Monday, July 30, 2018

Spear Of Destiny

Buddhism Plain and Simple- "During the Civil war, both sides claimed the support of god. God cant be for and against the same thing at the same time" Lincoln- Socrates supposedly said  "when you fight for truth as you fight for breath come back and I will teach you." I thought that Socrates said that "the only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing".  So how can he teach anybody anything if he doesn't know anything?
   Maxine Waters claims that god sent her to get Potus Trump- She should retire, uncivilized, low class, condoning violence against the Deplorables and making the democrats look like a bunch of loose cannons. Potus Trump is the Highlander from the clan Macleod and has the Spear of Destiny on his side. This means that he is immortal. Giving Back- "He has struck something better then gold. He may not see at once that he has barely scratched a limitless lode which will pay dividends only if he mines it for the rest of his life and insists on giving away the entire product" pp129

Thursday, July 26, 2018

What Have We Done

US politics are riven by the utter mistrust that many voters feel for the elites who govern them and by the concept many of the elites feel for the voters" 94- What did Peter Strzok say that he could actually smell the deplorables at Walmart? He is FBI he isn't supposed to create an insurance policy and attempt to change the course of history. He is supposed to be non partisan especially as FBI second in command. What did you think about Mind Hunter?
   Excellent- the origin of the BAU in the 70's based off of John Douglas the founder. Getting inside the deviant criminal mind can make one go  crazy and that is why he had a meltdown during the last episode. They also had the OPR- Office of Professional Responsibility interviewing the young wunderkind. The OPR, isn't that the same office that recommended Andrew McCabe's firing? Yes- What else, what is the latest intel?  The latest is that the VA was giving the wrong type of therapy. Prolonged exposure therapy supposedly can do  more harm them good- Prolonged exposure therapy can traumatize the veterans all over again. That is why they now  recommend yoga and emdr. A quote from Shooting Ghosts- "TBI is a physical albeit invisible injury where the brain is damaged causing changes in cognitive function mood and behavior. Then there is moral injury which causes wounds to  the soul. Reasons for being sent there unraveled destroying any sense that it ever served a greater good." I want to read David Woods book (What Have We Done.)   

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Populist Surge

What did you think of Billionaire at the Barricades? Very good book- She has courage, focus and one of the very few media types who dares to make a difference. Not only that she has humble roots without a sense of entitlement. Her parents were working class and  showed her the value of a buck. While other people were partying during spring break she was writing for the Dartmouth review- This quote will go down in history- "To all my friends up there in the press, you know why in your heart Donald Trump won the Republican nomination. You know it. You know why he won it? Because he dared to call out the phonies, the frauds, and the corruption that has gone unexposed and uncovered for too long. Too long Do Your Job." The crowd went crazy, she rocked the house-
  The basket of deplorables know the score, it is important to trust our populist instincts. The same wave that helped Reagan ascend to higher levels. "What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. Jan 20.2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer." Donald Trump
    Are you an ideologue? Let me put it this way I was feeling that we had no hope as a country until I found out that he was running for president. I had a strong feeling that he would win against all odds. Here we are a few years later and the press still doesn't acknowledge his achievements in such a short period of time. Its fairly simple when you are in it for the right reasons without anybody pulling your strings then this is what we have as a result. Optimism and a feeling that tomorrow will be a better place. He is going all out to put us first without having to worry about any type of financial compensation or what would benefit him first.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Billionare At The Barricades

What is on the agenda this am? Billionaire At The Barricade. "Politics takes place in the real world with real people, not in the dusty pages of an Ayn Rand novel" Laura Ingraham is very smart, one  of the few real media people out there. What else lets see their was some socialist who couldn't explain what was going on with the Israel/Arab situation because she isn't an expert in geopolitics. She's running for president of the socialist party and stated that capitalism is not going to be around forever.  If somebody wants a highly intelligent real person representing the progressive party it should be Abby Martin. Seriously how can you have this Cortez woman out there who cant even  answer a real question basically embarrassing their entire agenda when Fox news should ask Abby Martin.
   I don't respect IDF snipers who take out innocent and unarmed Arabs because not only is this cowardly that is a war crime. The Israel lobby controls too many people and even pulls the strings of some of the high ranking Fox news pundits. Bibi should be in jail but Hannity and a few others speak highly of him, that is why I don't fully trust Hannity all the way. What about Gorka what is his deal? I don't know is he even a naturalized American citizen? He comes across as the new leader of the Patriot movement but seems somewhat condescending. I like him but I don't think I will read his book. Why We Fight, AJ doesn't get a good vibe either and even alluded to him as the self appointed leader. Jones is the real leader of the Patriot movement because he has brass balls and he is going all the way. I am telling you Abby Martin is one of the smartest girls I ever listened to, smarter then Ingraham? Being smart is a relative term so let me break it down this way. Martin reads books not establishment controlled books, she has high intellect and communicates in a way that can easily be absorbed. The Empire Files- real investigative journalism, she is on the front lines around the world asking people direct questions. She is against all empire capitalism and its corporate interests.
   It is not ok to harm indigenous people for a corporate greed filled agenda where innocent people end up getting killed or harmed irrevocably. Not only is this a war against we the people its a war against humanity but Fox news doesn't talk about that. They are still stuck in the left/ right paradigm and why democrats are bad news. Ingraham and Tucker Carlson doesn't do that but we have serious problems with the preceding corporate media and the oil cartels that are filled up and fueled up by the military industrial complex. Peace through strength however war should be abolished in its entirety. The only bad guys we ever had are the ones that we created to make money off of. So why is CNN and their puppets making it sound that Russia is our enemy and our Potus shouldn't be nice to Putin? So what about the Chi Coms are they our enemy? I believe that they want to take us out economically, this is the hidden secret that AJ talks about and many of these talking heads are funded by them. I believe that to be a real threat.       

