Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pat Tillman Taken Out We must honor this American hero on the 10 anniversary of his death. Pat was a warrior monk at the highest level. Pat was highly intellectual and had many deep introspective, reflective insights into the way the world really works. This is what may have led to his assassination at close range because unfortunately real heroes like JFK, his son and Tillman were a threat to the establishment. What a tragedy this is, he signed up after 9-11 and walked away from a multi million dollar contract from the AZ Cardinals. He also refused to sell out for alot more money from the Sea hawks, a rare breed to say the least. His journey was not a pleasant one, he found that out early on at 25 years old because he went to basic training in the Army and found himself surrounded by pimple face immature 18 year old boys who were the furthest thing from warriors, in fact most were just the opposite, quite sophomoric and repulsive in his mind. Nobody ever sails through Ranger school however he came pretty close, this course is a grind at the highest of all levels regardless of ones mental, physical and spiritual fitness. There are a handful of people in my life that I know personally that are in Tillmans league, one of them was my friend from high school who broke the pull up record at Paris Island and became a scout sniper in the USMC shortly thereafter. A true warrior would rather die then quit so when one has the physical attributes to back that up with this kind of mindset this is what definitely separates the men from the boys so to speak. Tillman became disgruntled early on and felt that he was being used as a political pawn for a unpopular war that was a fraud con game from day 1. He wanted to be in the fight and on the ground in Afghanistan not hanging out in Iraq. He was a first hand witness to the Jessica Lynch fraud propaganda campaign where they made up lies about this girl about being raped and kidnapped to get the naive masses back home behind this unpopular war when they staged a spec ops rescue mission. This was nothing more then a Hollywood stage show with props night vision cameras and much more. In the first few days of the war our Warthogs inadvertently took out alot of devil dogs and they made up lies about this as well. Let me tell you something if my kid goes down in war I want to know how and why, I don't want some bull shit propaganda campaign that tells all family members that they all went down by enemy fire. Pat may have been taken out by the evil doers at the top because even when he was sent to Afghanistan he sensed a fraud based con game and he let his wife Marie and others back home know about this. Let us honor this true American hero and legend, the autopsy report clearly indicates he was taken out at close range by a m16 shot 3 times in the head. This contradicts a statement given by the Ranger who was with Tillman who seemed to indicate that his head was clearly blown off by a 50 cal by friendly fire from a distance. That report  contradicts the multiple previous ones that they came out with and then kept changing the narrative on because at first it was enemy fire then it was friendly fire  possibly by some Rangers in his own unit. His family went through hell on earth trying to get the truth through multiple congressional inquiries to no avail. It was just lies on top of more lies. His death may even go  deeper darker and more sinister then friendly fire. People that are in the know clearly feel that he was taken out by a black ops hit team because he was speaking out about the con game fraud that had everybody believe that a bearded bogeyman  in a  cave had some of his guys hijack planes and then crash them into tall buildings.He was smart enough to see through all of this garbage, their was alot of opium and heroin the good old guys could control and then cash in on

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