Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Deep Six

"The illegal we do immediately. The Unconstitutional takes a little longer" Henry Kissinger- What did you think about Why Buddhism is True by Robert Wright? It was very good, he also has an on line class called  (Buddhism and modern psychology). The problem is that the Universities are fazing out all of the relevant majors like philosophy and history.
  Like that school in Wisconsin- Unless one teaches there isn't that much one can do with a philosophy/history degree but they are the most important ones. Its unfortunate  because most people don't get enough history teachings and that might be by design. Its hard not to sound conspiratorial but either way one isn't allowed to delve too deep, look what happened to James Tracey. And then if you want to be a maverick and a writer everything needs to get peer reviewed so anything controversial is going to get deep sixed anyway. I am telling you our wars have been horrific and once the last one ended and everybody forgot they just started another one. 9 million people died in the first world war. With few exceptions human nature has been inherently flawed. And then the flu pandemic at the end of that war, its tough to argue that the technocrats don't have a serious and determined de- population agenda.
  What did you think about Robert David Steele's interview that Gordon Duff posted? It was good Steele seems to have good intel all the way around. My only critique was that he stated that our Potus really didn't want to win. That isn't true- he was in it to win it from day 1. Steele always seems to say things that get to me that just don't seem to jibe very well. Why would our Potus not want to win? That is not in his personality, he wasn't doing it for more fame and fortune because he already had enough. He is turning this country around and making us feel good in the process. He is going to weed out all of the corupticrats- "The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently your own indifference" Bess Myerson   

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