Monday, October 10, 2016

Second Presidential Debate

The second debate was interesting and thought provoking to say the least. Donald Trump demonstrated poise, strength and courage when he confronted Hillarys track record of covering up for her husbands violent abuse of women. He never used the word rape but I was hoping that he would. Why be politically correct, he isn't so I am sure that there was a strategic advantage for why he didn't use that kind of inflammatory rhetoric. He made it clear in the beginning of the debate that it is still hard for him to refer to himself as a politician. This is the most refreshing thing of all, that is why we need that man in the White House as our next Commander In Chief. He wants to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton for a myriad of suspicious and potentially criminal behavior. She is a seasoned and polished politician and did very well in this debate. She sounds great but like The Donald stated "its just words." I heard that some people felt that the debate was scraping the bottom of the barrel and that America deserves better. I completely disagree, at least both candidates talked and addressed real issues for a change. When was the last time we had a real debate in this country? If you are running for Potus its important to put it all out on the table. This is what both candidates did so I am now proud to be an American. I have nothing personal against Hillary Clinton. I just feel that she represents the establishment and as Donald Trump stated "she has a lot of hatred in her heart" Is that somebody you can trust with your life money or your wife? Lets just look at the track record because that speaks for itself. Obammacare what a scam, why would frauds and schemes be initiated under the phony guise of helping people? That's what these people are all about. George Soros the Puppet Master who apparently hates America and what it stands for. That is Hillary's go to guy. I really don't care how rich he is. Donald Trump is very rich and I know that he would never sell this country out or sell his soul to the devil like the rest of these people. So Donald Trump is being called out for locker room talk, what a difference that is between Hillary's actions over the years? We have a chance to have a real Populist as our next President, that is why America needs to wake up before its too late. A Nationalist who knows what the issues are and is prepared to address them head on. Special Interest money making banking and war scams will disappear. He will take out ISIS, when he speaks he just doesn't say anything to get elected, he speaks from his heart and with integrity. I didn't know that he was against the Iraq War. I don't need to fact check this because I believe him and I now know that this is true. That's the difference between his character and his competitor. He is a man of his word and he will never let us down.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Establishment Sell Outs And Phonies Mitt Romney is a total hypocrite acting holier then thou in reference to The Donalds comments ten years ago. How pathetic and weak that the establishment is resorting to private conversations. That is correct, a private conversation meaning that who ever leaked this personal conversation to the Washington Post is unethical. This is being used as a total distraction from the real issues. Men will be men and childish little boys like the establishment phony types are  acting all offended now by these off the cuff private comments. Network News is a sinking ship. They made it sound like the Trump campaign was in crisis now. These people are about as ridiculous and phony as you can get..   The real issues have to do with greedy politicians that get very rich at the expense of others meaning the really poor folks. I read Clinton Cash and  absorbed all of the information. When you have a 501c3 non profit shouldn't one take a modest salary and then give the rest to where its supposed to go? The Clinton Foundation is a who's who of wanna bes and criminals. Four of the trustees have either been charged or convicted of financial crimes. A non profit should be doing what's right not like Wounded Warriors where the fat cats pay themselves 250k and the warriors end up with little or nothing. The Clintons don't seem to be directly paid by the Foundation but have received a plethora of kickbacks so to speak. The name of the game is to pillage these dilapidated third and fourth world countries with disaster relief business schemes using a benevolent looking charity as a cover. Criminal behavior is routine and actually expected in these kind of places. Nigerian War Lords, the Clintons were doing business with some very seedy and unsavory individuals. If you are making believe that you are out for their countries best interest but you are really just out for self aggrandizement, money power and fame that is very sad. Peter Schweizer states that with the information that he has uncovered which is exhaustive and extremely detailed  this should warrant a real criminal investigation. Meaning an investigation that far exceeds the capability of investigative journalism. In other words hello FBI where have you been? Oh yes that is right James Comey, we have an FBI director that is basically in bed with the Clintons as well. Schweizer states that there are many lawyers involved and that there is a chance that the Clinton Foundation may not be a money laundering operation. However how do we know this unless the FBI starts to do their job? I was charged with multiple felonies for having legal weapons in the trunk of my car and went through hell on earth for a legally registered 9 millimeter and ultimately convicted of a class e felony. Why are the rules different for the little people like me? Peter Schweitzer wrote another book Throw Them All Out. Basically the premise of this book is that most of us little people would have been thrown in the clink many times over for things these arrogant establishment types do on a routine basis. They loot the American tax payer, rape plunder and pillage other countries all in plain sight and actually mock the rest of us. The Clintons would be great as Skull And Bone Pirates. They made believe that they were going to help build homes for the  poor Haitian people after the earthquake but  instead the money went in other directions meaning directly into their own pockets. Wow what trustworthy people the Clintons are.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Bill Clinton Multiple Rapes I was listening to Roger Stones radio show, he had some solid guests on it. Apparently the Clinton regime pillaged all of the Haiti recovery money that was supposed to be used to rebuild their infrastructure after the earthquake in 2010. That's money laundering and Racketeering and should be prosecuted under The Rico Act. Since  many of these crime family stories don't make it to the network news it is important to hammer them home because this is a National Security issue not a libelous slander campaign. I disagree with Alex Jones because he called Slick Willy a psychotic Piranha. I would make my diagnosis a psychopathic Piranha. Psychotics can sometimes get a pass because they may not be aware of their actions but psychopaths know their actions are wrong but still do it anyway. Anti Social Personality Disorder is basically untreatable. It means that one is incapable of remorse regardless of how much therapy is administered. That is why sexual predators usually go away for life and are segregated from the general population and put into protective custody so they don't get viciously beaten and murdered by the other inmates. People in jail and prison despise sexual predators, many of these predators end up dead one way or another. Brutal Rapes are serious allegations and Roger Stone is prepared to back up his sources. (Clintons War On Women.) This is something that ordinary people would go away for life multiple times over due to the multitude of victims. What did slick Willy get instead a few lawsuits? That is quite pathetic and disturbing to say the least. Roger Stone states that there are over 40 women that Slick Willy has victimized over the years. These serial rapist allegations are very serious to say the least but so are the crimes. Only solid people like Roger Stone can make these claims and still be taken seriously. Main stream Media are a bunch of criminals otherwise this story would have been out years ago. If nothing else this will shake the foundation of the upcoming election. Roger Stone states that their will be a motherload of intel coming out in a few days by Wiki Leaks. I don't want drug dealers, money launderers and serial rapists wives running for Potus my standards aren't that high. Hillary had bully mobsters threaten and harass Slick Willys rape victims and now she claims to have empathy for women that have been raped as a women's advocate? Rapes are brutal and traumatic this is why Mariska Hargitay's character on Law And Order SVU is so passionate for reasons that are more then legitimate. Roger also had somebody talking about how Ross Perot hired some solid warriors to find Vietnam POWS only to uncover Daddy Bush's drug trafficking cartel. I don't want that much for our countries future, I just don't think that these crime families are good role models, would anybody be able to argue with me about this?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Legit Issue I believe that it is plausible that Donald Trump was given a defective microphone on purpose planned way in advance by the Hillary camp. Every time you are going up against people like this extra security, bomb sweeps as well as bug sweeps are mandatory. This will now include extra sweeps for defective microphones. Did everybody listen to what she had to say in reference to this? In my opinion it was this  "ha ha anytime you have to complain about a microphone you know that you didn't have a good night." This is a legitimate concern and Donald Trump has every right to be indignant about this. The Clinton camp doesn't play fair, this is old news