Friday, July 20, 2018

What We Create

If what we resist persists then how we relate is what we create. Love is like a magic penny, if you give it away you will have many. If you keep it, you wont have any. That is the secret of the magic penny. Do you still have moral and philosophical convictions galore? Yes and much more. I am  like the retired businessman that basks in the Fla sunshine complaining about the sad state of the nation. The only difference is that I was a failed businessman but that doesn't mean that I didn't get up and try again. Peter Strzok comes across as arrogant and condescending. Whoopi Goldberg is covering up for the deep state. That is deep tell me more.
  Judge Jeanine has been in the crime business for three decades and she knows a con when she sees one. How these talk show hosts can get away with smoke and mirrors is beyond me. She asked the judge who is the deep state but they didn't show us the response. Why do you think some of these talking heads deny that there is a deep state or avoid the subject altogether? Who do you think pays them? She had the CNN girl filling in wasn't that obvious. Lets put it this way it doesn't matter if we think that they may be evil or not but lets strictly focus on  the legal aspects. We need a new Attorney Gen and Deputy AG because these people are ineffective and cover up con artists.  Peter Strzok should come across as a humble servant but he is anything but. Supercilious,  he swore under oath and looked like a third Reich puppet the way he lifted his hand up in the air. His smile is very strange as well. His body language tells us a lot about this character, he was number two at the FBI I believe. We have talking heads telling us and I believe it was Rosenstein himself that  told us that their was no bias. Another insult to we the people, we read the text messages how can this clown tell us that there was no bias?  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Pharmakeia Crimes

What do you think about the Buddha king and his sexual impropetities? The king of Buddha, it shows that he is human but nobody should be the king, their should be no hierarchy even for Lamas who are known as the king. At least he told us that he is a real person and even spiritual giants can make mistakes. I have more trust  for sexual desires from spiritual giants then I do from monks that sublimate their sexual desires, hide in a cave and pray all day. And much healthier then some pedophile priest that is for sure. What are the four noble truths? The first noble truth is that life is suffering, the second one is that this is due to our attachments and addictions- the third is that their is hope after all which leads us to the fourth noble truth which is through prayer and meditation we can seek enlightenment with the noble eightfold path. We are all Buddha's, we don't have to study Buddhism incessantly or hide in a cave.
   What is one of the biggest stories out there and why do you have to get involved? I would much rather be on the front lines then be in the rear with the gear. Isn't that ego? No infact it is just the opposite and all spiritual warriors know this already. "When your love for truth is greater then your ego then you are free".  Also time doesn't matter, we can do more by doing less and when we do nothing this is when we can accomplish absolutely everything. That is deep tell me more-
    We have some big problems with Big Pharma because they are gangsters who engage in racketeering and they are also culpable in the deaths of many innocent souls. Even if we shed light away from the opiate crisis and what Purdue Pharma helped to create prescription medication is the third leading cause of death worldwide behind cancer and heart disease. So this means that people become much worse off health wise by taking these drugs then they were before they started taking them? That is basically what I am saying because the evidence seems to be irrefutable. These companies have settled civil lawsuits with nominal fines for wrongful deaths ad infinitum but nobody ever seems to go to jail for some reason. Deceptive marketing practices, Purdue Pharma had marketing teams pushing these drugs as safe and effective. Just the side effects for the various antidepressants are horrific, how they can continue to operate with impunity or without criminal liability is mind blowing. The one thing they wont tell you before you start taking a med besides the horrific side effects which they do warn us about  is what it is like to try get off them. They are a real racketeering outfit because they want  us on these meds for life because its hell on earth to wean off micro taper etc..
  " Drugs are expensive not because of development costs, which are largely born by publically funded research, but because of the marketing machine, political lobbying and excess profit taking" James Dickenson, he reviewed the book Deadly Medicines and Organized crime written by Peter. C Gotzsche. Like many Teflon gangsters these people know how to operate directly  outside of the confines of the law. Lets go back to 2003 when Purdue Phrama J David Hadox came up with the term pseudo addiction, this meant that we really didn't get addicted to opiate based narcotic pills,  it was all in our mind. He is enshrined in Fla administration law board of medicine. And then there was Dr Russell Portinoy- an internationally renowned pain medicine authority figure. He stated "Addiction is distinctly uncommon for people taking opiates for pain". On Good Morning America they urged broader prescribing of all opiates.  

