Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Big Pharma Scam (Part 2)

I read the first chapter of A Mind Of Your Own by Kelly Brogan a triple board certified psychiatrist. (Cornell- MIT) I was also told by one of my holistic sources that her book was being blocked by main stream media. Her basic claim is that depression is not a disease, mental illness or chemical imbalance. She brilliantly points out that depression is just a symptom. Her basic contention evolved  after years of treating people the conventional way with meds etc. It makes perfect sense. She states that most peoples issues come from our gut ie- diet, lack of exercise etc.. This corroborates the most advanced holistic studies as of late (clogged colon) etc.. Basically she says that meds do more harm then good. Anti depressants have been shown to have neglible clinical efficacy over time. It is so refreshing to read about a psychiatrist who is actually anti big pharma. I took a lot of meds over the years- anti depressants etc and for me I believe that they did more harm then good. I had drug seeking behavior so I really sought out knock out drugs like Trazadone and Seroquel. Most meds are prescribed by GPs not Psychiatrists, she points out how many women are overly medicated by these drugs throughout our society. My basic feeling is that Reward Deficiency Syndrome is as real as it gets and for me it is genetic and a chemical imbalance however for the majority of the people depression is just a symptom that has nothing to do with untreated alcoholism. For most people its epi genetic or environmental. Nature vs nuture is always an interesting field to study. There is no way to explain alcoholism and drug addiction without talking about an allergy or chemical imbalance in the brain.(mind body soul) Dr Blum talks about the (d2 receptors),ie- lack of dopamine etc. Whether its a serotonin imbalance or a brain that need extra surges of nor epinephrine and dopamine big Pharma is not the answer lets be honest. Why are we losing holistic doctors (up to 40) now in mysterious circumstances? Kelly Brogran is a great example of what our country should be all about. She basically points out that depression ends up in the brain as a symptom but the primary reason for it comes from  other places. Bad diet, lack of exercise, negative influences, mean people, stressed out world, we all know the rest. Mind body and soul is the answer, yoga, abundance and mindfulness.       

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