Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pat Tillman Taken Out We must honor this American hero on the 10 anniversary of his death. Pat was a warrior monk at the highest level. Pat was highly intellectual and had many deep introspective, reflective insights into the way the world really works. This is what may have led to his assassination at close range because unfortunately real heroes like JFK, his son and Tillman were a threat to the establishment. What a tragedy this is, he signed up after 9-11 and walked away from a multi million dollar contract from the AZ Cardinals. He also refused to sell out for alot more money from the Sea hawks, a rare breed to say the least. His journey was not a pleasant one, he found that out early on at 25 years old because he went to basic training in the Army and found himself surrounded by pimple face immature 18 year old boys who were the furthest thing from warriors, in fact most were just the opposite, quite sophomoric and repulsive in his mind. Nobody ever sails through Ranger school however he came pretty close, this course is a grind at the highest of all levels regardless of ones mental, physical and spiritual fitness. There are a handful of people in my life that I know personally that are in Tillmans league, one of them was my friend from high school who broke the pull up record at Paris Island and became a scout sniper in the USMC shortly thereafter. A true warrior would rather die then quit so when one has the physical attributes to back that up with this kind of mindset this is what definitely separates the men from the boys so to speak. Tillman became disgruntled early on and felt that he was being used as a political pawn for a unpopular war that was a fraud con game from day 1. He wanted to be in the fight and on the ground in Afghanistan not hanging out in Iraq. He was a first hand witness to the Jessica Lynch fraud propaganda campaign where they made up lies about this girl about being raped and kidnapped to get the naive masses back home behind this unpopular war when they staged a spec ops rescue mission. This was nothing more then a Hollywood stage show with props night vision cameras and much more. In the first few days of the war our Warthogs inadvertently took out alot of devil dogs and they made up lies about this as well. Let me tell you something if my kid goes down in war I want to know how and why, I don't want some bull shit propaganda campaign that tells all family members that they all went down by enemy fire. Pat may have been taken out by the evil doers at the top because even when he was sent to Afghanistan he sensed a fraud based con game and he let his wife Marie and others back home know about this. Let us honor this true American hero and legend, the autopsy report clearly indicates he was taken out at close range by a m16 shot 3 times in the head. This contradicts a statement given by the Ranger who was with Tillman who seemed to indicate that his head was clearly blown off by a 50 cal by friendly fire from a distance. That report  contradicts the multiple previous ones that they came out with and then kept changing the narrative on because at first it was enemy fire then it was friendly fire  possibly by some Rangers in his own unit. His family went through hell on earth trying to get the truth through multiple congressional inquiries to no avail. It was just lies on top of more lies. His death may even go  deeper darker and more sinister then friendly fire. People that are in the know clearly feel that he was taken out by a black ops hit team because he was speaking out about the con game fraud that had everybody believe that a bearded bogeyman  in a  cave had some of his guys hijack planes and then crash them into tall buildings.He was smart enough to see through all of this garbage, their was alot of opium and heroin the good old guys could control and then cash in on

