Sunday, March 31, 2024

Karma Is Real

 In Wisconsin a man who claimed to be homeless and wasn't going back to jail pulled a suicide by cop- Jail ain't so bad you get three hots and a cot other then that you just have to watch your six and be wary of the friendly extortion.

This fits the gamut all three there is a mental health and homeless crisis combined w/ a drug scourge that has hardly ever been seen before- I often think about the cops that are still alive to remember and have actually worked through the worst of the worst- Like the American Gangster days leading up to Blow crack and everything else in between.

Drug wars addiction and a lot of wasted lives- It doesn't make sense to open the border to migrants to commit crimes here illegally when there is a homeless drug problem that should be dealt w/ first- Stand down on crime cities have failed extensively-  The politicians have failed the people miserably and should be ashamed of themselves-

Fla is the best state in the country- I was also thinking I wonder if the globalists would ever let Greenwich get turned into a shit hole like San Fran and NYC- Imagine that I don't think they care- They are so far removed from reality.

Then I was thinking about how some of these rich entitled a holes act because I was told by a high level ep trainer- He said the principal was arrogant giving orders to his ep detail guys treating them like garbage- Are you kidding me this due-sh expects his guys to take a bullet for him and he is still treating him like that- The dis connect of some people is astonishing- I would stand down and let the prick get hurt- Whats the worst that can happen I get fired- Karma is very real

Prison Reform

"Cowards. Thugs. Punks," Lopez said to describe the suspects. "They don't know how to fight fair." Sheriff Lopez- Violent thugs are cowards  especially the ones in prison where Hanson trains people how to deal w/ that kind of violence- If they are still acting like that in prison they should never get out.

A NYC cop was shot and killed- Anna from the YT hit it rt on the money something I rarely hear coming from various news outlets- The mayor is disturbed by this it is coming from the DAS and prosecutors they are making the world- unsafe for others-

If somebody has a long history of mental problems and is a continuous threat to themselves or others they need to be involuntarily committed long term. Prison reform is a must start trying to rehabilitate people instead of punish and that is when recidivism will start go down- Letting them back on the street will not rehabilitate them. 

And the thug who killed the cop should have never been on the street based on his recent violent criminal history. 

Home Invasion

This guy is now in my house," Joe recalled.

As Joe moved through the house he came face to face with the 6'4" intruder.

That’s when Joe fired three shots at the man.

"I had no choice given the circumstances," he said.

"There was no knocking, there was no announcement, there was no nothing," Joe said. (Jason Hansons blog-)

Why would you shoot somebody just because he is in your house- He may not have evil intentions- I was trained to draw your weapon and then take it from there- Home invasions happen but they are rare- If the guy is trying to rob your house but not hurt you do you still want to kill him.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Corporate Take Over

 These greedsters who  charge thousands for a cat taking advantage of peoples emotional attachment to their animals- A cat which are given away for  free and now the medical pet Maphia are running corporations trying to recoup their investment on Hugh tech machines that probably don't even work

This is how they roll I knew what was happening after the puppets in the media were selling fear- I refused to comply to these vet cons  park outside we will come to you wear a muzzle- This was a corporate take over by these un ethical- private equity firms- I just wanted flea meds for my dog I didn't need NOR WANT to dance to their tune.

They bought out all of the mom and pop vet firms in a direct attempt to start gouging the clients- The clown in the white house who didn't earn the position of POTUS because we the people didn't vote for him- So how are vet firms able to charge thousands for a dog and cat and  the old school vet is few and far between

There is deep seated corruption the snakes head has never been cut off- It was kind of like SGT Elias warning everybody in his platoon how and why not to do certain things because he had proof where people lost their lives by doing what they were about to do

Nobody listened because corruption COMES from  the very top- Those Vietnam war heroes were nothing more then pawns that were used and abused by the same greedy a holes that are pulling the strings now- Instead of doing something about turning young men into apathetic killers and mending their evil ways they pulled off 9-11 Iraq and Afghanistan- Knew exactly what they were getting into but didn't care-Soldiers are expendable in their eyes- We weren't fighting for freedom they were fighting for the paper tigers making millions at their expense- There is a lot of money in never ending unwinnable wars and human suffering just as their is in the pet Medical mafia.