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Sober Warrior Soul

We asked Chad what other souls and beings he communicated with during his magic carpet ride. Lets see- it was much better then sharing a drink called loneliness and it was definitely better then drinking alone. Tell us more- I met a soul who was a warrior from overseas who had a chance of taking out a bad guy but decided against it. What do you mean- He came back stateside and had a guy break into his house. With stand your ground and the Castle law most other people would have taken this guy out. He took him down hand to hand and the guy eventually got sober. He was just a drug addict looking for a fix. The warrior soul  had his Mossberg and many other hand guns he could have easily ended his life. As a vet I am surprised they didn't confiscate his weapons before this since he is a vet with TBI an PTSD- It would have been a good shoot but he had restraint. The warrior soul told me that the man has been sober a while now and has been able to help countless other souls by sharing his experience strength and hope.  Did he get arrested at least for breaking and entering? Yes- the system helped him get into a program and it actually worked for him.  

Its Time For War

So the cia warned everybody in 09 that pill poppers may start to shoot junk into their veins even though they were running it? Yes- "The cia has been involved since its inception both operating the international drug trade in illicit drugs and in creating financing and arming various terrorist organizations around the globe"67-68-  If the production of heroin poppies in Afghanistan was reversed from record lows to record highs under the watchful eye of the US military that means that we have serious problems. Do you mean to tell me that our guys got blown up over their and still continue to do so just so the fat cats can continue to get rich? When is our Potus going to go to war with the deep state? What about Blue Magic and all of the Vietnam drug money they laundered and still continue to launder? In the 1950'S US created the largest world supplier of heroin in Laos, Thailand and Burma- This was eclipsed by Afghanistan in 99-
   A lot of dope is coming in from Mexico because its cheaper to get it over the border and the globalists want to save on freight charges. This means that the US sponsored globalists distribute heroin throughout the world and then launder the dirty money through banks like Vanguard and HSBC- Then they have clown politicians like the Irishman from West Va making believe that he is the hero and the savior of this epidemic. Even though he was a lobbyist for the major Pharmaceutical distributors before his reign as the AG and so is his wife and now he wants to run for Senate. Typical hypocrite two faced politician and their are many more standing right next to him. I took one look at the guy and what he tweeted about wanting to blow up Washington DC and take care of the opiate epidemic and I knew that he was full of smoke and mirrors. Another blarney Stone kisser just like A Higher Loyalty Comey- The former head shed of the FBI on the board of HSBC- stonewalled criminal prosecution of money laundering charges of international drug traffickers and terrorist organizations and was culpable of the queen of the cartel getting a free pass with the email server, exoneration before investigation.
  Perjury, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, fraud conspiracy to commit fraud, false and misleading statements these people are real winners. Now the Russian hoax wants to make believe they did a valuable service by indicting 12 Russians. No Americans charged and no allegation of vote counts that were affected and they probably wont even get extradited.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Killing The Deep State

So what is on your mind? We can talk but there is a rule as long as we don't talk program and we don't talk politics. What else are we to talk about then? How about the Buddha prayers which led to saving the cave victims in Thailand. Milapras spirit at its finest. Isn't that talking program? Good point did you hear about Richie C- he went back out. What does going back out mean? It means that you relapsed. How can you relapse if one never got sober here we go again. There should be no surprises if somebody never makes the decision. What do you think about Jimmy Mac? Jimmy Mac doesn't retract, no apologies nor  regrets. A real gumshoe investigative journalist on SVU-
  Last time I talked to Richie C he was trying to make a name for himself in an anonymous program. He also stated that he would rather have big shotism then bigshot wasim- I would rather be an insider looking out then an outsider looking in. I thought we were supposed to be in this world but not of it and wasn't it Deepak who stated that we are not in the world but the world is in us?
  Tell me more about the deep state and how the cia is responsible for this heroin epidemic. The Palm Beach post made it sound that the cia tried to warn everybody  that pill poppers may turn to shooting junk in their veins. That is not a surprise they always tell us what they are about to do because they had it planned way in advance. They tried to make our Potus look like a buffoon and I am still pissed off about that. People need to go to jail and then prison plain and simple. Can somebody realistically explain how HSBC pled out to money laundering for aiding and abetting terrorist organizations and international drug traffickers and only received a fine? The entire time going after only the small fries in a pathetic attempt to make it look like they were  doing their job. Who are you referring to? Loretta Lynch, Comey Mueller, Eric Holder, (Comey was on the board of HSBC-) this is beyond pathetic, so in our face and brazen.
  Let me put it this way our politicians working in conjunction with rogue factions of our cia are completely responsible for this opiate epidemic- HSBC was laundering drug money going way back to Vietnam- Jerome Corsi- Killing The Deep State- Now we have an opiate epidemic of epic proportions. Gov Scott refused the nation wide data base because he was in on it. According to a corrupt cop and a ci (criminal informant) Scott must have been getting paid from somewhere- Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, round up the usual suspects. The international drug trade is so huge that the world economy would shut down overnight if they all got taken down criminally for doing what they always have done. It would make the dust bowl that almost was look like small potatoes.
   So what do you think about the biggest health care fraud bust ever 601 people 124 within the Fla region, many corrupt doctors and many others that were on the take.