Monday, January 15, 2024

Stop World Control

Who founded modern medicine? The Rockefellers, who knew nothing about medicine. Who currently dictates healthcare worldwide? Bill Gates, who knows nothing about healthcare. Bill Gates operates as a true world dictator, dictating policy in healthcare, agriculture, the food industry, the news media, weather manipulation, and so much more. Who else dictates the news? People like George Soros, who knows nothing about journalism, but who buys entire news agencies all around the world. Stop World Control

I used to think there was no way Soros could have his hooks in many of these defund the police woke cities-Then I saw the results stand down on crime under the phony guise of restorative justice- das that are afraid to pull the trigger by doing their job now look at the results- Diaster central and I cant even comment about it on Police Activity w/ out getting crossed out by google-

Comments shouldn't get censored alot of in justice has been going around- Like I saw two cops get shot in Fredericksburg Maryland only to have EMS roll up on the bad guy first just because the cops still had their weapon drawn they were both shot too- In the land of nothing make sense and everything is just the opposite of the way it should be where criminals get preferential treatment.

Then the bad guy isn't held criminally responsible for the attempted murder of two cops-


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