Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Slim Pickens

 So APA corruption in cahoots w/ big pharma while Trumps biggest salesman Alex Jones has talked incessantly about how diabolical big pharma is but never talked about Trumps pathological narcissism along w/ his pal Steve Piece nick- It was always about how screwed up everybody else was and that Trump was getting a raw deal-

This is because msn covers for the Trumpian just as he blames the fake news  for what they do to him-  I don't think I want a president that is interested in expanding his marketing enterprise by getting Trump towers in Russia either- Seriously enough already- Unfortunately there isn't too much else to choose from at the moment-

I never trusted Dershowitz and found out later that he was the one that got Bandy Lee fired at Yale- Why because she was trying to do a public service- I most certainly would want to hear from a forensic psychiatrist without an agenda- I noticed the celebrity lawyer was the first one to go on Trumps defense after he was convicted civilly of sexual abuse- Trump acted the same way that Lee described to the woman during the deposition and her book was published before it

Also people have been intimidated by NDA s so they were never able to tell the truth- I don't respect bullies who weaponize the justice system drag people through the wringer and people who have a long track record of not only not paying their bills but also of not paying their  hard working contractors/ employees- 

Trumps brags about being a billionaire so if he whines about what he's going through now I think he can afford it-  His victims were never as fortunate. 

APA Red Flags

Amid ongoing concerns over conflicts of interest, a new study found that 60% of the physicians who served as panel and task force members for the American Psychiatric Association’s official manual of psychiatric disorders received payments from industry totaling more than $14 million. And the authors argue the findings raise questions about the editorial independence of the reference book.

The analysis examined financial relationships between industry and 92 U.S.-based physicians who helped assemble a recent revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is often referred to as the bible of psychiatry. This latest revision, known as the DSM-5-TR, was prepared between 2016 and 2019, and published in 2022. (A link that was on Bandy Lees blog-) I often find it interesting that Trumps niece can quote this that and the other thing without giving Bandy Lee any credit

Monday, January 22, 2024

Sick As A Dog

 So where did the saying as sick as a dog come from- From what I gather dogs rarely get sick and when I was sick w/ a respiratory infection from hell I still had to take care of 4 pups- Fever chills the whole 9 yards- I didn't even have enough energy to put my sneakers on to buy pepto

The pups still need to get their exercise if not they go crazy even thou I was the one that was sick as a dog- I was also pondering where Gene Hackmans  pup did his thing on a sub in the movie Crimson Tide 

The Trump Show

 Trump ain't our savior and RFK is no great shakes so who is left? Nobody really because the POTUS position is the most overrated job in the history of occupations- But yet we have been continually inundated 24/7 by not only the Trump show but with every other candidate that has thrown their hat in the ring.

I wonder if Trump ever gets tired of the Trump show because after people have exceeded their 15 minutes we tend to get sick of it - I am so grateful that I don't follow every nuance of the Trump show anymore and don't  try to dissect every single detail of his litigious feud against the deep state- Politicians should be seen and not heard.

Trump has marketing cache and he loves to expand his enterprise especially w/ his bobble head dolls and remember when he talks about something the world always revolves around him- So sick of the malignant narcissism in people and politics- That's why the real unsung heroes are the front line workers who have been involved in trying to save lives- Cops that solve murders and crack cases break up drug rings etc

People that Shawn Ryan has on his show skilled operators who have saved many lives in the continual fight for justice- Cops EMS folks firefighters nurses real people that have been affected by this addiction epidemic in real ways-

Therapists at the rehab centers that have done their best to plant seeds so their clients don't od and die as soon as they leave- I often ponder if the therapists and front line workers at the rehabs find out how many people passed away after they leave- It is traumatizing and heartbreaking it has been for me-  

 I often ponder is it premeditated murder by lacing street drugs w/ fentanyl- Seriously politicians need to be minimized there is no reason our news waves have to be filled w/ non stop sleepy creep and his entourage as well as the greatest show on earth Trump circus- Lets focus on the real people who make a difference fighting the good fight and  who are not protected by secret service and can never get their finger nails dirty  

Fixing The Fla Shuffle

 California is a Wasteland but at least Fla has hope- Fixing The Fla shuffle where they had a four panel team of experts explain what has been going on- Amanda Davidson qualifies as an expert she experienced the Fla  shuffle first hand and lost her boyfriend along the way.

I was surprised the cops didn't have cadaver dogs to find her missing boyfriend because many people informed upper management at Publix that something wasn't right and they were experts themselves- As a former on again off again manager of a FAR certified house there were many aspects to it that made the experience less then ideal-

The worst part about it was having to kick people out based on the tough love model of addiction there is no choice in this people needed to be separated from the others otherwise that's where the drug dens come into play.  

