Monday, December 30, 2019

War Is Big Business

A wise man once said when ever somebody is pushing for a conflict you know that they are caught in the tyranny of thier own ego- This same wise individual stated that war is big business. Whether caught up in the throws of our own ego or a slave to king tyrant alcohol the end result is the same doom and gloom-
  I dont believe America has been that great and I dont believe that Eddie Gallagher is a great fighter- Potus Trump thought Wendys and McDonalds is great American food and he also apparently thinks Eddie gallager is good guy- I feel that POTUS should stay out of ucmj decisions especially when this seal appears to be off the rails- Always listen to ones fellow operators within the unit- I believe potus Trump has been doing things that are above his pay grade- First of all this seal appears to be an evil psychopath- You don't shoot women and children- sometimes you have to shoot women and children especially if they ae trying to kill you - however roes must be adhered to especially in a hostile war zone-
  This man has affected unit cohesion and severely rendered his teammates less effective due to his reckless actions- When the seals went out into the field they had to worry about this man killing innocent civilians wtf is that- That is what has earned our ugly American reputation- One of these seals is a member of devgrru I believe these men are reliable sources- The other thing is just because somebody may not remember every single exact detail doesn't make them an unreliable witness-
    You get the pulse of an individual by asking the teammates what more does one need to know- So I ask POTUS Trump what about Eddie Gallager makes him a great fighter- Unfortunately I believe our POTUS is jingoistic and shoots from the hip w/ out doing proper due diligence- He also mocked a disabled reporter and never made amends for this- I can see why the dems want to get rid of him- The other thing is why is he meddling in military affairs as a civilian- Apparently Bernie Kerik and company was influential in clearing Gallager in the past but why-
  And then threats- Gallager allegedly has dirt on some of the seals- I don't trust that man and I also don't think I can trust our Potus- His judgement  appears to be sorely lacking

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Health Care Fraud

  • Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or ordered by physicians;
  • The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;
  • The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;
  • Columbia billed the government for home health-care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.
As part of the settlement, Columbia/HCA agreed to plead guilty to 14 corporate felonies — charges that involve financial penalties, but no jail time. (Corporations are people, but they cannot be sent to prison.) Over two settlement rounds, Columbia/HCA wound up paying the government $1.7 billion in criminal fines, civil damages, and penalties, in what the Justice Department called “the largest health-care fraud case in U.S. history.” This is Potus choice Rick Scott  new health care man- a fraudster wtf is that all about

Monday, December 23, 2019

Witch Hunt

we have some corrupt bureaucrats in our deep state swamp- how many search warrants and subpoenas did the Clinton probe receive- Mueller bogus witch hunt with his best bud Comey had 500 search warrants- 2800 subpoenas, it cost 30 million 19 lawyers and 40 fbi agents-
  Mueller had everybody genuflecting even though most knew that there was never a real crime that was committed- Comey is a liar leaker and a weasel even though he stated that he doesn't do weasel moves- Mueller then makes an unprecedented comment that didn't ad up under the circumstances- Potus Trump was guilty until proven innocent- This is usually how witch hunts work- He wanted the job as deep swamp fbi director but Potus rejected him- He then becomes special counsel leader with his pitbull Andrew Weisman- Licence to Lie and routinely did weasel moves under the color of law-
 Gregg Jarrett explains how the Mueller probe was his magnum opus filled with subterfuge and deception.
 Mueller's statement in conclusion to the witchunt made it appear that Potus was still guilty of something- This inst how the law of the land works- We are innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. The swamp creatures needed an excuse to justify 30 million and waste everybody's time with their real collusion partners the main stream media- Stormys lawyer I remember that man touting how bad our POTUS was and look at what happened to him-  If proven to be true he still deserves the presumption of innocence- The crimes that he is accused of Michael Avanatti sound like real crimes- CNN relished in this man as if he was their new spokesperson-
 Collusion is not a real crime except having to do with anti trust law ie- price fixing

