Monday, August 29, 2022

Blowback Is Coming

They lied about their roles in the nefarious origins of SARS CoV-2. They conjured up — already had waiting, actually — dangerous genetic treatments masquerading as “vaccines” and then they faked the safety trials to rush them into use. They denied people proper, effective treatments with inexpensive drugs and killed them with ventilators and remdesivir — solely to maintain a fraudulent emergency use authorization (EUA) that shielded “vaccine” companies from lawsuits. Once the “vaccines’ were widely distributed — and forced upon many people with mandates — they confabulated and hid information about adverse reactions and deaths. They destroyed countless small businesses, livelihoods, households, and hindered children’s development with lockdowns. And they used both social and news media to censor their critics in direct violation of the first amendment. That’s all. Jim Kunstler sotn,

Fraud Manipulation

 cdc long history of fraudulent criminal activity- Pam Poppers chronicle - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has provided the public with a considerable amount of false information during its entire existence. For example, COVID-19 is not the first fake pandemic the agency has promoted. In 1976, after five soldiers at Ft. Dix contracted the flu and one died after not following his doctor’s orders to rest, CDC head David Sencer predicted that a flu epidemic worse than the Spanish flu was imminent and could only be stopped with vaccines.[1] Panic ensued, and hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in phone banks and surveillance and vaccines.[2] [3] An epidemic never took place, but the quickly-developed vaccine caused serious side effects in at least 20% of those who received it. There were hundreds of cases of paralysis and 674 deaths.[4]

This was not an isolated incident. When only five cases of what would become known as AIDS had been reported, CDC internal memos showed that the agency was already planning and gearing up for an "epidemic of AIDS."[5]

In 2009, a worldwide fake flu epidemic was declared. The CDC jumped right on board and lied to the American people in order to perpetuate the myth that a dangerous flu was spreading and to scare people into getting a vaccine. During the aftermath of this debacle, the then-honest press investigated and reported what had really happened. The public was lied to – again.[6] [7]

When the COVID-19 debacle started in March 2020, I reported that the CDC and other government agencies had declared a fake pandemic and that I was not surprised since government bureaucrats and health officials had been practicing with fake pandemic declarations for a very long time. I was only surprised that it had not happened sooner.

What was rather shocking, however, is how the CDC claimed powers never granted by Congress to micromanage the lives of hundreds of millions of people with "guidance" which was updated and strengthened regularly.

CDC’s "Guidance" Re COVID-19

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Warrior Poet

Anything worth in life is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards! I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a UDT Navy SEAL diver! I'll wine, dine, intertwine and sneak out the back door when the refueling is done! frogman- Lone Survivor

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Placebo Nation

 Potus did something right by helping people w/ their student loans- Many of these loans are predatory and very difficult to pay off- When a system is rigged by the Blackrocks of our world things are not as unequivocal-

High interest  Universities should charge much less- especially since they have all of these grants- Inquiring people want to know if everybody at fox news was told to toe the party line- Do you mean there isn't one fox news person who thinks potus Biden did something right?

Hannity insinuated that people are not hard working enough and shouldn't be bailed out- Many loans are like the toxic tranches that melted down our system in 08- How is one to succeed under these circumstances-

My chiro hard working mid 50s very smart air force worked his way through school still has high student loan debt- He hasn't sold out to the insurance  allopathic sick care system racket where corruption has been the norm- We have been set up like a banana republic where not only is corruption the norm but so are high death counts- Third and Fourth world countries dictatorial medical care out of control un affordable w/ out insurance and even w/ insurance-- that is the USA

I am still trying to figure out how many of these insurance companies green lighted enormous pay outs for lab tests that were rigged by unscrupulous dirty drug dealers- Half way house kickbacks from labs-- How could an insurance company say yes to multiple blood tests for thousands and thousands-

It just so happened that the higher the corruption was the higher the od death count- Delray and many other cities throughout our country had dead od clients in high numbers in residential neighborhoods- Banana republic population reduction for many Fla shuffle clients and others.

