Sunday, April 20, 2014

Terror Management 101 A nation of sheep gets bulldozed by cowards at the top who continue to shake us all down with Gladio type operations. On wall street pigs get slaughtered but in this world sheep that watch reality tv get run over and abused, continually lied to and robbed from. The scam isn't working anymore because even crony capital cia run establishment based media are going out of business at a rapid fire pace and their very survival will depend on whether or not they man up and start speaking the truth. Does anybody even watch cnn or msnbc anymore? The sad part is that most people don't watch or listen to any news at all. Then when you try to have an intelligent conversation with somebody they look at you like a tinfoil hat but then refuse to have the intellectual curiosity to do any research on their own. That is the mind game end game that still has the masses under a trance for the most part but this is slowly but surely changing. This scam goes back to Platos Allegory of the Cave and long before Goebells major propaganda machine. The Nazis were all in bed with the Rochchilds, Rockefeller s and the Bush regime. As disturbing as that sounds it is all true. All of our brave Army warriors who were mowed down on the Beaches of Normandy and the heroic devil dogs who were beheaded by the ruthless Japanese in the Pacific was all almost for naught because the puppet masters at the top who get their strings pulled from way up above had a world wide democide agenda 21 from the very beginning. Democide not many people know what that means because its all a hidden secret but that is what the end game mind game agenda 21 is however they want to keep the masses all dumbed down and hypnotized so they never see it coming. It is a deliberate dumbing down of society where the sheep basically are helpless victims.TV has been proven to create a hypnotic trance which creates alpha zombie like brain waves due to the constant LED flickers 8-14 cycles per second in alpha mode however when people are alive and awake in America function on beta mode which is about 30. Operation Mockingbird was and is all about cia mind control that owns and dominates the establishment based  media. They started years ago, examples of this are idiots that made a history channel documentary that Oswald and the Warren commission was the real story and had men like Peter Jennings selling out as well. When you have a lawless out of control gun snatching  driven government hell bent on death plunder and pillage then speaking  the truth is the highest form of patriotism one can possibly provide. Dont confuse dissent with disloyalty so please you pychotronic warfare minions that are stashed away in your  web based phy op bunkers across the country do everybody a favor and stop calling people tin foil hat conspiracy theorists because that shit isnt working anymore

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