Monday, January 15, 2024

Suicide By Cop

 Growing up in the rooms I have heard countless times I wanted to offf myself but  didn't have the balls- Lets stop right there it doesn't take courage to commit suicide that is cowardice and the last thing one should ever do is get a cop involved  w/ /suicide by cop- That is selfish now the cop has to deal w/ something he wanted nothing to do with

I saw this veteran more then likely pull a suicide by cop in Reno recently- Lets thank all of the paper tigers and liars who created 9-11 and bs ed every step of the way- bullies cowards  like Rumsfeld- Bush the usual crew of war hawks that are going to die first themselves as Rumsfeld already has  before they are ever held accountable for their false flag-

Trump aint our savior and RFK speaks out of both sides of his mouth slim pickers on the politician front- Kennedy finally made everybody aware that his uncle and dad were assassinated by deep state but still talks like a politician-

I would have more respect for him if he wanted to be AG not POTUS because we need law and order- Hannity acted surprised when RFK told him there are some real bad guys out there but that just goes to show- Hannity should be an investigative journalist first and foremost and have already come to this realization years ago and told us so w/ out somebody telling him - Kind of like O'Reilly writing books typical sell outs making millions and obfuscating reality

Kennedy's books doesn't match his words because he should be trying to get people ready to meet their maker instead he says well I am not against vaccines just unsafe ones whatever- Why should crime be a left right scenario fraud and crime supersede political barriers but then why is it that most of these frauds seem to be  democrats -

Kennedy not impressive to say the least- Backing the green new deal and supporting the genocide in Israel- He told us about the genocide of the gays w/ Faucis AIDS cocktail so why would he then back the Kazarian maphia on the West Bank- He doesn't seem genuine JFKs son did he would have been the best 

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