Thursday, January 31, 2019

APA Fraud

"I would be in complete despair were it not for my belief that this trend of diagnostic exuberance is ripe for a humpty dumpty type fall-" Allen Frances MD. What is your take on Albert Schweitzer's book- (Out of my life and thought-) Didn't he write Philosophy of civilization? Yes he had empathy, he was full of despair because of all of the suffering that he witnessed. What do you think about the assistant professor of philosophy who was accused of chronic and pathological unscholarly behavior?
  I will have to defer to another great mystic and spiritual warrior on that- "There are nowadays professors of philosophy but not philosophers- Yet it is admirable to profess because it was once admirable to live-" Thoreau 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I am into musicals like Rent, like wearing pink shirts and I love Madonna- I believe in Synchronicity, Silver linings, lust at first bite and hippo hurricane hollers. I respect Thoreau and am trying to conceptualize transcendentalism. I am also pondering why Roger Stone would get a Nixon tat placed on his back. If the deep state wants to indict their may be a valid reason especially if he threatened somebody's therapy dog. That's no reason for the FBI to come in with guns blazing however.  That is like the pot calling the kettle black since Stone is the one that told us how Hillary had somebody's beloved feline eliminated.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Cash Is King

When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses- Shirley Chisholm"What is worse is the hedge fund guys who are coming in buying multiple facilities with the intent of getting rich quick- with very few services- milking the insurance for the clients lifetime benefits and then getting out quick of the people mill- Those guys and gals have a warm place in hell waiting for them-" Brent Bevelhymer

Friday, January 18, 2019

Wolf Dog

99.9% of dogs mitochondrial DNA is the gray wolf- "dogs are wolves that adapted to eat rice and be nice" Kevin Ashton- If this is true how does such a small percentage point of their dna constitute the reason why wolves and hybrids make less then favorable companions? If one took a wolf from birth shouldn't it and wouldn't it adapt the same way as a dog?

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hedonic Treadmill

"Money and not morality, is the principle of commercial nations" Thomas Jefferson- What is some more feedback on Wrights book- This sums up a good portion of the duality involved- Evolution and natural selection doesn't want us to be happy but rather productive. The anticipation of pleasure is very strong but the pleasure itself not very long lasting. The hedonic treadmill this ties in very well with Dr Lustwigs book Hacking of the American mind-  Speaking of bad examples why is our Potus feeding the Clemson warriors junk food. Metabolic syndrome is through the roof because of fast processed junk that is highly addictive and only temporarily satisfying. That is not great American food, its poison, our food supply has been contaminated for corporate interests, how come he is not addressing this issue. Instead he is showing that he is part of the problem by giving them crap that they really cant work out to. Why do you think the top athletes and bodybuilders never touch that stuff. They stick to the high carb- protein, low fat grilled chicken egg whites and fish, they would  never eat that garbage. Many of the players and others voiced their opinion on this as well.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Deep Six

"The illegal we do immediately. The Unconstitutional takes a little longer" Henry Kissinger- What did you think about Why Buddhism is True by Robert Wright? It was very good, he also has an on line class called  (Buddhism and modern psychology). The problem is that the Universities are fazing out all of the relevant majors like philosophy and history.
  Like that school in Wisconsin- Unless one teaches there isn't that much one can do with a philosophy/history degree but they are the most important ones. Its unfortunate  because most people don't get enough history teachings and that might be by design. Its hard not to sound conspiratorial but either way one isn't allowed to delve too deep, look what happened to James Tracey. And then if you want to be a maverick and a writer everything needs to get peer reviewed so anything controversial is going to get deep sixed anyway. I am telling you our wars have been horrific and once the last one ended and everybody forgot they just started another one. 9 million people died in the first world war. With few exceptions human nature has been inherently flawed. And then the flu pandemic at the end of that war, its tough to argue that the technocrats don't have a serious and determined de- population agenda.
  What did you think about Robert David Steele's interview that Gordon Duff posted? It was good Steele seems to have good intel all the way around. My only critique was that he stated that our Potus really didn't want to win. That isn't true- he was in it to win it from day 1. Steele always seems to say things that get to me that just don't seem to jibe very well. Why would our Potus not want to win? That is not in his personality, he wasn't doing it for more fame and fortune because he already had enough. He is turning this country around and making us feel good in the process. He is going to weed out all of the corupticrats- "The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently your own indifference" Bess Myerson   

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019


less then 1/2 of 1% chance of getting hooked on Oxycontin according to Dr Hadox. That is what the experts said, what is the real story? The worst epidemic in American history but they knew about the dangers of the morphine molecule a century before. Are you saying that this was planned? Its hard not to come to that conclusion. The way they targeted the chronic pain coal miners in the Shenandoah Valley. From 96-2017 at least 1 trillion dollars worth of lost productivity, increased health care and social services. The globalists shut down the coal miners jobs, the business was going to China. WTO Clinton cronies,  there was 22% unemployment in Appalachia. "The irony of it was the victims were getting jail time  instead of the people that caused it" p47 "Even if big pharma and the pill mill doctors could be brought to justice the morphine molecule was so deadly its lure so intractable- that those who were already addicted were likely to be ruled by it for the rest of their lives-p-56" Dopesick by Beth Macy


