Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A New America

I am grateful that Donald Trump was elected as our next President. I believe that if there is one man that could make big changes it would be him. Overall I believe that Americans were disgusted with politicians in general but he will make us believe once again. I really don't understand how Hillary Clinton was so close, even ahead in the polls to begin with? This is hard for me to wrap my head around  because I am certain that even her most ardent supporters were clued into her numerous scandals. It was hard for me to accept how somebody like this could even get the chance to run for Potus and still get as far as she actually did? I gave Trump a 70% chance in winning last night before the actual numbers came in and that was being conservative. I predicted a landslide victory,  the actual win was maybe not a landslide however it still looked to be very decisive. There is no way the American people would have tolerated a Clinton win. If that turned out to be  the case there would have been a coup det tat somehow and someway. People like Alex Jones and Dr P deserve much gratitude and respect for their intel, this has made all of the difference for me. Many of our feds inside the system deserve much of our thanks, appreciation and gratitude as well.  There are many people that deserve kudos, even Sean Hannity sounded very impressive last night when he called in over the phone. Basically he stated that this was a repudiation of the establishment dynasty on both the left and the right. One thing I don't get is how some people were afraid to come out as Trump supporters before the election but were happy and excited once he won? What is that all about? If you are going to stand behind somebody at least come out of the closet and defend your position way in advance. If you vacillate this is a position of weakness and of basically not being loyal. I stood behind George W Bush, however he let me down big time but Donald Trump is much different. l really don't think any of those Bush Cronies gave two shits about sending our soldiers into a hornets nest in Iraq. I believe that they knew it was going to be a long war to begin with and that they actually played dumb going in. The same premise hold true for Afghanistan. They mislead our warriors, many are now ruined for life, that is unforgivable. They could have invaded both of those countries and took them over permanently in a matter of months with very few of our guys getting killed. They couldn't have been that incompetent. That is why I believe that this was done on purpose to set up a chaos and destabilization program. I believe that Donald Trump will rebuild our infrastructure and create a lot of jobs.  He will make us proud to be Americans once again. 

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