Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Corporate Take Over

 These greedsters who  charge thousands for a cat taking advantage of peoples emotional attachment to their animals- A cat which are given away for  free and now the medical pet Maphia are running corporations trying to recoup their investment on Hugh tech machines that probably don't even work

This is how they roll I knew what was happening after the puppets in the media were selling fear- I refused to comply to these vet cons  park outside we will come to you wear a muzzle- This was a corporate take over by these un ethical- private equity firms- I just wanted flea meds for my dog I didn't need NOR WANT to dance to their tune.

They bought out all of the mom and pop vet firms in a direct attempt to start gouging the clients- The clown in the white house who didn't earn the position of POTUS because we the people didn't vote for him- So how are vet firms able to charge thousands for a dog and cat and  the old school vet is few and far between

There is deep seated corruption the snakes head has never been cut off- It was kind of like SGT Elias warning everybody in his platoon how and why not to do certain things because he had proof where people lost their lives by doing what they were about to do

Nobody listened because corruption COMES from  the very top- Those Vietnam war heroes were nothing more then pawns that were used and abused by the same greedy a holes that are pulling the strings now- Instead of doing something about turning young men into apathetic killers and mending their evil ways they pulled off 9-11 Iraq and Afghanistan- Knew exactly what they were getting into but didn't care-Soldiers are expendable in their eyes- We weren't fighting for freedom they were fighting for the paper tigers making millions at their expense- There is a lot of money in never ending unwinnable wars and human suffering just as their is in the pet Medical mafia.

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