Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ponzi Cons And Plans

I have alot of respect for William Ackman because he is going after Herbalife and even squared off against Carl Icahn the real life corporate Raider going back to the Ivan Boesky- Gordon Gekko days. I believe as Ackman does that Herbalife is a criminal enterprise set up more or less like a Ponzi scam. It is somewhat ambiguous as to what constitutes a Ponzi scheme that is why this fight where Ackman stated that he spent close to 50 million of his own money will get quite interesting. He even mentioned that one of the head sheds on CNBC perjured himself by claiming 90% of Herbalifes revenue comes from retail sales. This is how it really works. Joe Blow off the street is broke and miserable and is approached by an up line rep claiming that they will show them how to make alot of money by selling legit products. These products are legit however Joe Blow has to pay money out of his own pocket to get started. What makes this a ruthless enterprise is that not only does Joe Blow not make any money he alienates all of his friends and family members by trying to get them involved in this operation as well. Now Joe Blow is even poorer and the few friends that he did have are forever out of his life because they saw the sales pitch coming from miles away. This is how a Network Marketing operation works, only the top dogs make any real money. It is set up almost like a cult, it makes it very difficult, some would say almost even impossible to become a top dog once the Pyramid is clearly established. Any money that is made becomes negligible if you equate the countless hours, time, effort and alienation of former friends and family members that went along with it. Countless families have been ruined by these type of cons. These companies make the majority of their money from the new gullible saps that have to buy in initially. They need a constant supply of new gullible saps to recruit others because this is where the real money is made not through retail sales. God bless William Ackman keep up the great work. My plan for the future includes an insurance type slush fund worth billions, this will be used to reimburse real Ponzi Scam victims. The problem with Ponzi schemes is that they are extremely difficult to investigate. If one does any due diligence they may not find anything incriminating because on paper as in Madoffs case and many others they appear to be clean and legit. It is not until a few people start asking for their principle back or a rigged market scenario like 08 that the real red flags start going up and people start to finally realize that they have been robbed and in many cases are ruined for life. It doesn't matter that the scam artists get sentenced to harsh sentences, in some cases this makes it even worse. If the victims aren't compensated for in many cases their entire nest eggs being eliminated what difference does this make? It makes it even worse for some because while the criminals sit behind bars they are being fed and housed by the state meanwhile the victims are completely wiped out and sometimes cant even eat themselves, not good. It is bad enough that the American people are being victimized by Ponzi cons with the criminal off shore Fed and IRS. If somebody gets robbed by a Ponzi scam artist without an insurance type guaranteed payout for all of their losses including interest for pain and suffering, investigations and locking people up becomes an exercise in futility. Not everybody is a financial wizard, even the smartest people can become major victims and many already have. Lets get this multi billion dollar plus slush fund off the ground for all former and future victims of financial fraud and start to implement this in the years ahead.

Alex Jonestown Scam There it is conclusive proof that Alex Jones conned me into believing that Al Gore was a scam with his global warming pitch. I will go with the best informed intel guy in the world any day of the week. Preston James calls disinfo cointelpro (counter intelligence program) operations like Infowars limited hangouts meaning they unleash alot of solid intel just enough to pose as 100% legit in an effort to gain your trust only to scam you in other ways later. Like maybe getting info on who the real players are just so they can lead one into a hornets nest when the time is right. Alex is a true spymaster, not a bonafide and genuine Patriot that is only his cover id. Limited hangout truth nuggets that had me drinking Jonesteins kool aid all the way almost back to Jonestown itself. Alex Jones you have turned out to be a con man posing as the leader of the Patriot movement while double dipping with a big money handler behind the scenes while pushing aphrodisiacs and fluoride filters making it appear that this is the only way to keep your operation afloat. That is a sin, because Patriots are pure and noble, this means Alex that you have proven yourself to be an egregious fraud. Controlled Opposition, ie-AIPAC Jinsa- Gordon said that some of the people in your circle are so dirty that they would be doing time otherwise, wow what a great role model you are. I am tired of these scam traitors. It is now time to unleash a cable channel with Veterans Today making money the real way, the only way which is honorable and sink these alternative media wanna be Patriot operations and take it to the next level. Even main stream media will be under the ocean like the Titanic in a few years maybe even less. We need Gordon in the White House, every person I talked to never even heard of him, that is because he is not a mobster and Main Stream news is scared to death of him. Think about it do you think they want the man who is going to sink their entire operation with 9-11 intel for starters on their program? That is why we must be creative and start off with a major cable network and take it from there. I never fully trusted you Alex Jones, but Dr P was the only reason I stood behind you for so long. We don't have time to waste we need sponsors, money the whole 9 yards. I even like and respect Obama now, not because I am a Democrat, I am an independent. Jones had me convinced that our Commander in Chief was the devil himself. He is not, he is an American who doesn't get pushed around by Bibi, I respect him for that. He has done alot of positive things that he never received any credit for. Meanwhile Alex Jones go to guy Rand Paul might be implicated on Treason charges, who is the real Patriot now Alex? I believe our President loves our country and is doing the best he can under some very ugly circumstances. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Open Letter To VT Trolls

