Monday, May 16, 2022

The Art Of The Steal

 Former Potus wrote a book called The Art Of The Steal- Dont remember if he talked about how to exactly go about it but it went something like-( make the deal and then after the job is completed make believe it was sup par and that you were overcharged and then eventually pay 50 cents on the dollar of what the job was really worth-)

Inquiring people want to know how many more victims their are.  I am also waiting to read about the guy who made money working w/ or for Trump- I know people arent setting the world on fire after graduating from Trump Univ but please somebody prove me wrong- We want real numbers- If you try to subjugate your opponent where a business liaison shouldn't be considered an opponent that is not the recipe for success- Taking advantage of ones weaker position is not good business that is greed and last time I checked greed wasn't good

A good business deal is where both parties win respect  and genuinely like working together-  You dont drag people through the wringer and win only after they raise the white flag because they cant afford the legal wrangling- That is not being a champion for the working man that is being a sleaze-

I can see why Trump is pals w/ Carl Icahn- the modern day corporate raider who made believe Herbal Life was legit- They are both predatory vulture capitalists

Friday, May 13, 2022

The Business World

 In the China Joe world you make a business deal while hiding behind your mask staying 6 feet apart not making eye contact and then briefly fist bumping- In the real world you shake on a business deal and look them square in the eye- I always felt that if I looked the judge in the eye it would be better even though I was headed to jail-

Former Potus lost my respect so I am not behind him fighting big tech and all of the rest of his marketing promos where you guessed it they are always looking for money- How do you make business deals and then decide after the job was completed that it was sub par or that he was overcharged-

Former Potus has a consistent record of no pay and hurt many people including his own chauffeur- 3000 plus hours overtime and then a pay increase only after he no longer has health benefits- If former Potus cant even take care of his own employees how would he ever make America great again- His track record is consistent and appears to be brutally dishonest and unethical-

If you make a deal then stick to it and dont weasel out of after the job is completer and then offer the same contractor work in the future- He owes people money and a lot of it so he needs to clean up his side of the street first before he decides to take on big tech or attempt anything else for that matter. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Thieves Turned Politicians

  I must admit that I was quite excited to hear that former Potus was running and I pretty much had a feeling that he was going to win against all odds- We felt a connection w/ him however he has some skeletons in the closet-

There is nothing worse then a thief turned politician, there may be a valid reason why the Southern District Of Ny doesn't like him- When law enforcement doesn't like you they start digging-  Dont make believe you are out for the little guy even though you robbed from them- The problem is that the higher ups in the political realm have a disconnect and this list includes former Potus-

I know people that know people that weren't paid by Trump- their were clauses in the contract, these people  appear to be legitimate honest hard working people you know the little guys Trump touted as his people during his marketing campaign to make America great again-

If a tree died when it wasn't supposed to he didn't pay found a way to weasel out of it just sue me wtf is that- What makes this even worse is that he was calling out Hillary for robbing from the poor Haitian people and obviously that wasn't even on stateside soil- The disconnect is that Trump never struggled never really worked the blue collar jobs never felt the struggle these people felt and feel every day.

Therefore thats the disconnect Ringling bros greedy hoar taxi medallion scam lawyers like Michael Cohen- lack of empathy and then took a shot at Desantis a man that is going to turn out to be untouchable in the leadership realm- If Trump wants to continue on w/ his political ambitions he needs to make amends and pay these people back - Trump also seems like the quintessential globalist you know the kind that he claims to want to eradicate-

He may not rub elbows w the Karl Shwabs of the world however he still appears to be a capital crownie-  So and so gets the job etc. good old boy network and then Operation Warp speed mans/Trumps greatest achievement- Lets see how that pans out w/ the VAERS data base. Trump appears to be a big pharma hoar as well.,  Fox news definitely is, every commercial tells us all about it

Bleeding Deacon

 checking in and out and in and out of rehab aint quite the shame it used to be- Crazy Aint Original No More-The world has gone half crazy anyway- Sheryl Crow- We have too many thieves in suits- Lets take a look at the Republican Con- Reagan wanted to make America Great Again by locking up brothers in the inner city while his wife said just say no- He also played Born In The USA - as a patriotic song- The problem was the boss was singing about what a shitshow Vietnam was not tooting Americas horn-

So Potus Trump wanted to make America great again maybe he was onto something- I wear earplugs for a reason- I tune out cheerleaders blaring into the mike at the triangle club and bleeding deacon pastors who question our Christianity even if we follow the golden rule

Attending a wounded vet run I tried to tune out the annoying guy on the bullhorn trying to get us pumped by blaring Born In The USA- They had vets talking about foundations that supported vets just say no to suicide- All because of our thieves in suits- I am pondering who would have been a worse Potus Gores Inconvenient Truth propaganda con or Ws GWOT w/ his own bull horn at ground zero-

Either way these thieves in pinstripe suits came at us w/ propaganda and fear tactics earily reminiscent of the latest corona con- They just play the same script over and over because lets face it it really works- If it aint broke dont try to fix it because way too much money is being made- Oh my the world is going to end in ten years global warming and if we dont kill them over there they are going to kill us over here we must muzzle up and shut up the list goes on

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Ward Of The State

 The thing about vampires is that you need to open the window to let them in- Kelly Brogan-

I have changed my view on EIT- (enhanced interrogation techniques-) They seem to work Hank Voight style- There is a fine line between a cop and a criminal but when you cross too many of them sometimes you may forget where they are. Hank makes it clear that he is in charge of his unit and will do whatever it takes to take down bad guys- That is not woke that is just good police work- How certain sectors are trying to defund the police is abhorrent