Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Illuminati Competition

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/06/27/why-the-alternative-media-failed/ Apparently Alex Jones was spreading the fearporn about Y2K before the turn of the century- Was that a legit concern? I don't really know but when the average person only relies on mainstream media for intel  having somebody like Jones come out and speak out against Tyranny, NWO etc. his claims can appear to be very legit. I relied on Jones for intel and  received a great deal. If you have feds and others in the system that are sworn to secrecy then where can you find out if and when our world is about to blow up? One has to do the best they can with the info that is presented and disseminate it as much as possible, that is the only answer. Most of the time the info is at least partially correct. I will never fully trust a shill for the NWO and fearporn in the alternative news circle is just as bad as the color coded DHS/FBI fearporn  they hammered us with post 9-11 every day. Green- Yellow- Orange, Blue what a scam. We always had to be worried about something blowing up by the evil terrorists. Now we have a red alert about ISIS blowing things up over Independence Day, supposedly the highest alert since 9-11. I like Alex Jones but I don't trust one of his go to guys Mark Dice, he doesn't seem legit- His on again off again relationship with Jones competition  for Illuminati knowledge, pointers, fans and followers seems to be predicable. I will never forget Dice interviewing some college kids etc.. He didn't come across as credible, sincere or trustworthy. Anyway he is supposed to be an authority on the Illuminati and even wrote a book about it. Jeff C from Media Solidarity a Canadian is a man that I respect and trust- He seems to have Alex Jones and Mark Dices number 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

FBI Terror Scam

After reading VTs article about Gov Christies Ft. Dix FBI terror scam it reminds me of my initial reaction of this new alleged ISIS recruit Justin Sullivan. The entire story looks like a complete joke. OK even if this kid did have visions of killing innocent people what resources and training did this 19 year old have access to? Is this enough info to turn this into a major world news story? It was on the evening news, this kid in the background while his father was on the phone with 911. It sounded so fake this country is really going down the tubes. Imagine working for the FBI in the fake manufactured terror division? JTTF- What an insult to anybody that would ever consider working for our country as a federal agent in what should be an honorable profession. I think about our politicians like Christie and many others and I get physically ill. Ft Dix was the highlight of his career- wow what a man. I would rather be scrubbing urinals then to be part of a FBI Rico scam. It looks like the Boston Marathon bomber is all set to be executed stated by federal guidelines. How do these Feds even live with themselves? What will they tell their grandkids "I worked for the FBI making up bull shit terror plots along with scumbag criminal informants all in an effort to pysop the American people to ultimately take away their weapons and their rights?" Fidelity- Bravery- Integrity?, Not really I have learned a lot over the years about what our FBI directors are really all about and I am not a fan to say the least. The best was when the FBI field office in Ct told Wolfgang that Sandy Hook is classified and that he will never have access to these files in his lifetime due to "National Security". What was the FBI even doing investigating a school shooting in Ct? It appears that FBI and DHS is even more evil then the CIA if that is even possible. Fetzer stated that it is mostly DHS and FBI involved in these False Flag hoaxes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MK Ultra False Flag Spook

http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/ Everybody must read Fetzers article. "Shouldn't the church members been suspicious by somebody who looked like a recent grad of the MK Ultra Academy-" I couldn't stop laughing- keep up the great false flag work Dr Jim Fetzer your work has really made a difference- I have never read about anybody that does as much follow up work as Jim Fetzer, he works very hard- Not only does he write books but he actually follows up and does everything he can to at the very least make other people aware. He knows that the system is a despicable fraud but he charges ahead anyway. In other words he writes to all the people that could possibly make a difference. A perfect example is the Boston Marathon False Flag- He was doing his best to be included as an expert witness w/ Nathan Folks etc.. Suppression of evidence etc.. Fetzer has courage and is highly intelligent. I believe that he may be the founding father in the field- " clandestine expert research -subject- False Flag Terrorism". People may have been laughing at him in the very beginning calling him a conspiracy quack but not anymore. He backs up his claims- Good luck going up against Fetzer in any type of debate. I know that he went up against Michael Collins Piper about Sandy Hook. With all due respect to the late Collins Piper I believe that the man developed heart problems before the last scheduled debate. I don't know what to make of Pipers death. The only thing I can say is that he was playing ball. I believe that he was actually making the argument for children really being killed so why would Mossad end up killing him if he was playing ball? It was however a suspicious death to go along with the Milford police officer- I am not buying a suicide in this tragic case with all due respect to the community as well as to the grieving family members