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Terror Management 101 A nation of sheep gets bulldozed by cowards at the top who continue to shake us all down with Gladio type operations. On wall street pigs get slaughtered but in this world sheep that watch reality tv get run over and abused, continually lied to and robbed from. The scam isn't working anymore because even crony capital cia run establishment based media are going out of business at a rapid fire pace and their very survival will depend on whether or not they man up and start speaking the truth. Does anybody even watch cnn or msnbc anymore? The sad part is that most people don't watch or listen to any news at all. Then when you try to have an intelligent conversation with somebody they look at you like a tinfoil hat but then refuse to have the intellectual curiosity to do any research on their own. That is the mind game end game that still has the masses under a trance for the most part but this is slowly but surely changing. This scam goes back to Platos Allegory of the Cave and long before Goebells major propaganda machine. The Nazis were all in bed with the Rochchilds, Rockefeller s and the Bush regime. As disturbing as that sounds it is all true. All of our brave Army warriors who were mowed down on the Beaches of Normandy and the heroic devil dogs who were beheaded by the ruthless Japanese in the Pacific was all almost for naught because the puppet masters at the top who get their strings pulled from way up above had a world wide democide agenda 21 from the very beginning. Democide not many people know what that means because its all a hidden secret but that is what the end game mind game agenda 21 is however they want to keep the masses all dumbed down and hypnotized so they never see it coming. It is a deliberate dumbing down of society where the sheep basically are helpless victims.TV has been proven to create a hypnotic trance which creates alpha zombie like brain waves due to the constant LED flickers 8-14 cycles per second in alpha mode however when people are alive and awake in America function on beta mode which is about 30. Operation Mockingbird was and is all about cia mind control that owns and dominates the establishment based  media. They started years ago, examples of this are idiots that made a history channel documentary that Oswald and the Warren commission was the real story and had men like Peter Jennings selling out as well. When you have a lawless out of control gun snatching  driven government hell bent on death plunder and pillage then speaking  the truth is the highest form of patriotism one can possibly provide. Dont confuse dissent with disloyalty so please you pychotronic warfare minions that are stashed away in your  web based phy op bunkers across the country do everybody a favor and stop calling people tin foil hat conspiracy theorists because that shit isnt working anymore

Sandy Hook School Wasnt Even Open

Friday, April 18, 2014

Cia Black Ops

Corporate Warriors Behind All Wars

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Red Dawn Here We Go

Saturday, April 12, 2014

JFK Junior Murdered By Bush and Clinton Regime This is a real gut wrencher because if John Jrs father wasn't assassinated by the NWO cabal we wouldn't be in the horrible situation we currently find ourselves. John Jr really seemed like he was one of the very few squared away descendants of the Kennedy clan. Let us never forget Carolyn Bissette and her sister Lauren who was also murdered by these sick and twisted power hungry freaks. I was never formally introduced to her but I knew who she was and knew people directly in her circle. She was the girlfriend of my baseball teammates brother.She was a nice girl who went to St Marys. There were also some things in common with my life and Carolyns lover Michael Bergin. Michael wrote a book called The Other Man, he set the record straight about who Carolyn really was. He received a considerable amount of criticism for this, many people called him out for being a sell out however these people obviously never read his book. It was a true love story and this was a therapeutic catharsis for him not a money making sell out dirt slinging piece. Michael appeared to be more Carolyns lover then John. Michael was the first male supermodel and later on starred in Baywatch however he went into great detail about how much of a grind the entire experience was for him and how little money is really involved working as a male model even at that level. I couldn't believe the similarities in what we both experienced with a girl named Carolyn. Bergin and I are the exact same age and we were both in a triangle with a girl named Carolyn from Lake Ave. My Carolyn was my first broken heart and she shattered it to pieces at 23 years old. Michael s father was a Ct stop cop and it appeared Michael genuinely loved Carolyn, nobody was too happy in his circle especially him when he ended up getting a dwi for almost killing a woman on roller blades at the 5 year year anniversary of her death.This is just another tragic tale of evil sociopaths doing what ever they want to achieve power. The Bush regime has family in Greenwich right around the corner from where I grew up, my twin sister is not too happy about this to say the least. Who ever predicted back in the day when everybody thought that Johns death was due to being a cocky Kennedy who easily lost track of the horizon because he wasn't up to speed with his instruments that his demise was far more dark and sinister? These Satanists needed a new Pearl Harbor type event ( The NewAmerican Century) and John was a threat to the establishment. He told a few select insiders that he may run for president and was also asking serious questions about his fathers death. We are not  innocent and naive anymore did you hear that you sick and twisted aliens who kill everybody that get in the way? Next time even if you have a decent cover story everybody is still going to know how full of shit you really all are. Tom Clancy looks like another victim of the evil doers( 

Syria False Flag Intel

Friday, April 11, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nato False Flag Ploy