Now there is an overdose and addiction stabilization unit which is a blessing to have- The four panel team of experts were very knowledgeable and were trying to make the best out of a very tough situation- Managers need to be paid in sober living because its a difficult 24-7 job. The Fla shuffle transpired because people would get caught up in the cycle and end up in continually difficult recovery scenarios-  

Med Lock down

there isnnt proof that meds make them any better and many times it will make them worse- these programs and most other mental health pros all talk the same way- meds are hit or miss experimental at best however you never hear them talking about that aspect of it- big phatma sell outs control the entire apa and everything to do w it including the prison industrial complex

Monday, January 15, 2024

Suicide By Cop

 Growing up in the rooms I have heard countless times I wanted to offf myself but  didn't have the balls- Lets stop right there it doesn't take courage to commit suicide that is cowardice and the last thing one should ever do is get a cop involved  w/ /suicide by cop- That is selfish now the cop has to deal w/ something he wanted nothing to do with

I saw this veteran more then likely pull a suicide by cop in Reno recently- Lets thank all of the paper tigers and liars who created 9-11 and bs ed every step of the way- bullies cowards  like Rumsfeld- Bush the usual crew of war hawks that are going to die first themselves as Rumsfeld already has  before they are ever held accountable for their false flag-

Trump aint our savior and RFK speaks out of both sides of his mouth slim pickers on the politician front- Kennedy finally made everybody aware that his uncle and dad were assassinated by deep state but still talks like a politician-

I would have more respect for him if he wanted to be AG not POTUS because we need law and order- Hannity acted surprised when RFK told him there are some real bad guys out there but that just goes to show- Hannity should be an investigative journalist first and foremost and have already come to this realization years ago and told us so w/ out somebody telling him - Kind of like O'Reilly writing books typical sell outs making millions and obfuscating reality

Kennedy's books doesn't match his words because he should be trying to get people ready to meet their maker instead he says well I am not against vaccines just unsafe ones whatever- Why should crime be a left right scenario fraud and crime supersede political barriers but then why is it that most of these frauds seem to be  democrats -

Kennedy not impressive to say the least- Backing the green new deal and supporting the genocide in Israel- He told us about the genocide of the gays w/ Faucis AIDS cocktail so why would he then back the Kazarian maphia on the West Bank- He doesn't seem genuine JFKs son did he would have been the best 

Stop World Control

Who founded modern medicine? The Rockefellers, who knew nothing about medicine. Who currently dictates healthcare worldwide? Bill Gates, who knows nothing about healthcare. Bill Gates operates as a true world dictator, dictating policy in healthcare, agriculture, the food industry, the news media, weather manipulation, and so much more. Who else dictates the news? People like George Soros, who knows nothing about journalism, but who buys entire news agencies all around the world. Stop World Control

I used to think there was no way Soros could have his hooks in many of these defund the police woke cities-Then I saw the results stand down on crime under the phony guise of restorative justice- das that are afraid to pull the trigger by doing their job now look at the results- Diaster central and I cant even comment about it on Police Activity w/ out getting crossed out by google-

Comments shouldn't get censored alot of in justice has been going around- Like I saw two cops get shot in Fredericksburg Maryland only to have EMS roll up on the bad guy first just because the cops still had their weapon drawn they were both shot too- In the land of nothing make sense and everything is just the opposite of the way it should be where criminals get preferential treatment.

Then the bad guy isn't held criminally responsible for the attempted murder of two cops-


Thursday, January 4, 2024

California Is A Wasteland

Defendants lured patients into their programs by offering them kickbacks in the form of … free or low-cost living arrangements in ‘sober living homes’ located in highly desirable locations throughout California. In reality, the sober living homes were little more than drug dens, used to ensure patients remained in Defendants’ treatment ‘programs’ for as long as possible…. ensuring reliance on treatment rather than recovery from treatment.”

In the rare instance where a patient progressed while still retaining benefits, Aetna said the operators encouraged drug use so the treatment cycle (and billings) could start anew.

“Defendants weaponized addiction and pushed relapse to prevent recovery,” the suit says. “Far from performing services for their patients, Defendants actively worked to harm their patients- Cal Political Review- California what a wasted state feckless leadership and a governor who doesn't have a clue-

What a difference between fla a law and order state and Cal a once beautiful place to live but is now being run over by callous crime on every level- When fla had demonstrable  problems w/ unethical drug dens Dave Aronberg created a task force and many arrests were made- In Cal you cant even find a da w/ the guts to clean up a mess created by the same people that are now doing nothing about it

Newsome is delusional and grandiose- Since he did such a horrific job as governor and is now being run over by crime and lawlessness he not only wanted to run for president but also give his two cents about the Israel Hamas quagmire- This is what happens in America if you are a failed politician you still have a self appointed entitlement that promotes you based on abject failures-

The problem w/ these destroy America at all costs restorative justice types is they are disregarding the rights of law abiding tax paying citizens- The kind of people who have enough on their plate w/ hyperinflation. They don't want to send their kid to a drug den that is trying to pass themselves off as sober living- They also don't want to walk into a store and have it looted by criminals run rampant who know they wont get incarcerated