Saturday, May 21, 2016

Deep Cover Pet Therapy Op Gone Bad

This is a story of a deep cover pet therapy op. Palm Beach County has a horrific heroin/fentanyl epidemic. The way to find out where the dope is at  the sober homes is by bringing in the deep cover pet therapy dogs under the guise of pet therapy sessions. The dogs wont look like regular drug sniffing k-9s like the ones Leos use. That's because they wont be they will be certified pet therapy and drug sniffers of various breeds that look harmless. Privatizing drug sniffers, bomb sniffers and pet therapy dogs is a really beneficial market. Parents don't want their kid in jail they just want them off of drugs. That is why any intel the k-9s obtain will only be used to eradicate the dope not to get anybody arrested. Continuing to charge drug addicts with felonies is an exercise in futility, its a complete waste of time for everybody involved except the racketeers. They are making a fortune by housing sick people and treating them like hardened criminals. This only creates more ptsd and resentment just to make it easier to start the vicious cycle all over again once they get out. Watch out for the dope addict who gets tipped off about the op in advance who ends up too paranoid about getting locked up again. The op goes bad when they try to take out the innocent k-9 just doing its job. People in many cases are willing to go to any lengths to avoid going back to jail, or in this particular case the perception of going back. Suicide by cop, suicide by dog, suicide by deep cover pet therapy k-9 is definitely something to be wary of as well. 

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