Monday, October 10, 2016

Second Presidential Debate

The second debate was interesting and thought provoking to say the least. Donald Trump demonstrated poise, strength and courage when he confronted Hillarys track record of covering up for her husbands violent abuse of women. He never used the word rape but I was hoping that he would. Why be politically correct, he isn't so I am sure that there was a strategic advantage for why he didn't use that kind of inflammatory rhetoric. He made it clear in the beginning of the debate that it is still hard for him to refer to himself as a politician. This is the most refreshing thing of all, that is why we need that man in the White House as our next Commander In Chief. He wants to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton for a myriad of suspicious and potentially criminal behavior. She is a seasoned and polished politician and did very well in this debate. She sounds great but like The Donald stated "its just words." I heard that some people felt that the debate was scraping the bottom of the barrel and that America deserves better. I completely disagree, at least both candidates talked and addressed real issues for a change. When was the last time we had a real debate in this country? If you are running for Potus its important to put it all out on the table. This is what both candidates did so I am now proud to be an American. I have nothing personal against Hillary Clinton. I just feel that she represents the establishment and as Donald Trump stated "she has a lot of hatred in her heart" Is that somebody you can trust with your life money or your wife? Lets just look at the track record because that speaks for itself. Obammacare what a scam, why would frauds and schemes be initiated under the phony guise of helping people? That's what these people are all about. George Soros the Puppet Master who apparently hates America and what it stands for. That is Hillary's go to guy. I really don't care how rich he is. Donald Trump is very rich and I know that he would never sell this country out or sell his soul to the devil like the rest of these people. So Donald Trump is being called out for locker room talk, what a difference that is between Hillary's actions over the years? We have a chance to have a real Populist as our next President, that is why America needs to wake up before its too late. A Nationalist who knows what the issues are and is prepared to address them head on. Special Interest money making banking and war scams will disappear. He will take out ISIS, when he speaks he just doesn't say anything to get elected, he speaks from his heart and with integrity. I didn't know that he was against the Iraq War. I don't need to fact check this because I believe him and I now know that this is true. That's the difference between his character and his competitor. He is a man of his word and he will never let us down.

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