Monday, October 3, 2016

Bill Clinton Multiple Rapes I was listening to Roger Stones radio show, he had some solid guests on it. Apparently the Clinton regime pillaged all of the Haiti recovery money that was supposed to be used to rebuild their infrastructure after the earthquake in 2010. That's money laundering and Racketeering and should be prosecuted under The Rico Act. Since  many of these crime family stories don't make it to the network news it is important to hammer them home because this is a National Security issue not a libelous slander campaign. I disagree with Alex Jones because he called Slick Willy a psychotic Piranha. I would make my diagnosis a psychopathic Piranha. Psychotics can sometimes get a pass because they may not be aware of their actions but psychopaths know their actions are wrong but still do it anyway. Anti Social Personality Disorder is basically untreatable. It means that one is incapable of remorse regardless of how much therapy is administered. That is why sexual predators usually go away for life and are segregated from the general population and put into protective custody so they don't get viciously beaten and murdered by the other inmates. People in jail and prison despise sexual predators, many of these predators end up dead one way or another. Brutal Rapes are serious allegations and Roger Stone is prepared to back up his sources. (Clintons War On Women.) This is something that ordinary people would go away for life multiple times over due to the multitude of victims. What did slick Willy get instead a few lawsuits? That is quite pathetic and disturbing to say the least. Roger Stone states that there are over 40 women that Slick Willy has victimized over the years. These serial rapist allegations are very serious to say the least but so are the crimes. Only solid people like Roger Stone can make these claims and still be taken seriously. Main stream Media are a bunch of criminals otherwise this story would have been out years ago. If nothing else this will shake the foundation of the upcoming election. Roger Stone states that their will be a motherload of intel coming out in a few days by Wiki Leaks. I don't want drug dealers, money launderers and serial rapists wives running for Potus my standards aren't that high. Hillary had bully mobsters threaten and harass Slick Willys rape victims and now she claims to have empathy for women that have been raped as a women's advocate? Rapes are brutal and traumatic this is why Mariska Hargitay's character on Law And Order SVU is so passionate for reasons that are more then legitimate. Roger also had somebody talking about how Ross Perot hired some solid warriors to find Vietnam POWS only to uncover Daddy Bush's drug trafficking cartel. I don't want that much for our countries future, I just don't think that these crime families are good role models, would anybody be able to argue with me about this?

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