Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wounded Warrior Scam Project-a-legal-scam/ Inst it bad enough our vets are being slandered and abused by DHS making everybody think they are about to go postal after serving our country during the next false flag? Now they are being abused again and taken advantage of by fat cats at the top paying themselves huge money at the Wounded Warrior Project. I am calling these people out why do you need to pay yourselves 250 grand and more while the vets get less then 10% of the money? There is no way I would have let that benefit go on 9-11-10 at my fathers home if I knew then what I know now. Let me tell you something our vets are getting blown off by the VA Gen Shinsenki needs to be replaced and that came directly from Dr P. He had a good plan lined up for the guys going into Iraq until the brass intentionally ignored him because lets face it did you think Bush Cheny Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld really cared that our soldiers were sent directly into a hornets nest ill equipped and completely undermanned and then hit hard and were hammered by ieds and rpgs and everything else in between? But now Shinsenki is dropping the ball w/ the VA program. The 9-11 false flag was based off of phony hoax Patriotism and it was a pretext for world wide hegemony and nothing more. A Marshal Law based Eugenic Totalitarian Dictatorship stateside was and is their agenda, welcome to the real world my fellow Americans. Our guys have PTSD TBI,chronic pain, post concussive syndrome, depression, they lost wives and they lost lives, limbs, hearts and minds and many souls were irrevocably broken on both sides. Now we have fat cats at the top from the Wounded Warriors pocketing huge sums of money while the vets get screwed over. How do these people sleep at night, they should be disgusted with themselves. Call me up my number is on the home page I want to talk to these people I just called you out 

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