Control The Opposition

 So called patriots who have been ringing alarm bells for years also raise red flags- You know the preppers who have sold fear telling us to stock up on ammo- Im tired of them and whatever comes down the pipeline is going to be anti climatic. 

Why would anybody tell us to buy ammo expensive as it is as if we are going to have a civil war- I bought INTO this controlled op position tactic for a while until I OPENED my eyes and realized these people are probably run by the bad guys because they know too many details of the alleged crimes.

Why try to sell fear first of all were not going to have a conventional civil war because that is totally obsolete- Seriously preppers are strange individuals. 

Private Equity Greed

 I think FPL is a shady monopoly- This scammer who attempted to steal my identity was affiliated w/ FPL because my bill was able to get paid and the power was also restored.

I viewed my balance and it said zero but I have two accounts and didn't look closely enough- This off shore Indian knew too much about my account was able to pay the bill and get my power restored- Now I get threatening messages from fpl stating last notification before dis connection even though my bill is only $86 and due on April 3

History always repeats itself I asked the woman working fraud at Wells Fargo if she remembered or knew about Enron- She couldn't recall burn baby burn manipulating the power grids by causing blackouts in Cal a greedy corporatist who was able to get their dirty hooks into municipalities making billions by doing absolutely nothing but betting on the air

Dirty politicians who are funded by these folks who are being greased by private equity- When I get THREATNING messages my first instinct is to hit back especially if I think you might be dirty

How well extorting people like the pet and medical maphia now does as well as the ers do considering private equity is now running both- You know Blackstone where quality care for people has gone way down as the bills are egregious in nature. As one doctor put it the secret sauce is to make as much money as possible regardless of patient outcome

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Neo Con Artists

The sheriff's office said an increasing number of fraud scams involving individuals posing as representatives of Florida Power & Light (FPL). These scammers are employing aggressive tactics to deceive residents into making immediate, unauthorized payments.

I was a victim of fpl fraud- As a fraud examiner I should have been wiser but in this world things not only happen to the best of us they often happen to the worst of us- I live by the 90% rule which is 9 out of 10 people are good and often give the benefit of the doubt- In any organization this holds true- 10 percent of cops are dirty and often they don't last very long. And there has been a small percentage of people at the top making things tougher on the rest of the world-

I thought about that after my dog nearly got killed- I was sure he would be maimed at the very least for what was left of his life- I was thinking of all of our soldiers that are now maimed for life- By horrific ieds because of the bs neo con artists who not only lied about 9-11 they lied profusely about Iraq by telling everybody it would be over quickly-

What a bunch of weasels then they were trying to tie Iraq to 9-11 knowing all along that was the furthest thing from the truth- They had their propaganda puppets Oreilly and Hannity making us think so however.

If Korea is the forgotten war Iraq and and its roadside  bombs is the forgotten story- Afghanistan same thing horrific ieds explosions for a war that didn't accomplish anything that wasn't even fought correctly and now so many people are ruined for life