"My only problem today is the first shot of dope, everything else is just a situation". What is going on today? Using the pcs at the library reminds me of what excuse the FBI used for why they couldn't communicate with the cia pre-911- Supposedly they had archaic and outdated computers but I don't know if I really believe that. What is the real story? They had advanced internet and surveillance systems going back to ARPA which soon became DARPA during Vietnam that were decades ahead of their time. They always need a cover story it just seems to be the same one over and over again.
  Like the Parkland shooting how many dropped balls, how many 911 calls that weren't followed up on by the FBI- What did you think about Vice? A good movie and decent acting by the Hollywood stars. Maybe Hollywood isn't so bad after all. Rumsfeld asked Cheney if he thought  they would get prosecuted. As much as I respect Fox news for going after the Deep State especially Hannity maybe Hollywood doesn't trust him after all for legitimate reasons. Hannity was pushing the drum beat of war leading up to Iraq and so was Oreilly. Hannity acts like Chicanery is a hero and he seems to be  buds with him. The only thing one needs is a decent propaganda machine to get the job done. Keep us all pissed off and confused and if it sounds good then go for it. At least 70% of Americans thought that Iraq had ties to 9-11 including me. I was seeing red, I just wanted some payback that is what the focus groups were all about. 
   What about Dopesick? A good book that explains how predatory big Pharma is.. They had the marketeers, bonafide MD's state that their would be less then a 1% chance of getting addicted if used as prescribed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Surveillance Valley

"Advertising is a racket, its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly less then zero" F Scott Fitzgerald- I wouldn't go that far because their are many solid business owners who are doing their best to survive and advertising is one way of getting the message across. There is a fine line between overdoing it like while watching the Alabama/Clemson game- At least 5 minute commercials- That is going way over the top. These players are being sold out to corporate interests.
  That is why the top players opt out of the bowl games. That right there means that there is something wrong with the system. You had that one LSU player named Greedy sitting out for the bowl game what more needs to be said. Some of these players were born and bred for the NFL but most wont be getting any where close. They were used by the University for big bowl dollars but didn't even suit up and show up for the big one.
 Any more profound quotes- "The internet was developed as a weapon and remains a weapon today" Yasha Levine (Surveillance Valley) He explained that JFK was no dove  (Operation Ranch Hand 1962-) Agent Orange was a clear violation of the Geneva convention- Defoliation project Monsanto- death and suffering to hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese civilians. The Pentagon papers as well as the movie the Post explain how they knew about counterinsurgency and that the cia were fighting proxy wars throughout the 50's- They knew Vietnam was going to be a boon doggle but they proceeded anyway.
  This means that JFK more then likely had big plans for an unwinnable Iraq type scenario. This was the origin of the internet- ARPA- Advanced Research Project Agency. They pioneered surveillance systems and were decades ahead of their time. RAND- Vietnam was a cia Science project led by research analysts. Orwellian horror of the US military war machine that destroyed everything in its path. Tens of thousand of Vietnamese girls were turned into prostitutes as the jungles were mowed down to make room for our trucks. I want to know how many of our soldiers got cancer and died from Agent Orange- What about the forced Anthrax vaccine?
   There were tar pits and noxious fumes from the first Iraq war that resulted in (Gulf war syndrome) as well as the second. (Iraq Afghanistan war lung injury-) The burn pits were used on bases in Afghanistan and Iraq to get rid of waste even though incinerators were readily available- (The Smithsonian.) Many didn't use a mask as they poured jet fuel on waste- in the pits- plastic batteries ordinance human limbs etc-

Monday, January 7, 2019

Buzz The Sound

At dawn we went to the airport. We flew to far away shores to places that some would qualify as foreign wars. We flew in Skylanes Centurion's, 310's 421's Golden Eagles, Meridians the list goes on. What separates the pros from  the amateurs is staying current on the instruments. It doesn't matter how many hours that you have one needs to practice and stay current. Most of the flights were calm and peaceful even though it was sometimes hard not to regurgitate because of the bumps and smell of the leather. When one is a co-pilot you cant fall asleep even though Otto was doing a lot of the work. If Maverick can do a flyby and buzz the tower its tough not to follow up and buzz the Long Island Sound. Maverick had nothing on my dad because he flew for real, he wasn't a make believe feel good Hollywood story.

Old War Dogs

If the eyes are the windows of the soul then our words are the language of the heart. Jason Chaffetz exposes the Deep Stare as an insiders insider. The Pentagon spent 20 billion to figure out what the best deterrent was for detecting IED's bombs and it turned out to be a k-9. This didn't stop Chertoff's  TSA body scam scan. It doesn't even work for bad guys and turns out to be an invasion of privacy. TSA is a total waste of tax payer dollars.
  In Afghanistan they don't use body scan scams they used Dyngo a 10 year old Belgian Malois. With three tours under his belt his bomb sniffing heroics earned his handlers a bronze star and saved thousands of lives according to the Smithsonian. Dyngo had a tough time adapting to civilian life back in DC. Old war dogs never die they just fade away

Saturday, January 5, 2019