People still need to be held accountable- The only way these insurance companies would pay our such egregious sums is if they were clearly in on it- Otherwise it would be just say no-

Fox news corrupt- big pharma commercials every single break we are sick of them- Why doesn't Hannity interview somebody like Pam Popper she as well as countless others are not only  very smart but have been angry for a very long time- Big pharma corruption- that is Fox news and company

Friday, August 12, 2022

No Rule Of Law

We know the FBI lied to judges about the fake Russian Dossier. We know the FBI has had two years to follow up on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and hasn’t. When Hillary Clinton had more than 100 emails containing classified information on the server in her home, the FBI did not raid her house. When Hillary Clinton deleted 31,000 emails, used BleachBit software to wipe her system, and had her staff use a hammer to literally destroy a hard drive, she faced no legal consequences. Newt Gingrich

The FBI interferes with and warps national elections. It hires complete frauds as informants who are far worse than its targets. It humiliates or exempts government and elected officials based on their politics. It violates the civil liberties of individual American citizens.

The FBI’s highest officials now routinely mislead Congress. They have erased or altered court and subpoenaed evidence. They illegally leak confidential material to the media. And they have lied under oath to federal investigators.

The agency has become dangerous to Americans and an existential threat to their democracy and rule of law. The FBI should be dispersing its investigatory responsibilities to other government investigative agencies that have not yet lost the public’s trust. Victor Davis Hanson

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Phycho- Socio Realm

 How does one determine a pcho/sociopath- One of the biggest gauges is sadistic/depraved treatment toward animals- That would be the diminutive weasel wanna be Dr Mengele Fauci scum of the earth who ran this Covid garbage- Total weasel crimes against animals and soon to be against humanity- It looks like we are batting 1000 w/ the head weasel of the NIH and the Richard Saclkers of our world.

We have depraved individuals and some may say the apple doesn't fall well you know the rest- Our former AGs son Eric Holder jr. arrested for a gang bang murder- That appears to be a premeditated cold and calculated murder and that is  a crime punishable up to life in prison, this falls into the pchp/socio realm-

We have had criminals running things for far too long- Eric Holder- Slimy Comey HSBC money laundering for a Mexican drug cartel- stand downs at the fbi for major crimes- Banana Republic- That is where the ruling elite are never held into account- Fbi raids no credibility- they have already proven themselves to be unprofessional and unreliable at best especially when we needed them most- Now another raid  this one at former Potus compound-

We have a world desensitized by gratuitous violence  due to our ineffectual leaders- A current AG political hack that talks about himself way too much  at school speeches. Psychotropics- narcotics laced w/ fentanyl school shootings- shootings in general ghost guns- x box dumb phones- zombie Apocalypse (the spike protein) they all go together like symbiosis. A former AGs son premeditated murder gang bang style and a pycho /sociopath running the covid scam- hyperinflation the list goes on, its not looking that great at the moment.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Rome Was Burning

 The modern day Neros  that watched Rome burn- That would be the ineffectual leaders of Woodstock 99- Setting up a powder keg of angst by charging a hefty sum and then price gouging the water- Horrible hot  garbage strewn about as the so called leaders still never took full responsibility for a major screw up- What can we expect from wanna be capitalists mixed in w/ politicians- They are extremely lucky people didn't die by being trampled- You need security w/ experience that blend in not a police state and then make believe you care- Clean up the porta potties these so called organizers couldn't have been worse-

Security is the last line of defense before law enforcement- Hire the right people and then pay them  accordingly- Dont hire potheads that never worked a derail in their lives- Overall apathy and sign of the times-  violence metal- Sheryl Crow and Jewel definitively didn't fit in this venue- 

Supergirl Speech

"If we can all tap into the deepest truths of our soul, and own our magnificence, together, we will defeat the powers of darkness. Together... we will be unstoppable. Together... we will create a better world." Supergirl

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Real No Spin Zone

 There is a woman that succeeds in what Bill Oreilly was striving to be- Megyn Kelly the real no spin zone-