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Pet Medical Maphia

My best friend Duke was hit by a truck but somehow miraculously avoided serious injury He walked in stable to this place w/ a bloody mouth and paws- Sales pitches rt away I felt like I was applying to Trump University- They wanted 700 doll- rt off the bat and then had 2 girls give me a sales pitch about borrowing money if I cant afford the bill- I was upset because I wanted a diagnostic done not immediately get presented w/ something that obviously meant the bill was going to be high- I respect the convenience and see the value in paying more- in an emergency even for precautionary measures- However there were red flags up because I knew my dog seemed to be ok even though I was traumatized- In er when a patient/person walks in its triage if they need stitches and nothing else sew them up and send them home- Why are pets different and why is this pet er 4 times plus more expensive then a 24/7 walk in clinic for humans? It is because this place is a corporation beholden to shareholders and the only goal is to make as much money as possible devoid of any human emotion- I felt sales pitches not genuine compassion from these people the entire time except for at the very end w/ Parker. On top of having my best friend in a precarious situation I was a victim of fraud and didn't have my card- I had to go to the bank in the am- Why keep the dog overnight and more and present bills for thousand of dollars when the only thing Duke needed was stitches- How can you be sure w/ out x rays that is why you do a cursory exam to notice any signs of blunt force trauma- There wasn't any not only that the woman who claimed to be a vet told me that Dukes condition was serious- I asked her to cut to the chase and give me an evaluation based off of stable serious and the worst being critical- Why was dukes condition serious if he walked in stable and only needed stitches- Why not triage stitches and send me home- I was told they never do stitches rt away he would have to do the extended stay visit- This is how they make the money and that isn't ethical- So I said if you don't do anything to my dog and I pick him up in the am since I have to go to the bank how much would it be? Another 367 dollars just for the doggie boarding over night- I understand business they have a lot of employees and overhead but that isn't ethical- I was charged 567 dollars for a 2 hour stay and they didn't even do x-rays nor stitches- So my vet in the am had his wife call them to see what they actually did and his wife said nothing just gave him pain meds- This place takes advantage of people during their worst moments and functions like the medical maphia hospital prison system where they rape your insurance companies for every penny they can get- They push the extended stay visits and really want you to borrow because they know the bill will be exorbitant- I heard the woman in the next room crying when they told her how much her bill was- What could be worse then hammering people when they are down and out and who are taken hostage by an animal hospital corporation w/ a predatory ruthless business model devoid of any real empathy or compassion- The vet tech at the end at least told me the truth.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Crime Waves

 Let's take a look at joke Bidens culpability of aiding and abetting in crime waves throughout our country- It makes a lot of sense stand down at the border and let undocumented illegal alien migrant criminals slither in  w/ no identity in order to create ghost crimes.

Law enforcement cant track down a ghost w/ no record in America- No facial recognition nor prints or prior mug shot just a free loading migrant living in a sanctuary city shelter like NY free to commit crimes w/ impunity- Cal Seattle NY Portland the list goes on horrific policy decisions that have dramatically increased crime and reduced the safety of residents who don't want to have to worry about getting mugged or much worse.

Things need to change in record time- Hyperinflation w/ no intelligible individual explaining why food prices are through the roof- At least something that makes sense and is actually believable- 

Mt Rushmore

 If Trump ain't our savior and RFK is no great shakes Biden is the biggest joke of all- I was meditating the other am and I thought all was well in the world until I heard an infomertial of  Trumps voice doing the cheap salesman talk w his bobble head doll-

It made sense he needs to fork out 350 million for inflating his assets and never really telling the truth about it- Just like Trump Univ instead of accepting accountability for what appears to be intentional deception he just whines deep state- conspiracy please buy my bobble head doll-

Its pathetic this is what we are left with- Day in day out Trump this Trump that the thing about narcissism is that people crave attention positive or negative it doesn't matter do you think he cares if you don't like him- He single handedly commandeered the republican party w/ his Machiavellian tactics which have worked like a charm 

So RFK gets flak about being politically correct about vaccines what has Trump said about what appears to be diabolical forces- Nothing total big pharma sell out and this is what patriots are supposedly banking on- Trump taking them down?

At least RFK wrote books about it while Trump ain't a good writer he lacks substance- I was doing a delivery at Trump international and instead of having the street I was looking for clearly marked it said Trump International instead

That solidified it for me if this guy had his druthers he would have his name posted everywhere- I am sure he wants his mug shot soon to plastered on MT Rushmore that much is a given.