Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Scientology Cult

We have some serious problems in this country. So let me get this straight, a bunch of weirdo Satanists create Nasa and then one of these clowns branches off to start a religious cult. Then we have one of the most famous actors on the planet saluting this guy on stage are you kidding me? If that isn't bad enough we are being sprayed like bugs by spin offs of the very same demons that created NASA- We aren't the cockroaches so why are my people the ones getting sprayed? I read about a Col. woman who had the courage to call out geo-engineering and had her kid taken away. Are you serious? www.geoengineeringwatch.org  is real and so is Dane Wigington. He launched a lawsuit in Canada, so now he has his sights on launching a huge lawsuit in the USA so he can use some support. I am more then a little upset by these phony, pathetic black ops Satanists. The best is when people try to defend these celebs like Cruise and Travolta by stating oh they are being kept in the dark they don't know what is really going on. Ya ok this guy Miscaviage is about as diabolical as one can get and supposedly he is Cruises best bud. He hires teams of pis to tail people (his own family members) so he can use every little dark secret against them. He doesn't want people coming out speaking the truth but its too late. Many shining stars like Jason Beghe came out of the closet so now its all about damage control for this pathetic cult. Child abuse, slave labor, physical abuse, mind control, prison camps and a phony concept to begin with unbelievable. Hubbards own son stated his father was a pathological liar that was mentally, verbally and physically abusive etc.. Satanists have that in common I have found. It looks like I am an SP-suppressive person does anybody else want to join me? 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Cgi Spies

http://www.thegeocentricgnostic.com Welcome to the world of cgi spies, Nasa geeks trolls shills bots and freaks. Disinfo agents full of conceit and cgi lies. Satellites are a sham. Alex Jones need a new word for Globalist. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. A huge black hole not full of the sun moon and stars but rather full of cgi spies and lies. Welcome to the world of cia photoshop deceit and photoswap. Its not very professional but it doesn't really matter because Free Mason Protected entities are untouchable. The Occult roots of Nasa parts 1- 2- 3 is absolutely brilliant. The best intel I have seen maybe ever

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Big Pharma Scam (Part 2)

I read the first chapter of A Mind Of Your Own by Kelly Brogan a triple board certified psychiatrist. (Cornell- MIT) I was also told by one of my holistic sources that her book was being blocked by main stream media. Her basic claim is that depression is not a disease, mental illness or chemical imbalance. She brilliantly points out that depression is just a symptom. Her basic contention evolved  after years of treating people the conventional way with meds etc. It makes perfect sense. She states that most peoples issues come from our gut ie- diet, lack of exercise etc.. This corroborates the most advanced holistic studies as of late (clogged colon) etc.. Basically she says that meds do more harm then good. Anti depressants have been shown to have neglible clinical efficacy over time. It is so refreshing to read about a psychiatrist who is actually anti big pharma. I took a lot of meds over the years- anti depressants etc and for me I believe that they did more harm then good. I had drug seeking behavior so I really sought out knock out drugs like Trazadone and Seroquel. Most meds are prescribed by GPs not Psychiatrists, she points out how many women are overly medicated by these drugs throughout our society. My basic feeling is that Reward Deficiency Syndrome is as real as it gets and for me it is genetic and a chemical imbalance however for the majority of the people depression is just a symptom that has nothing to do with untreated alcoholism. For most people its epi genetic or environmental. Nature vs nuture is always an interesting field to study. There is no way to explain alcoholism and drug addiction without talking about an allergy or chemical imbalance in the brain.(mind body soul) Dr Blum talks about the (d2 receptors),ie- lack of dopamine etc. Whether its a serotonin imbalance or a brain that need extra surges of nor epinephrine and dopamine big Pharma is not the answer lets be honest. Why are we losing holistic doctors (up to 40) now in mysterious circumstances? Kelly Brogran is a great example of what our country should be all about. She basically points out that depression ends up in the brain as a symptom but the primary reason for it comes from  other places. Bad diet, lack of exercise, negative influences, mean people, stressed out world, we all know the rest. Mind body and soul is the answer, yoga, abundance and mindfulness.       

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Deep Cover Pet Therapy Op Gone Bad

This is a story of a deep cover pet therapy op. Palm Beach County has a horrific heroin/fentanyl epidemic. The way to find out where the dope is at  the sober homes is by bringing in the deep cover pet therapy dogs under the guise of pet therapy sessions. The dogs wont look like regular drug sniffing k-9s like the ones Leos use. That's because they wont be they will be certified pet therapy and drug sniffers of various breeds that look harmless. Privatizing drug sniffers, bomb sniffers and pet therapy dogs is a really beneficial market. Parents don't want their kid in jail they just want them off of drugs. That is why any intel the k-9s obtain will only be used to eradicate the dope not to get anybody arrested. Continuing to charge drug addicts with felonies is an exercise in futility, its a complete waste of time for everybody involved except the racketeers. They are making a fortune by housing sick people and treating them like hardened criminals. This only creates more ptsd and resentment just to make it easier to start the vicious cycle all over again once they get out. Watch out for the dope addict who gets tipped off about the op in advance who ends up too paranoid about getting locked up again. The op goes bad when they try to take out the innocent k-9 just doing its job. People in many cases are willing to go to any lengths to avoid going back to jail, or in this particular case the perception of going back. Suicide by cop, suicide by dog, suicide by deep cover pet therapy k-9 is definitely something to be wary of as well. 

Marijuana Revolution

Weed is addictive pure and simple. Especially for people like me who are alcoholic/drug addict, have Reward Deficiency Syndrome and everything else in between. I read some great material from Dr Blum. He is the man who discovered the alcoholic gene. This has evolved into Reward Deficiency Syndrome which apparently affects up to 1/3 of the population. I always knew it was a lot more then 10%. I have a shortage of Dopamine (D2 receptors) in my brain which means that I cant stop or control any mood/mind altering substance. This means alcohol, narcotics etc.. There is no way that anybody can justify using weed if they have Reward Deficiency Syndrome. I started smoking weed to mitigate my symptoms of untreated alcoholism but found it made my symptoms much worse. Marijuana was a central nervous system depressant for me.. What does this all mean? It means that up to 75% of the people can smoke weed safely. It might be ok for anxiety but not for depression. If you have untreated alcoholism where the symptoms are anxiety and depression then definitely avoid it like the plague. It is good for people with chronic pain and ptsd again as long as they don't have Reward Deficiency Syndrome. What I justified as a mind body spirit holistic experience was really just an excuse to get stoned. As my symptoms got worse so did my consequences. My alcoholism hasn't been treated for 14 or more years, that is what made it so easy for me to seek narcotics. Jails Institutions and homelessness is a guarantee for addicts like me. There is only one solution because abstinence rarely works and if it does it wont for long if there isn't a solid spiritual program already in place. I have a hole in my soul and its called alcoholism. The real mbs/holistic program of Alcoholics Anonymous combined with CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and of course complete abstinence is the only real solution for me. The altruistic program of being of service to others combined with true humility has benefits that far exceed some so called miracle drug. That doesn't mean that one shouldn't trip on Ibogaine in the very beginning to get sober because that really does appear to be  a miracle drug.