesspool of lawless garbage strewn streets third and fourth world conditions- crimes -migrants- ghost town- shut down stores and our legal and electorate system is in complete shambles-

Trump rebuilt the skyline in Manhattan enhanced market values and created a lot of jobs- Giuliani was a good mayor- under his watch the streets were clean and crime was down. The bureaucrats trying to destroy Trump never built anything nor employed a lot of people- I am sure that there are happy people that made money w/ him and felt a feeling of solid accomplishment along the way.

Actors like Robert  Deniro only play people they haven't been the real deal themselves- Trump is trying to do right for America by exposing the horrible corruption that they are putting him through and much more and he is honored to do it.