Monday, December 19, 2022

Global Predators

The global predators are neither idealistic progressives nor freedom loving capitalists- They are devoted neither to the common good nor to individual freedom- They are predators eager to collaborate w/ anyone who shares the primary goal of controlling,dominating, and exploiting humanity x111 - experimental vaccines preventing early treatments EUA- Emerg use auth act in order to get tax payer financing and free pass from the FDA-v11 Faucis evil intent to enrich global predators-prematurely pushes remdesiver proven dangerous and supresses hydroxychloroquine and invermectin already proven safe and highly effective inexpensive over the counter- 163- the lethality of covid 19 vaccines was planned-172 The decision making surrounding covid amounts to the largest blunder in human history,” Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., Former Professor of Evolutionary Biology, Evergreen State College. “The censorship is creating a phony sense that there is agreement amongst all of the responsible doctors about what to do and the few doctors who say otherwise are fringe cranks. And this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The message that was given to us from public health authorities was not just inept. It actually went well beyond that. It was really the inverse of everything we should have done. Because it was forced on us with this strong form of coercion, it was widely accepted because people didn’t have a choice. Because the vaccine was so targeted, we effectively drove this pathogen to diversify.” “It’s a terrible crime that this vaccine has been pushed in the media as long as it has been and has prevented any news of horrible side effects in the main stream media from being communicated,” said Steven Ordonia, victim of adverse events from mRNA vaccines. “This vaccine has nearly ruined my life and severely altered it.”- VT intel

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dr Richard Fleming

How is mr know it all indictable evidence on the covid jabs going to have cred- Answer for this to us because we are tired of criminals trying to indict criminals-A federal grand jury in Nebraska returned an indictment against Fleming on January 18, 2007, charging ten counts of health care fraud and three counts of mail and wire fraud. The health care fraud counts charged Fleming with submitting bills to insurance companies in 2002 for medical procedures, diagnostic heart tests, he had not actually performed. The mail and wire fraud counts charged Fleming with obtaining payment from a North Carolina soy food company in 2004 for product testing work he had not performed, and more specifically charged him with lying about whether he had performed the services he was paid for, and with creating and submitting false documents in order to cover up the fact that he had not done the work for which he had been paid. The case actually went to trial, which began on April 6, 2009, and the jury was deliberating on their verdict when Fleming pled guilty, admitting that he had committed both health care fraud) We are sick of it- we need legit intel from boy scouts and I am grateful that I am not going to waste money on his book- I am not stating that Fleming is off the mark intel wise- I am asking why our sources have to come from convicted fraudsters- crimes that were comited w/ obvious intent- We also want to know if all of his alphabet soups after his name are legit ie- md phd jd etc

Criminals In Charge

Britny Griner human rights abuse- backward stone age country Russia that throws away the key for ridiculolus charges like weed- kind of like the other country Afghanastan bottom of the barrel- Putin is supposedly fighting the nwo and the diabolical nazis in ukraine but still has ridiculous obsolete laws on the books- Trading a real war criminal like victor bout for harmless britny griner pathetic to say the least- Kind of like those backward indigenous afghanis who are violent against women and we were sent there for an unwinable war- Afghan papers they knew it all along- The Russians went threw hell fighting them w/ enough conventional/unconventional troops- they were also a world superpower and they still couldnt do it- What was the USA supposed to do in afghanastan after sending most of our troops to Iraq- No overall strategy direct exposure to people that Miguel Ferrer was supposed to train- Ferrer was on his way to buds but has issues w/ colors- He poured his heart and soul into training people who didnt give a dam- not only about thier own people but no patriotsim nor love for countrry- In war the victor only appears to win- Bill W- Ok tell any head football coach that they are playing not to win but just to bide time- That is what they did to our troops in both Iraq and Afghanastan- Now our vets have serious issues- Lisa Marie Bodenburg was the first female door gunnar in the USMC- Impressive all the way around but breathed in toxic garbage from the tar pits- Had heart issues had to leave the military at the top of her game- Thanks alot for the noxious tar pits chain gang- (many military personel had and now have cancer) and suicides have been off the charts- If this isnt bad enough the corps is backing this experimental vaccine like it was already proven and w/ out question will be very effective- I cant wait until real jags get a hold of that information based on the number of deaths and permanent disabilities according to vaers as well as personal accounts- Sleazebag politicians and msm selling this vaccine like true drug dealers and what is also horrific is that the Marine corps is standing behind it as well- They were trying to force Lisa Marie and many others on this unvetted jab that also appears to be an actual bio weapon- Its not looking too good for the criminals in charge because they wont be for much longer that is for certain-

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Wheels Up

Now its time to go to the fleet-There nobody cares if you were honor graduate or bottom of the barrel- None of that matters you start again from zero- Lisa Marie Bodenburg- If war is a racket then so is the criminal justice system- How does a former pbso get sentenced to 9 years in state prison for assault threats brandihing his weapon etc- This man appears to be arrogant and obviously has probs but his first criminal offense while working off duty- Are we living in some draconian gulag where now they are throwing the book at leos- Seriously people get less time for shootings and even murder- He made a mistake locking people up has already proven to be ineffective- Negative reinforcement has been proven for years to do more harm then good- This cop thought some young men in wpb hit his porsche he went way overboard should have been terminated etc. but 9 years in the pen are you kidding me- The criminal justice system in the USA has tremendous problems anyway- Punishment vs rehabilitation throwing the book at people has done more harm then good- This man dedicates his life to law enforcement had a few probs along the way he may have even been a vet- Drill instructor at police boot camp tough etc people deserve second chances in life that is what the criminal justice sysstem is supposed to be for to help people rehabiliate not ruin thier life- I am sure this man has saved many lives over the years- Most people dont have a clue of what our leos have to endure- Horrific car accidents they are always the first responders at peoples worst time in thier life and they do this every day. The state went way overboard in this case and that sets a bad precedent for future cases-

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Trophy Son

Elite tennis players are soldiers who enlist at eight rather then eighteen-pg-163- Anton the young tennis star future is bright after tennis because his mind is active-How many people can quote Dickens and be a warrior poet- The other tennis pros would read mags and definitely not enhance thier cerebral endevors outside of the courts- He may have played a little x box but mostly he enhanced his life by reading and thinking of novels of previous greats in sport as well as in the historical- literary realm- If people expect the athletes to not delve into ped s then the sport needs to be less grueling- Why and how is it that in order to compete these days you have to give up life and limb- Apparantly only a select few make the money in the world of pro tennis- in other words everybody is just an investment-Just like the nfl and most other pro sports the grind weeds out far too many that otherwise had the talent to make it to the top- My dad was trying to get me to read Sheridan- To not only learn and understand the brutality of war but to also delve into the world beyond my limited myopic space- It didnt take I avoided Sheridan like the plague but eventually it did- I crossed over to the Rubicon into the literary realm when I became a warrior poet myself- I suppose I always was one but in order to gain perspective you need the backround- That meant books upon books of previous greats majoring in history and ofcourse the brutality of war- When one is a history major we learn nothing but war- Gaining my backround by voracious reading enhanced my ability to compete just like Anton did on the courts- His future is a bright shining light because of his perspective and intellectual curiosity- That is what will seperate him as far as career options- Either teaching other young kids how to play x box after a grueling match or how to write a novel of epic proportions- Writing comes from the soul its not something that can really be taught- You can only plant the seeds just like my dad did w/ Sheridan and many others-