Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Private Equity Greed

 I think FPL is a shady monopoly- This scammer who attempted to steal my identity was affiliated w/ FPL because my bill was able to get paid and the power was also restored.

I viewed my balance and it said zero but I have two accounts and didn't look closely enough- This off shore Indian knew too much about my account was able to pay the bill and get my power restored- Now I get threatening messages from fpl stating last notification before dis connection even though my bill is only $86 and due on April 3

History always repeats itself I asked the woman working fraud at Wells Fargo if she remembered or knew about Enron- She couldn't recall burn baby burn manipulating the power grids by causing blackouts in Cal a greedy corporatist who was able to get their dirty hooks into municipalities making billions by doing absolutely nothing but betting on the air

Dirty politicians who are funded by these folks who are being greased by private equity- When I get THREATNING messages my first instinct is to hit back especially if I think you might be dirty

How well extorting people like the pet and medical maphia now does as well as the ers do considering private equity is now running both- You know Blackstone where quality care for people has gone way down as the bills are egregious in nature. As one doctor put it the secret sauce is to make as much money as possible regardless of patient outcome

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