Saturday, April 12, 2014

JFK Junior Murdered By Bush and Clinton Regime This is a real gut wrencher because if John Jrs father wasn't assassinated by the NWO cabal we wouldn't be in the horrible situation we currently find ourselves. John Jr really seemed like he was one of the very few squared away descendants of the Kennedy clan. Let us never forget Carolyn Bissette and her sister Lauren who was also murdered by these sick and twisted power hungry freaks. I was never formally introduced to her but I knew who she was and knew people directly in her circle. She was the girlfriend of my baseball teammates brother.She was a nice girl who went to St Marys. There were also some things in common with my life and Carolyns lover Michael Bergin. Michael wrote a book called The Other Man, he set the record straight about who Carolyn really was. He received a considerable amount of criticism for this, many people called him out for being a sell out however these people obviously never read his book. It was a true love story and this was a therapeutic catharsis for him not a money making sell out dirt slinging piece. Michael appeared to be more Carolyns lover then John. Michael was the first male supermodel and later on starred in Baywatch however he went into great detail about how much of a grind the entire experience was for him and how little money is really involved working as a male model even at that level. I couldn't believe the similarities in what we both experienced with a girl named Carolyn. Bergin and I are the exact same age and we were both in a triangle with a girl named Carolyn from Lake Ave. My Carolyn was my first broken heart and she shattered it to pieces at 23 years old. Michael s father was a Ct stop cop and it appeared Michael genuinely loved Carolyn, nobody was too happy in his circle especially him when he ended up getting a dwi for almost killing a woman on roller blades at the 5 year year anniversary of her death.This is just another tragic tale of evil sociopaths doing what ever they want to achieve power. The Bush regime has family in Greenwich right around the corner from where I grew up, my twin sister is not too happy about this to say the least. Who ever predicted back in the day when everybody thought that Johns death was due to being a cocky Kennedy who easily lost track of the horizon because he wasn't up to speed with his instruments that his demise was far more dark and sinister? These Satanists needed a new Pearl Harbor type event ( The NewAmerican Century) and John was a threat to the establishment. He told a few select insiders that he may run for president and was also asking serious questions about his fathers death. We are not  innocent and naive anymore did you hear that you sick and twisted aliens who kill everybody that get in the way? Next time even if you have a decent cover story everybody is still going to know how full of shit you really all are. Tom Clancy looks like another victim of the evil doers( 

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