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Attempted Coup d'etat

(The shocking report from the DOJ IG shows an out of control FBI under Pres Obama and former Director Jim Comey,) Stephanie Grisham. This was an overthrow of  government, this was an attempted overthrow and alot of people were in on it and got  caught red handed- (Potus Trump)
  (WitchHunt) by Gregg Jarrett- Cardinal Comey took it upon himself to be judge jury and executioner- huge ego his job as the FBI  director was to turn over facts to the DOJ  and have them make the decision- "No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case-" This was in reference to Clinton's perfidy and continued violations of the rule of law- Jarrett explains on pg 7-" he designed to anoint himself as the sole authority on whether criminal charges would be brought-" His job was to gather evidence through documents and witnesses-
  What an insult to the real FBI  guys who risk their lives out in the field every day going after real crimes. Sometimes looks can be deceiving but in many cases not. In this particular case these deep state bureaucrats not only look like weasels they are weasels- Rod Rosenstein asked if he was going to get fired after he allegedly cowered behind his desk- Not only that he explained how rigorous the FISA warrant applicant process was and how strict information has to be in order to obtain a warrant-
  It looks like he didn't follow his own advice- Adam Stiff looks like a weasel too I must admit- Shifty eyes that tell all because the eyes are the window of the soul- He made up a boldface egregious lie in order to instigate this impeachment process. In congress they are allowed to lie over and over again its actually legal for some unethical reason

Monday, December 16, 2019

Paper Tigers

With Donny Rumsfeld at the helm W was too busy chopping wood to know who the head general in charge of Afghanistan was- Petraeus lied about the surge by saying that it worked- Obummer and his phony tears sent more troops after getting elected on the promise of scaling down- Then when asked  what the overall strategy was he said to wipe out Al-Qaeda The only problem was Al Qaeda was gone long before however  the Taliban was still there-
  Nobody could explain what the definition of winning actually was but now Afghanistan produces most of the worlds opium- Do our leaders tell the truth about anything? If the Russian hoax wasn't bad enough now we have some bogus impeachment scandal, a complete deflection from the Afghan Papers- Our Potus didn't do anything illegal nor unethical, he had a conversion with Americas best interest at heart  and now they are trying to impeach him over this. Sigar fraud and abuse in Afghanistan a war that was supposed to represent the real war on terror- The more America spent the more the civilian warlord shareholders made with no overall strategy- 1 trillion dollars in a bottom of the barrel country- Was that worth any of our warriors lives, our civilian paper tigers never get in any trouble nor get held accountable

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Afghan Papers

egos galore and Donny Rumsfeld at the helm- The big Q for quagmire- Never trust a civilian warlord because he is mostly in it for his own self interests- The Afghan papers- how come I always get in trouble when I fabricate evidence or I know that I would if I ever tried. So how come its fair to have these civilian warlords lie over and over again and nobody ever gets in trouble-
  An unwinnable war and they knew it just like Lyndon Baines that Texas drunkard- The American way isnt lying cheating and stealing especially in war when lives are on the line. How come it always has been? Rosy pronouncements even when they knew such statements were false and hid unmistakable evidence- Metrics were always manipulated and data points altered- sf teams hated training the Afghan police because they were the bottom of the barrel in a country that was already bottom of the barrel-
  So how come we put our warriors in harms way in bottom of the barrel countries in a war that they knew was unwinnable- Our wars were unwinnable because they were predicated by fear and greed and not by love and faith- This only means that we need to stop fighting wars because in America we are lovers and not really fighters- We are fierce warriors but were always sent over with one arm tied behind our back- There was no way we could have ever accomplished anything that way
  These civilian warlords can never make up for what they did to our fierce warriors, lets just say starting in Vietnam- One of these days not to distant in the future there is going to be recompense and serious reparations for irrevocable harm done to our fierce warriors, many Vietnam Vets and many more American heroes who have already past away

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Science Of Humility

(Conscious Life on earth evolves in a cyclic spiral of ever accelerating velocity, and we have now reached the point where consciousness is evolving as much in a single year as it once did in a million) Daniel; Reid. Why the world needs Supergirl- she is courageous smart great looking and more powerful then a locomotive- Our creative intelligence is more female then male in many regards- Source has characteristics of both sexes- It hasn't been fair to have always refered to drunks or god as he but that was in the olden days- Supergirl can take down bad guys/gals just as well as the best of them.

Land Of The Fee

Welcome to America home of the brave and Land of the fee- Devin Fergus explains how we the people have been slammed by corporate interests- If one is poor then they get penalized- We need x amount of dollars in our account otherwise we pay the piper-
  How you finance an asset can be as important as the asset- St Louis Federal Reserve- It really kicked in to high gear in the late 70's early 80;s- (New World Financial order-) This real world issue also expedited its greedy tentacles when wall street decided to screw over main street- This is also when nobody went to jail for egregious fraud and still continued on with their loyalty to the shareholders business model.
  Profits over people has been going on for a long time now because it doesn't really matter when people get fired because this is usually when the stock rises. Tucker Carlson stated that our Potus is a full blown bs artist that could  have made a fortune selling cars if he didn't make it in real estate.. Speaking of which Car Cash sounds like a decent franchise- The sell is in the buy and even if you suck at selling as long as one buys the car right they will be on the right track