Unconstitutional Gun Grabbing Scam register and then confiscate Bloomberg criminal intentions-good job NY do not comply w/Tyranny and Treason type gun snatching cowards

What Really Lies Beneath False Flag Terror

Monday, April 7, 2014

Evil Doers Think Torture is ok This is the United States of America we are supposed to be the role models on how to do things right instead we turned into demonic sick and twisted monsters who got off on torturing and killing innocent Arabs across the globe. Considering 9-11 was a false flag inside job and stand down and Bin Ladens patsies had plenty of cover from the Bush regime this obviously means the entire enhanced interrogation technique torture program was a bunch of bull shit that accomplished absolutely nothing except creating world wide indignation and lets not forger the embarrassment and outrage it created for the decent people living here state side. It was all over for us when they sabotaged John Oneill the greatest FBI spy ever known and sent him to his demise in the greatest towers ever known in a devastating pile of ash and rubble. Hello you  you cant get decent  intel by blowing up bridges and making enemies you only get intel by building bridges and making friends. Ali Soufan (part of Oneills team) now owns the Soufan group was doing it the right way intel wise but they stonewalled him and (Dr Doolitle cia contractor) came out of nowhere and blew him out of the water, I am surprised they didn't kill him like they did to Oneill.According to international military tribunal law torture is a war crime and they executed many bad guys during Nuremberg after WW2. So why did we start a world wide torture program after 9-11? Enhanced interrogation techniques had  zero empirical track record behind it and was based off of a sociopathic mindset of a hardened terrorist. We all know who the real terrorists are so continue on with your spy spook monitoring tracking of all of the pissed off vets and tea party members but please do everybody a favor and don't blame us during the next false flag because everybody knows that this will be bull shit as well. We don't start wars we just finish them and we have the morale high ground so we will not draw first blood

Shadow Drones fly by wire remote hijak of malaysian plane clone it remote drone it use it for the next false flag?

Secret Cabal

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wounded Warrior Scam Part 2

Wounded Warrior Scam Project-a-legal-scam/ Inst it bad enough our vets are being slandered and abused by DHS making everybody think they are about to go postal after serving our country during the next false flag? Now they are being abused again and taken advantage of by fat cats at the top paying themselves huge money at the Wounded Warrior Project. I am calling these people out why do you need to pay yourselves 250 grand and more while the vets get less then 10% of the money? There is no way I would have let that benefit go on 9-11-10 at my fathers home if I knew then what I know now. Let me tell you something our vets are getting blown off by the VA Gen Shinsenki needs to be replaced and that came directly from Dr P. He had a good plan lined up for the guys going into Iraq until the brass intentionally ignored him because lets face it did you think Bush Cheny Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld really cared that our soldiers were sent directly into a hornets nest ill equipped and completely undermanned and then hit hard and were hammered by ieds and rpgs and everything else in between? But now Shinsenki is dropping the ball w/ the VA program. The 9-11 false flag was based off of phony hoax Patriotism and it was a pretext for world wide hegemony and nothing more. A Marshal Law based Eugenic Totalitarian Dictatorship stateside was and is their agenda, welcome to the real world my fellow Americans. Our guys have PTSD TBI,chronic pain, post concussive syndrome, depression, they lost wives and they lost lives, limbs, hearts and minds and many souls were irrevocably broken on both sides. Now we have fat cats at the top from the Wounded Warriors pocketing huge sums of money while the vets get screwed over. How do these people sleep at night, they should be disgusted with themselves. Call me up my number is on the home page I want to talk to these people I just called you out 

NSA Spy Grid Machine

Friday, April 4, 2014

Ct is Draconian First Amendment Remember That One?

Judge Napolitano Speaks

The Judge flat out said the head shed who has 17 federal spook houses working  under him should get locked up-

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Malaysian Flight 370 Scam?

Denial Distraction Deception? smoke and mirrors

Ft Hood False Flag Role Players?

The Dark Force Of Eugenics

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bildergerg Plans

Revolution Is In The Air