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Black Ops Manifesto

I give the mobsters some credit, at least they have a live body to blame the church shooting on this time around unlike good old Adam Lanza. So they want to start a race war what else is new? I am under the impression that even the mobsters don't know what their end game is. Whether it is ramped up signature drone strikes based off of actionable intel rather then definitive with only sigint and zero humint, it is all the same. Collateral damage- These weirdo's have no respect for human life. Remember I stated "watch out for those Manifestos they are usually a dead giveaway for a black ops rogue intel agency false flag?" It looks like this kid had all types of twisted visions in his Manifesto. What makes this even worse is that an FBI profiler was giving her two cents about the Manifesto yesterday on the web. I believe that more people should be upset by this kind of deceit. The media, even Fox news is complicit in the scam this is definitely not a surprise. Maybe there is compartmentalization in the news agencies as well,  maybe they don't really know what is going on however I doubt this especially the way Bo Dietl was acting. I just read The Dark Side of Camelot- Seymour Hersh. I am sorry but I don't care what JFK did in his personal life, it is my assumption that the book has a limited hangout character assassination agenda. JFK was our greatest president, we wouldn't be dealing with this garbage if they didn't murder him and everybody else who didn't play ball. It appears our new Attorney General is playing ball just like Holder did with all types of guaranteed millions to be sent directly to the victims families right away. Wait a minute doesn't the kid need his day in court first? Wolfgang stated that even Adam Lanza deserved his day in court even in absentia isn't this the American way? Take down the Confederate Flag?- No, more like take down and get rid of the false flags you pathetic and twisted freaks

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Church Charade Shooting

What was with the victims family members talking about forgiveness etc.. at the bond hearing? This is highly suspicious. The state of SC apparently allows this but when was the last time this ever happened? This type of scenario is usually reserved for sentencing and allocution purposes only not for a bond hearing to be plastered  all over lame stream news. Not buying it- That kid and the entire event looks really fake. What happened to Habeas Corpus? Just because the kid allegedly admitted to the shooting does this mean he is definitely guilty? Bringing in family members to grieve and to make statements during a bond hearing is a huge red flag along with many other obvious indicators. I don't feel like going through any more however because I am sick of these clowns and their charades 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

28 Pages And Church Shooting

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/06/15/rand28pages/  Just out of curiosity why is Rand Paul looking like the good guy now sugar and spice and everything nice meaning wanting to expose the 28 pages? Wasn't Rand outed already as Bibis and AJs go to guy? What is that all about, limited hangout? Before Gordon pointed out what was really up with Rand I figured him to be  a good guy freedom fighter, somebody that I would even vote for. After reading David Ray Griffins book recently I have learned a few new tid bits here and there. I want to thank all the conspiracy theorists for making it much easier for me to expose false flag events. There are so many good people out there, ie- Media Solidarity, etc. that take their job as intel information providers very seriously. I already had natural ability to acknowledge fraud on many levels however these people really made me aware and placed me in the game so to speak. I even thank AJ for his false flag exposure, that guy knows a lot, he is an original with great presentation skills. Now lets take a look at this false flag church shooting in SC. White supremacist kid shoots up a black church? Isn't this a little too simple? 2 plus 2 equals 5? A few trusted sources have already uncovered major inconsistencies in the official story even some potential photo shop- sound familiar Adam Lanza? My bs radar went up immediately this morning when I saw our President and VP doing the sincere condolence protocol all over the web. They aren't going to spin this into a political opportunity will they? I watched World News last night, Jeb interviews very well not bad at all. If there are no other choices I will more then likely go with Hilary, her husband actually did some good things for our country, it looks like they may be joining forces for this campaign.