The critics and trolls are predicable. I equate them with being the fat out of shape fans in the stands who do absolutely nothing except yell and scream at the pro athletes, the real players who work hard and make big money. For starters VT gets some grief because their articles sometimes look as if they haven't been spell checked. They are getting cyber hacked and attacked, if you critics weren't on the sidelines you would know this, I have written blogs that flat out disappeared as soon as I wrote them just wasting hours of my time. I have keys that don't work, all types of dirty tricks and I am not even a real player.Those guys go through hell just ask Stew Web how many times they tried to kill him. Even Preston James has mentioned that they came after him in the past. Anyway they need support so stop thinking you are smarter because you are not. They have real intel and the KM Mafia is not really something that one could research on google. They are a private intel firm, this means that they have plenty of hard evidence that can and will be used in the court of law. Also please no more pejorative comments referring to cops as pigs that is insulting. Most cops are very good. I never met a cop I didn't like, even the ones I knew to be corrupt and this also includes the ones that put cuffs on me which has been more times then I care to admit. I was sickened to my soul when I was locked up because a lot of the inmates hated cops with a passion and were even happy when one died.Cops can and will save our lives can anybody say that about a politician? When bad things happen who do you call, I will guarantee that even the most corrupt cops in this country have saved lives and done heroic things that only people in their circle really Know about. It is a thankless job and they deserve a lot of respect. We need to get rid of the FBI, DHS, and CIA. FBI- Fidelity Bravery and Integrity, no more like Federalized Bureaucratic Incompetence- What they did to Mike Dick one of if not the most heroic federal agents this country has ever known is unconciable. He is in John Oneill Roger Carnabys league, that is why he was working the real Able Danger Investigation doing surveillance pre-9-11. Don't worry Mike you have a solid future once Gordon Duff becomes President.   

The Wrong People Are Locked Up  Alex Jones our Commander in Chief isn't that bad, so please stop demonizing Obama with your zio marketing campaign. I told my mom that I wouldn't write any more blogs but I cant sit back and watch our country get steamrolled by Rico Mobsters. Alex your cover is blown, you are Bibis boy and Rand Paul is his pet project. This means Alex that you really aren't the leader of the Patriot movement and never were, you are a hypocrite traitor clown- neo con. Your boy Rand is not a peaceful third party or independent freedom fighter after all and neither are you Alex Jones. You let me down and so did Judge Napolitano because you are all Murdochs boys so please cut the bs. I thought the judge wanted to investigate 9-11 but he really doesn't, he is pushing the Saudi angle with Lt Col Anthony Shaeffer, and even implicated that innocent patsy in the Boston Marathon False Flag. Alan Combes may be the only honest person, my gut tells me he wants 9-11 adjudicated the right way. We are at an all time low and things must turn around. I hate politics and I hate politicians, I admire leaders with character and integrity. Gordon Duff must get into the White House because he is not a political animal, he is a real leader, that is the difference, the last chance this country really has. My mission is to set up a non profit and raise money for our next Commander in Chief, my mother should be proud of my new found focus. This will get ugly, a real dogfight because the President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Supreme Law of the Land. This means if Gordon gets in their will be mass arrests across the board, a sweeping change, the real shock and awe. Many people will get locked up and many will never get out- Stew Web will make sure of that. Alex if you really are hooked in with the AIPAC boys you may go down too. This is a serious situation, this will be the most historic election in the history of this country. We have been hijacked and humiliated by real bad people. (they aren't really people) I have never admired anybody more then the VT warriors, this has been the most disturbing but refreshing time of my life. No I wont be a Lee Attwater spreading lies and then dying of cancer because of the tremendous guilt but rather speaking the truth about humble men and women who really have made a difference. No huge Napoleonic complexes or extreme Narcissists, just solid warriors who know how to take care of business, they were born to do it. How many politicians have had the courage to even mention the word False Flag? What should it mean to be an American? The answer is simple- When you are the toughest guy in the room, it is instinctive, people know not to mess with you because they know what will happen. It means not being a bully, mobster or murderer. It means that you really don't have any enemies because you never earned any because you are empathetic, a real humanitarian with compassion for others, and want to help rather then hurt. Our great nation has been hijacked and humiliated by Zio Rico cowards and criminals, they are the epitome of cowardice and disgrace. Bibi should have been locked up long ago, the only thing he wants to do is Nuke Iran, he is as sociopathic as they come. Gordon Duffs warriors know what needs to be done, sociopaths cant peacefully co exist with other humans it is impossible. They need to be stopped cold in their tracks, very few people have the power to actually do this. Let us all give positive encouragement to Maureen Crowley who spoke up about Sandy Hook. That Boston Marathon False Flag is far from over, their is no statute of limitations for huge Rico crimes.