We Live In A Panopticon

Snowden was an excellent movie. Oliver Stone is brilliant, all of his movies have been my favorites over the years. If you have nothing to hide then why worry about anything right? When doing blanket surveillance its tough not to abuse this kind of power. The problem is when everybody has your intel then nothing is sacred anymore. This kind of info can and will be used against you even though the intel may have been gathered illegally. If you are going after real bad guys then I don't have a problem with this but when good people end up getting blackmailed then thats not so good. We needed a Totalitarian Nsa con job spy grid after 9-11 to route out the bogey man myths. Its a great war strategy like Snowden stated you have our allies intel when they are our friend but once they become our enemy then its "lights out." Snowden is a hero  and it took a lot of guts to tell the world about massive surveillance. The commentator on Fox news made a comment recently that Snowden may have spilled the beans about Americas defense secrets, is there any evidence of this? When somebody makes a statement then one should be prepared to back it up. Snowden is not a traitor because he fulfilled his patriotic obligation,what America is doing is against his moral compass. When Snowden became a household name in 2013 I thought he was a traitor but then I learned how Extortion 17 went down and how Charlie Strange was being harassed by NSA. America has a very ugly side to it, after watching Dancing with Wolves again and how Two Socks was taken out that should say it all. We need to stop humiliating people for sport. I agree with Peter Thiel and how he went after Gawker and won the lawsuit however I don't think he should have gone after anybody personally. I know we live in a society where people derive great pleasure from seeing  other people suffer and embarrassing them,  however this needs to stop. If you have somebody's personal intel why would you use this against them if they wouldn't want you to? Its pretty simple do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. If somebody is gay and they would rather not be outed then why disrespect them? The argument that celebrities and people of power should expect their personal dirt to be tabloid fodder and that this is the price they should pay and have to pay for their stardom is completely ridiculous. They are talented people and don't deserve to have lowlife Paparazzi spies tailing them every where they go. Its low level and very disturbing, this is where counter surveillance teams come into play.  I know people need to make a living but if Erin Andrews didn't want her personal moments spilled all over the web for Gawker geeks to check out and get off on then why put it out there? There is something called being mindful or sensitive toward other peoples feelings, it might help this country out in the long run. Its really creepy to have weirdo NSA geeks checking out our every move but at least we know they cant legally sell it to Gawker or make sure it goes viral.  However America loves salacious scandals otherwise people get too bored. I dont care about Tom Cruises personal life but there is nothing the matter with studying the cult of Scientology and making judgements and having opinions based on somebody's association with something like this. If somebody is running for Potus and has demonstrated  a consistent criminal behavior pattern over the years then this should be public information. This is much different then humiliating somebody for sport.