Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hedonic Treadmill

"Money and not morality, is the principle of commercial nations" Thomas Jefferson- What is some more feedback on Wrights book- This sums up a good portion of the duality involved- Evolution and natural selection doesn't want us to be happy but rather productive. The anticipation of pleasure is very strong but the pleasure itself not very long lasting. The hedonic treadmill this ties in very well with Dr Lustwigs book Hacking of the American mind-  Speaking of bad examples why is our Potus feeding the Clemson warriors junk food. Metabolic syndrome is through the roof because of fast processed junk that is highly addictive and only temporarily satisfying. That is not great American food, its poison, our food supply has been contaminated for corporate interests, how come he is not addressing this issue. Instead he is showing that he is part of the problem by giving them crap that they really cant work out to. Why do you think the top athletes and bodybuilders never touch that stuff. They stick to the high carb- protein, low fat grilled chicken egg whites and fish, they would  never eat that garbage. Many of the players and others voiced their opinion on this as well.

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