Sunday, October 2, 2016

We Live In A Panopticon

Snowden was an excellent movie. Oliver Stone is brilliant, all of his movies have been my favorites over the years. If you have nothing to hide then why worry about anything right? When doing blanket surveillance its tough not to abuse this kind of power. The problem is when everybody has your intel then nothing is sacred anymore. This kind of info can and will be used against you even though the intel may have been gathered illegally. If you are going after real bad guys then I don't have a problem with this but when good people end up getting blackmailed then thats not so good. We needed a Totalitarian Nsa con job spy grid after 9-11 to route out the bogey man myths. Its a great war strategy like Snowden stated you have our allies intel when they are our friend but once they become our enemy then its "lights out." Snowden is a hero  and it took a lot of guts to tell the world about massive surveillance. The commentator on Fox news made a comment recently that Snowden may have spilled the beans about Americas defense secrets, is there any evidence of this? When somebody makes a statement then one should be prepared to back it up. Snowden is not a traitor because he fulfilled his patriotic obligation,what America is doing is against his moral compass. When Snowden became a household name in 2013 I thought he was a traitor but then I learned how Extortion 17 went down and how Charlie Strange was being harassed by NSA. America has a very ugly side to it, after watching Dancing with Wolves again and how Two Socks was taken out that should say it all. We need to stop humiliating people for sport. I agree with Peter Thiel and how he went after Gawker and won the lawsuit however I don't think he should have gone after anybody personally. I know we live in a society where people derive great pleasure from seeing  other people suffer and embarrassing them,  however this needs to stop. If you have somebody's personal intel why would you use this against them if they wouldn't want you to? Its pretty simple do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. If somebody is gay and they would rather not be outed then why disrespect them? The argument that celebrities and people of power should expect their personal dirt to be tabloid fodder and that this is the price they should pay and have to pay for their stardom is completely ridiculous. They are talented people and don't deserve to have lowlife Paparazzi spies tailing them every where they go. Its low level and very disturbing, this is where counter surveillance teams come into play.  I know people need to make a living but if Erin Andrews didn't want her personal moments spilled all over the web for Gawker geeks to check out and get off on then why put it out there? There is something called being mindful or sensitive toward other peoples feelings, it might help this country out in the long run. Its really creepy to have weirdo NSA geeks checking out our every move but at least we know they cant legally sell it to Gawker or make sure it goes viral.  However America loves salacious scandals otherwise people get too bored. I dont care about Tom Cruises personal life but there is nothing the matter with studying the cult of Scientology and making judgements and having opinions based on somebody's association with something like this. If somebody is running for Potus and has demonstrated  a consistent criminal behavior pattern over the years then this should be public information. This is much different then humiliating somebody for sport.

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