Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Americas Sweetheart

 Blondie has a heart of glass while Joan Jett and Pat Benatar have serious range- Olivia is an angel along w/Agnetha and Frida- Celines love can move mountains but Madonna will always be the queen- Stevie Nicks Carly Simon -There are too many talented artists to name-Christina-.Belinda -Natalie- Susana Shaina, Maria- Beyonce- Lady Gaga- Britney is gorgeous w/ huge talent and Jessica's  Angels and Joss Stone the list goes one- There is an angel named Alyona who hits home runs w/ songs from hall of fame bands- 

Its about love and connection-  Mandy More Miley is amazing Pink has serious pipes as well- It would take too long right now to list them all- Jewel- Sheryl Crow- Gwen Stefani- Carrie Underwood always inspires her light w/ in runs quite dieep- Its tough to single out one individual  as Americas Sweetheart but that one has to go to Taylor Swift    

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Autocratic Grifter

 former Potus appears to be an autocratic grifter- Why should we the people pay money to get an electorate system straightened out- isn't that what taxes are for? Allegedly some of these monies were used for greasing peoples pockets not some legal defense fund-

The Trumpians cant seem to help themselves -capitalizing off of public office- a position supposedly he wasn't going to take any money for- We have to pay a dollar to sign his b-day card wtf is that- seriously how is that making America great again-  His wall fund didn't seem to pan out not only did it never happen but his pal sloppy Steve allegedly put some cash in his back pocket-

I dont think I trust former Potus anymore- Anybody who has needed so many lawyers over the years one has to wonder- Gaming the system by loopholes w/ in the legal sector of the real estate business is not exactly stand up-  I read that many lawyers were never paid either- What was it that I read something to the effect of the contractors had to rush a job and work double time for one of his narcissistic supply events in 2016- And then after/ all of the work was completed on time they never got paid seriously could that be true because inquiring people want to know   

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

This Is The NWO this is the nwo and I will destroy you in court- Inquiring people want to know if drug addicts and alcoholics can rehabilitate after exhibiting sociopathy- There doesn't appear to be much hope for the psychopaths of this world but the sociopath  may be savaged-

If somebody  acts a certain way to continue the addiction and there is some semblance of remorse w/ the sociopath then recovery and rehabilitation could be beneficial  w/ a court mandate     

The A Train

 Some people teach history others love to talk about it while others actually make it- Some people quote others while others actually make up their own- One of our coaches used to quote Lombardi but he wasn't a great coach- He beat us down to the ground so hard and lost our best players- He used to talk about missing the A train- Unfortunately he was the one who missed the A train-

Why would somebody beat up his team so bad during practice that they wouldn't be ready for the big games like Army- Our coach was definitely full of ego but not so much of the actual winning

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Comeys Clowns

 I believe AJ to be legit and that there is a solid chance these diabolical acts do take place- He has been quite prescient for many years- He is humble about it as well- He just looked at the information in their own words-

Going after and exposing corruption is admirable we just need these underground tunnels to be destroyed- Sitting on the sidelines hearing how law enforcement is not able to do their job because of the higher ups w in the political realm w/ in fbi allegedly in their back pocket has been quite upsetting- deep indignation-

So their is political cronies w/ in the fbi the love birds floor 7 etc. Comeys clowns- Apparently the lower tech and field  fbi guys are the ones to really be proud of- Any higher up fed w/ a political agenda  working for we the people who stonewalls important investigations needs to get exposed and eradicated- (My old boss used to say lawyers that need to be right lose more cases then those that dont- Jack McCoy)

Law And Order- Free Speech

 Inquiring people want to know how real the q tards are- Are the allegations substantiated by actionable intel? If so I believe law enforcement would love to arrest them- Leos mostly are not political they want nothing more then to put away bad guys so is AJ real or not? We want cuffs and we dont  want to be strung along any longer because the boy who cried wolf too many times loses cred-

I respect Alex Jones nobody is perfect everybody has problems but I will give you two big ones- Going after beautiful Michelle Malkin for reasons I dont even remember was way over the top disturbing and inappropriate- Also if you claim to have good intel which I know he does use it for good not low blow inappropriate means because that is not very professional.  Peoples personal lives are not really fair game-off limits= Confronting Marco Rubio at the airport was really bad news- If you are calling out the eyes in the sky as being used for nefarious means why would you do the exact same thing to somebody else- Panapticon 5 eyes and all of the rest  is supposed to be used to put away bad guys not used to dig up dirt on somebody you dont like to exploit their  personal life- that is hypocrisy in its finest form- That is why its called personal its not meant to be used for anything unless the individual gives consent-

I heard Jones kills animals if true I am definitely not down w/ that- Having a weapon for self defense purposes is fine as long as you train w/ paper targets- Anybody that kills- animals for game or sport is definitely not going to my pal- These second amendment gun nuts that kill animals like Ted Nugent make my skin crawl- Especially since Jones talks about how and why he is anti war and a total peace nick and that  the neo cons manufactured the escalation of the GWOT etc- Anybody that kills anything for reasons when they dont have to is operating at a very low vibration/ electromagnetic frequency- definitely 3 d 

Night Crawlers

 Lou is not only a criminal he is a sociopath- Psychopaths are supposedly born and not made but why cant the same be said about sociopaths- Psychopaths can turn on the charm but so can the sociopaths that came right out of the book (The Sociopath Next Door-) Sociopaths supposedly can not control their rage impulses while the pychos tend to be more calm and calculated-

Lou played by Jake Gyllenhaal was a chilling neo noir that was quite creepy to say the least- Unfortunately there are real people like this and these are the ones that need to be locked up-